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Your Ruination Ideas

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What's everyone's narrative they have for their upcoming Ruination units for their armies?

I've decided to go with Celestial Warbringers for my scheme, I have a Sacrosanct Army themed under them that are going back to their original job.

I like the idea that the reforging has taken away their memories, even recent ones, and all they are left with is future premonitions. They go into battle not with previous comrades in arms, but Stormcasts they know they know they will forge new tales with.

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that seems like a cool concept for a short story or something, but how do you reflect that in your minis?

I tend to be very color/conversion scheme focused. So if I were doing a runation, Id try for incredibly warn down/battle damaged, like even the reforging leaves them ravaged. Either that or theme them heavily based on a realm. Lava armor if they were from aquashy for example, or as rusted overgrown statues if realm of life etc.

I'd always wanted to try to paint some army in the scheme of Art Deco, and think stormcast models would fit that well. 

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  • 1 month later...

I was thinking my dudes might actually view it as a sort of release. A tragic one, but they're beyond caring about collateral damage and causality. It's time to take the fight to the enemy, no holding back, no doubts, just hyperfixation on the goal. A bit like Superman's World of Cardboard speech or those Paladins that don't fear falling, but quietly look forward to it. Before they had to worry about being heroic, doing the right thing, etc. Now, there's no distractions, an amoral purity of purpose. They go forth with glorious purpose and nothing will get in their way.

Edited by The Other Shrek
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