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26 minutes ago, woolf said:

100% agree with you on this. In spite of having some aelves on the shelf I play Kruleboyz as my "main" army atm (actually Big Waaagh with mostly KBz but yeah.. well...) and was super happy and hyped about these faction abilities - some added hero interaction like you mention would be great but even without it I think the randomness is manageable.. then again am also not playing in tournaments so maybe for some ppl the lack of consistency is an issue. 

The thing is, your opponent has to treat it as potentially happening. It's going to be really hard going into KB knowing that your charging unit might suddenly have half the output, and potentially even be striking last.

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How do people choose colour schemes? I'm painting Skabbik and co as a tester for a Skaven army but I haven't painted anything for a couple of weeks as I'm stuck with a painters version of writers block. I can't decide on a scheme. Being red green colour blind probably doesn't help as I can't really figure out what colours the official scheme is using. I though black white and red would be nice but that's the same scheme as my cities army. This is always by far the longest part of the painting process for me. 

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8 hours ago, woolf said:

As we commented on a few times now, the Slaanesh one seems utterly garbage, just even mathematically it makes no sense that they wrote it like that... I really just dont get that one haha


Yeah, yeah... rub it in. 

Seriously, though, how can they have playtested the Slaanesh ability and not instantly realised that it's dreadful? 

I suspect someone who makes big decisions hates Hedonites. Probably the same bozo that tried to get Slaanesh written out when AoS was launched. 

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14 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Yeah, yeah... rub it in. 

Seriously, though, how can they have playtested the Slaanesh ability and not instantly realised that it's dreadful? 

I suspect someone who makes big decisions hates Hedonites. Probably the same bozo that tried to get Slaanesh written out when AoS was launched. 

Although even Vince’s points about how this ability is terrible seem to suggest that Slaanesh itself may be perfectly competitive from a power level perspective. Winning a few games could allow designers to kind of gloss over the trait being bad. 

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1 hour ago, Gailon said:

Although even Vince’s points about how this ability is terrible seem to suggest that Slaanesh itself may be perfectly competitive from a power level perspective. Winning a few games could allow designers to kind of gloss over the trait being bad. 

sure but I think he said that u can just never use it more than once, which I think is the problem, if opponent wasn't allowed to affect charge rolls it would probably be OK although still a bit downside, but I think most high dmg stuff are monsters and they seem to be wounding on 2+ anyways so modifying wound to a 6 doesn't seem game breaking to me. But auto countercharge 12" allows opponent to block a lot of battle tactics, that was his main point, and that will lose u games. 

So sure army migth be good enough to win without battle traits... still makes that rule bad, kinda lorem ipsum text...

Eg dirty tricks in 3rd was a bit like that, sure you could win games with Kruleboyz but was never because of that trait, at least in my games ^^

now it's also worse since its the only battle trait they have...

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I know im a bit late to the partyJust want to say i bought Season of War: Thondia and have to say that at a first glace i think the book is pretty good. It has great lore contents. It even supports open play games. Dont know why GW didnt make more of these books to be honest. (Not talking about the way overpriced terrain set that came with it)

Edited by Gitzdee
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Imho, Slaanesh Temptation Dice should be used to make one re-roll instead of giving a plain 6. If the re-roll is not a success, then the unit takes 1D3 mw. There are a lot of 3+ or 4+ rolls in the game, it would be so tempting to use this re-rolls in case of a failure.


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28 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Imho, Slaanesh Temptation Dice should be used to make one re-roll instead of giving a plain 6. If the re-roll is not a success, then the unit takes 1D3 mw. There are a lot of 3+ or 4+ rolls in the game, it would be so tempting to use this re-rolls in case of a failure.


They got scared of rrs in second edition and dropped the mechanic.

And for me that is a mistake.

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38 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Imho, Slaanesh Temptation Dice should be used to make one re-roll instead of giving a plain 6. If the re-roll is not a success, then the unit takes 1D3 mw. There are a lot of 3+ or 4+ rolls in the game, it would be so tempting to use this re-rolls in case of a failure.


I like it. Putting the temptation back into it.

I really like the concept of the Temptation Dice. I think it could be very flavoursome. But the way they've devised it this time around is just stupid. 

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23 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I like it. Putting the temptation back into it.

I really like the concept of the Temptation Dice. I think it could be very flavoursome. But the way they've devised it this time around is just stupid. 

Yeah let's hope Slaanesh is not too far out in the battletome cycle and it gets fixed

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3 hours ago, Chikout said:

How do people choose colour schemes? I'm painting Skabbik and co as a tester for a Skaven army but I haven't painted anything for a couple of weeks as I'm stuck with a painters version of writers block. I can't decide on a scheme. Being red green colour blind probably doesn't help as I can't really figure out what colours the official scheme is using. I though black white and red would be nice but that's the same scheme as my cities army. This is always by far the longest part of the painting process for me. 


I also have a red/green colour deficiency. It makes things a little more tricky when it comes to colour choice, but if you learn a bit of colour theory it can help bridge the gap. Before even starting with colours, it helps to realize that the most important thing to worry about is dark/light contrast, because it is what makes the miniature readable. You can paint a good-looking miniature in just black and white, but you can't paint a good looking miniature where everything is the same level of brightness even if you use every colour of the rainbow. The good thing about that is that people with deficient colour vision can recognize dark/light contrast just as well as anyone else.

The next step is understanding how to use the colour wheel:




For colour schemes, it helps to choose a main colour. In the case of Skabbik and his dudes, that's probably green. You could then paint the whole miniature just using a base green and its tints (adding white), tones (adding grey) and shades (adding black). That kind of monochromatic painting can still look good if you get the contrast right because there are no clashing colours.

You can then think about adding colour contrast in addition to dark/light contrast. Colours that are next to your base colour are low contrast with it and the further away you move from it around the circle the higher the contrast will be. The colour directly opposite of your base colour is its complementary colour, the one that contrasts with it the most. Both high and low colour contrast can look good, but high contrast is harder to make look good (highly contrasting colours have a tendency to look garish). So if your base colour is green, for example, you can pretty safely dip into blues and yellows, but will get the highest contrast out of purples. Incidentally, green/purple is the colour scheme of the Joker from Batman, so that drives home the point that the colour combination is highly impactful, but can look kind of clownish.

What follows are some rules of thumb you can try out:

  • Your painting should have a main colour, and use other colours more sparingly/as accents. So on a green rat, a bottle of mysterious purple liquid could be a cool addition.
  • When highlighting, you can just add white to your base colour. But you can also move around the colour wheel towards yellow for a less desaturated look. This is why light yellows and skin tones (light oranges) are popular for highlighting. Similarly, for shading you can move towards blue/purple instead of using black.
  • White, grey, black, browns, skin tones and silvers are generally neutral colours. They can go with any main colour and provide very little colour contrast. This is good if you just want to paint an element of your miniature in a way that doesn't draw attention to it, but can be difficult if you want to use any of these colours as your main colour, because you really need to pay attention to your dark/light contrast to make them stand out.
  • There are many different kinds of contrast: Dark/light, chromatic (colour), saturation, finish (glossy, metallic, matte), etc... They can all be used to make your paint job more impactful, and generally the skill in composition comes from giving the miniature good contrast without it being overwhelming in any one part.


Implementing all that with Skabbik, here's what you can do for a paint job that will likely look impactful but still harmonic:

  • Green main colour, tone it down with a bit of grey, use white and black for desaturated highlights and shadows.
  • For contrast in sturation, use a very saturated green on any magical effects. Highlight with yellow-greens and yellows. Make sure the magic/smoke stuff has good dark/light contrast, as well.
  • For colour contrast, use a bit of purple in the shadows when shading the rat flesh. Just have some fun with browns, skin tones and whites on their skin and fur otherwise, since those colour won't strongly contrast with your main colour and will probably look good.
  • For metallics, both golds (yellow) and verdigris (green-blue) should look good with your green main colour. Or just use a silver/steel if you want to be safe. Rust (reds) is a higher contrast choice.
  • For the base/environment, stick to neutral colours if you want to be safe, pick up your main colour again to tie everything together, or use contrasting colours to make the miniature stand out more. No wrong choices here, really, you just need to make a decision.

Even though painting miniatures is an artistic activity and it is often the most fun to just do whatever you feel like, the basics of how to make a miniature look good are not mysterious. Anyone can learn them. Of course, you can (and should) break all these rules eventually to achieve more fun/interesting effects, but if you just want to relax and enjoy yourself, there are "safe" approaches that will almost always look good.

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6 hours ago, Chikout said:

How do people choose colour schemes? I'm painting Skabbik and co as a tester for a Skaven army but I haven't painted anything for a couple of weeks as I'm stuck with a painters version of writers block. I can't decide on a scheme. Being red green colour blind probably doesn't help as I can't really figure out what colours the official scheme is using. I though black white and red would be nice but that's the same scheme as my cities army. This is always by far the longest part of the painting process for me. 

Colour preferences, I guess. Or something fitting the lore. That's how I would do it.

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7 hours ago, Chikout said:

How do people choose colour schemes? I'm painting Skabbik and co as a tester for a Skaven army but I haven't painted anything for a couple of weeks as I'm stuck with a painters version of writers block. I can't decide on a scheme. Being red green colour blind probably doesn't help as I can't really figure out what colours the official scheme is using. I though black white and red would be nice but that's the same scheme as my cities army. This is always by far the longest part of the painting process for me. 

I typically start with just picking a main color and has rotated a bit between the armies I dabble with, did Blue for my IDK, red LRL, brown kruleboyz, black ironjawz and green for SCE.

have stayed quite traditional on skin tones so that has been kinda given and then I just try to find one or so contrasting colors that breaks out a bit from the main one, here colorwheel is a good aid, just pick whatever is on the other side and also try and contrast warm/cold colors 

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1 minute ago, Clan's Cynic said:

 Ironjawz tomorrow.

Wonder what they will do for the spearhead spotlight section?

Announce future spearhead box contents or just gloss over and hope we don't notice?

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21 minutes ago, GrimDork said:

Wonder what they will do for the spearhead spotlight section?

Announce future spearhead box contents or just gloss over and hope we don't notice?

I guess that for now they will simply provide a specific list of unit to be used for Spearhead mode.

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Best thing in that article was clearly the fact that IJ is shown tomorrow ^^

Otherwise, I like the glow up of Deamon prince, marks seems same as now? Eye of god seems like pretty nice effects, in particular that they stack and with a deamon prince or two you can trigger them quite a lot

Chaos warriors looking properly elite now in the context of this edition as well

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It looks uninspiring. The most interesting thing in the entire article was that the Ironjawz are tomorrow, and the rest is pretty much just their 3.0 stuff. There’s almost certainly no builds left to craft for it and the Index isn’t even out yet. 

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2 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

It looks uninspiring. The most interesting thing in the entire article was that the Ironjawz are tomorrow, and the rest is pretty much just their 3.0 stuff. There’s almost certainly no builds left to craft for it and the Index isn’t even out yet. 

If nothing else what they've lost will re-define list building a fair bit. Sure individual unit quality is similar, but ensorcelled banners are probably gone, sub factions are obviously all gone, artefacts/spells/traits probably all different. No run and charge to be seen, no bonuses to casting or extra wizards from cabalists. Plus they've cut out all the warcry cultists which made up a pretty big part of list building for competitive armies. Not to mention points will have a huge impact on what people bring. It may not be as big of a change as lets say slaanesh, but it's definitely still a big change.

Edited by Grimrock
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10 hours ago, woolf said:

Yeah let's hope Slaanesh is not too far out in the battletome cycle and it gets fixed

You sort of want it to be a bit further out because if it releasing soon they won’t be fixing much as early tomes tend to not change much compare to later tomes.

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1 hour ago, MitGas said:

(Khornate) knights seem to hit like trucks for Slaves, that‘s the one thing that came to mind when reading it. Seems like STD didn‘t change much overall indeed.

yeah they improved hit roll to 3+ from 4+ and they got an extra wound, otherwise same as before.. 

suppose they will be quite pricy but killy for sure, and the 3d6 charge spell is pretty nice too for getting the charge 

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4 hours ago, woolf said:

yeah they improved hit roll to 3+ from 4+ and they got an extra wound, otherwise same as before.. 

suppose they will be quite pricy but killy for sure, and the 3d6 charge spell is pretty nice too for getting the charge 

-2 rend plus dmg 2 is quite okay indeed!  Charges will be sexy for the Slaves player!


Talking about sexy… my 3d prints arrived. Their resolution is very high, feels as smooth as normal GW plastic (still need to clean them a bit). I think I‘ll buy such a printer soon. Amazing stuff! 

The seller also did me a solid and printed a lot of those feature-less helmets for me, I love the Cobra Commander/Mysterio look of those. 

These will definitely be used in my army. I really like the GW STD models as well but these are amazing figures that got the Tzeentchian style down to a T so I‘ll mix them into my stuff. 👍 


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