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5 hours ago, MitGas said:

-2 rend plus dmg 2 is quite okay indeed!  Charges will be sexy for the Slaves player!


Talking about sexy… my 3d prints arrived. Their resolution is very high, feels as smooth as normal GW plastic (still need to clean them a bit). I think I‘ll buy such a printer soon. Amazing stuff! 

The seller also did me a solid and printed a lot of those feature-less helmets for me, I love the Cobra Commander/Mysterio look of those. 

These will definitely be used in my army. I really like the GW STD models as well but these are amazing figures that got the Tzeentchian style down to a T so I‘ll mix them into my stuff. 👍 


Cool what kind of printer is it? indeed looks really nice quality!

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5 hours ago, MitGas said:

-2 rend plus dmg 2 is quite okay indeed!  Charges will be sexy for the Slaves player!


Talking about sexy… my 3d prints arrived. Their resolution is very high, feels as smooth as normal GW plastic (still need to clean them a bit). I think I‘ll buy such a printer soon. Amazing stuff! 

The seller also did me a solid and printed a lot of those feature-less helmets for me, I love the Cobra Commander/Mysterio look of those. 

These will definitely be used in my army. I really like the GW STD models as well but these are amazing figures that got the Tzeentchian style down to a T so I‘ll mix them into my stuff. 👍 


Looks fancy.

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4 hours ago, woolf said:

Cool what kind of printer is it? indeed looks really nice quality!

I think it‘s an Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra. It‘s a 12k print. I only see lines on a single loincloth, the rest is as smooth as a GW plastic mini. Really impressive…. Might buy one myself, they aren‘t very expensive. 

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29 minutes ago, MitGas said:

I think it‘s an Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra. It‘s a 12k print. I only see lines on a single loincloth, the rest is as smooth as a GW plastic mini. Really impressive…. Might buy one myself, they aren‘t very expensive. 

Btw, is this the helmed that you modelled?

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Btw, is this the helmed that you modelled?

Nope, that one came with these minis. These helmets are very inspired by various artworks of Tzeentch stuff, so they really capture the style well (which I kinda try to do as well although my helmet is basically one I designed as a teenager for my AD&D character and I was inspired by all the comic/cartoon guys I like, e.g. Shredder, Soundwave etc). I will one day print mine for sure though but there‘s no hurry, my backlog is big enough to populate another eye of terror and I always feel like I‘m not good enough to paint it. But hey, I should have a few more years I guess before I‘m wearing my eternal wooden pyjamas, so there‘s hope! 🤦‍♂️

Edited by MitGas
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Ironjawz Faction Focus. Sylvaneth tomorrow.


No Spearhead for them interestingly.


All of the rules for the Ironjawz and the Kruleboyz will both come together in the Orruk Warclans Faction Pack. They are functionally two separate factions, but the pack contains a full set of battle traits, enhancements, battle formations, and warscrolls for each.

The current Orruk Warclans Spearhead provides miniatures for the furtive Kruleboyz, who have used their dirty tricks to get ahead of the competition. And while we’ve heard rumbling and clattering with a distinctly Gorkish timbre to it, there’s nothing on the horizon just yet. Keep an eye on Warhammer Community for further Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Spearhead updates.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Hmm ok not having a spearhead sucks...

Have one question re Maw-grunta, how do you guys read the carve a path ability? To me it looks like if you are in combat, you can simply walk out of it, deal some mortals in the process, get 2 momentum and then you charge, gain another momentum so you are now at 3 which means you will have 5 rend2 dmg 5 attacks... that seems pretty good?

Also looks like Gordrakk got a glow-up!

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2 minutes ago, woolf said:

Hmm ok not having a spearhead sucks...

Have one question re Maw-grunta, how do you guys read the carve a path ability? To me it looks like if you are in combat, you can simply walk out of it, deal some mortals in the process, get 2 momentum and then you charge, gain another momentum so you are now at 3 which means you will have 5 rend2 dmg 5 attacks... that seems pretty good?

Also looks like Gordrakk got a glow-up!

Yup. You can't pin down Mr. Pig.

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Hello I am back to think more about ogors

Ironjawz are out with a 4+/3+ hit/wound base.

theyre pretty close in size to ogors, who have a 4+/2+ “monster” base

i wonder if we will actually see a bit of a model refresh with slightly bigger gluttons to match the Gorgers and heroes we’ve been getting the last few years.

being bigger than ironjawz makes sense to me.

i also wonder if we’ll see the monster keyword on some of the bigger, but not huge beasts. Mostly looking at Mournfang here. That would make the Huskard on Stonehorn’s Everwinter’s Goad ability work really well imo.

i more hope we see a mournfang hero, though, to be completely honest. Especially if there’s traits to make heroes priests, I think I’d enjoy playing with the blizzard prayer.

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6 hours ago, MitGas said:

Nope, that one came with these minis. These helmets are very inspired by various artworks of Tzeentch stuff, so they really capture the style well (which I kinda try to do as well although my helmet is basically one I designed as a teenager for my AD&D character and I was inspired by all the comic/cartoon guys I like, e.g. Shredder, Soundwave etc). I will one day print mine for sure though but there‘s no hurry, my backlog is big enough to populate another eye of terror and I always feel like I‘m not good enough to paint it. But hey, I should have a few more years I guess before I‘m wearing my eternal wooden pyjamas, so there‘s hope! 🤦‍♂️

The Lost Kingdom Miniatures are really good, sadly next month is their last Chaos month. Since they get that letter form GW for their Chaos Dwarfs the went imo into panic mode and went all in on the 9th Age Sin concept for their Chaos stuff, which imo resulted in daemons that are neither fish or meat. So Chaos is done after july. I would love to have seen knights of Tzeentch...


Anyway I am very excited with the lasted faction focus. AoS 4th is looking really good. My plan is for StD go full in on Khorne/Nurgle and for ToW go full in on Tzeentch with those Lost Kingdom Miniatures. The mark of Tzeentch is really cool in ToW Warriors of Chaos.


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1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

The Lost Kingdom Miniatures are really good, sadly next month is their last Chaos month. Since they get that letter form GW for their Chaos Dwarfs the went imo into panic mode and went all in on the 9th Age Sin concept for their Chaos stuff, which imo resulted in daemons that are neither fish or meat. So Chaos is done after july. I would love to have seen knights of Tzeentch...


Anyway I am very excited with the lasted faction focus. AoS 4th is looking really good. My plan is for StD go full in on Khorne/Nurgle and for ToW go full in on Tzeentch with those Lost Kingdom Miniatures. The mark of Tzeentch is really cool in ToW Warriors of Chaos.


Well, you could put some of those chosen on discs and would have pretty decent doom knights at least. I mean, those minis certainly only lack the symbols, other than that it‘s clear what they are supposed to be. But since GW never made those minis and only produced similar artwork, I don‘t think they could do much about these designs as close as they might be…

Oh well, we shall see if something comes. I don‘t know the TOW Tzeentch rules but I would‘ve liked for slaves to once manage to not make them mostly khorne or nurgle-marked. Tzeentch always feels pretty lacking. But who knows what‘ll be. I still hope we can use slaves minis in DoT, especially now that horrors aren‘t an auto-pick anymore! 

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I noticed in the Batrep they posted that they were fairly consistent in using non-binary pronouns for the Lord-Veritant which is one of the cooler models in the set. I know this might be old news for many but I was happily surprised to hear this so consistently as they seemed to use masculine pronouns for all the other individual units on the board. I think this is particularly noteworthy in the wake of the Sylas Beastbane controversy. 

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got around to reading Hounds @Acrozatarim

My thoughts spoilers



Goatboy's Quick & Dirty Codex Review - Thousands of Tzaangors! - Bell of  Lost Souls

DAM YOU!!!!!



but no seriously 

I really enjoyed it. I love it seemly almost like a The Witcher story: arrival of the foreign land, the investigation, the battle of monster and ending of the greatest monster is man (somewhat)

Playing around with the concept of Werewolves was a treat with not just the Tzeentch cultist bursting from the old skin but also the protag Verona becoming the literal Hound the child of the moons by the end. Warhammer had a whole history of not knowing what ****** it wanted it werewolves to be resulting all these different iteration of therianthropes so this story adding another to the mix peak my interest reading 

now i'm just wondering why we never got a Tzeentch werewolf it seem like a too easy concept. Then again Khorne was all about hounds and wolves

the only criticism i have is how fast the death of Shesheba was kind of brush off especially since the beginning stop to have a moment with the two of them with this dynamic of mentor/apprentice vibe i got only for her death to have little impact and we rush to the end was kind of off putting

but again that very minor. I really enjoyed reading it 


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New Ironjaws look great to me. Love the merged weapon profile for brutes, always hated having to separate the two wepon types because Orruks look better as an undisciplined horde. Stats look nice, "you messin?" is really fun.

No spearhead though? Bro.

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10 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

I noticed in the Batrep they posted that they were fairly consistent in using non-binary pronouns for the Lord-Veritant which is one of the cooler models in the set. I know this might be old news for many but I was happily surprised to hear this so consistently as they seemed to use masculine pronouns for all the other individual units on the board. I think this is particularly noteworthy in the wake of the Sylas Beastbane controversy. 

That's good to hear. More of this sort of thing! 

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12 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

For anyone feeling down about Jawz new direction. 💚


ok thats good, he does tend to be very up beat in those YouTube clips though.. he gives his honest reactions on the twitch stream which is a bit more mixed..

Edit: listened to the twitch one and he seemed very positive about IJ in that one as well actually, mainly due to dmg output when stacking the different buffs

Edited by woolf
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6 hours ago, Urauloth said:

Love the merged weapon profile for brutes, always hated having to separate the two wepon types because Orruks look better as an undisciplined horde.

Yeah, they do look great together with mixed weapons. 

Also really liking that Warchanters are now priests with multiple beats!

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1 hour ago, woolf said:

mainly due to dmg output when stacking the different buffs

I've made a bit of Mathammering, and they are above most of the units previewed (without buffs), only falling behind other infantry units like Gorgers.

Most of the armies need soe type of buffs to accomplisht he same type (or even better) output than Brutes. Irojnawz buffs are a bit more harder to pull off, but if some of them are stacked, their damage just racks it up a bit to become one of the hardest hitting units again (still need to see Goregruntas vs Chaos Knights, but IJs elite/infantry troops seems to be on top). 

Not sure about delivery and movement, time will tell.

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