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1 hour ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

all said and done this a good number of factions (+1 Chaos Dwarfs).


That image makes me think that something similar would be a good layout for a faction-based section of the Website. It really would be something if GW had a portal like this and when 'Read More' was clicked it took you to a digital Store/Battletome page for that faction, thematically laid out with a model's lore, rules, battle scroll, art, painting, building and purchase options all available in a single integrated digital hub. Each Faction hub would receive a small monthly update, with new lore, a new bit of artwork, a new unit or character or a novel release. 

I'm not really a fan of GW's current approach of having a billion different websites for each of their settings, that launch with a big splash and then are left to wither and die until a replacement arrives. 

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3 minutes ago, Hollow said:

That image makes me think that something similar would be a good layout for a faction-based section of the Website. It really would be something if GW had a portal like this and when 'Read More' was clicked it took you to a digital Store/Battletome page for that faction, thematically laid out with a model's lore, rules, battle scroll, art, painting, building and purchase options all available in a single integrated digital hub. Each Faction hub would receive a small monthly update, with new lore, a new bit of artwork, a new unit or character or a novel release. 

I'm not really a fan of GW's current approach of having a billion different websites for each of their settings, that launch with a big splash and then are left to wither and die until a replacement arrives. 

They currently have something similar in spirit, but not in the visual side:


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Yeah, I'm familiar with that, They have similar blurb pages for all of their settings, I think it would be better if the store and lore were more integrated and the rules were available for free download. 

I'm not a hater of the new website in general. I just don't like the endless scrolling, the sparse layouts and the fact everything is spread across so many pages. I think it could be better. 

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Read this!


I ****** love it this


It a steam tank crew consisting of a Grizzle veteran, a turret rookie & duardin cogsmith do a Saving Private Ryan to save a human gyrocopter pilot that has info on the Skaven invasion. It is as awesome as it sounds the gunfight, the pre-existing setting utilized very well, the character very charming as it balance the action with some character moment here and there. 

Like if this by grace sigmar get to be a novel i would by it

This on one hand make me feel kinda bad that eventually the steam tank and Gyrocopter are going away but it does raise my spirit and optimism what might the Ironweld wave has in store to replace it. I posted before Cogfort come in many variants so a small faster wheel version oppose to the big spider borderwalker would be sweet

Steam Tank - Age of Sigmar - Lexicanum


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Since Rob and Val started with it, I subscribed to the Square based: A Warhammer Fantasy in the Old World patreon (The Honest Wargamer). I find the discord channel very informative and really enjoy their youtube vids (which are free). So you basically pay for the discord acces.

The last couple of weeks I really enjoyed the AoS FF overviews by Rob, so I am planning to subscribe to their Honest Wargamer patreon that gives me acces to the AoS discord. He single handed made me excited for AoS 4. Imo he did a much better job than the Warhammer Community team.

Are here people who have acces to the Honest Wargamer AoS discord? Is there a lot of info and posts? Which membership do you have and is it worth it to have the $14 membership instead of the $5 membership? With their Square based patreon I just have the 6 euro membership.


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10 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Read this!


I ****** love it this

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It a steam tank crew consisting of a Grizzle veteran, a turret rookie & duardin cogsmith do a Saving Private Ryan to save a human gyrocopter pilot that has info on the Skaven invasion. It is as awesome as it sounds the gunfight, the pre-existing setting utilized very well, the character very charming as it balance the action with some character moment here and there. 

Like if this by grace sigmar get to be a novel i would by it

This on one hand make me feel kinda bad that eventually the steam tank and Gyrocopter are going away but it does raise my spirit and optimism what might the Ironweld wave has in store to replace it. I posted before Cogfort come in many variants so a small faster wheel version oppose to the big spider borderwalker would be sweet

Steam Tank - Age of Sigmar - Lexicanum


It cannot be kept in its current state, it is too imperial. But it is a pretty loved mini. We will get a new iteration for sure.

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14 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Read this!


I ****** love it this

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It a steam tank crew consisting of a Grizzle veteran, a turret rookie & duardin cogsmith do a Saving Private Ryan to save a human gyrocopter pilot that has info on the Skaven invasion. It is as awesome as it sounds the gunfight, the pre-existing setting utilized very well, the character very charming as it balance the action with some character moment here and there. 

Like if this by grace sigmar get to be a novel i would by it

This on one hand make me feel kinda bad that eventually the steam tank and Gyrocopter are going away but it does raise my spirit and optimism what might the Ironweld wave has in store to replace it. I posted before Cogfort come in many variants so a small faster wheel version oppose to the big spider borderwalker would be sweet

Steam Tank - Age of Sigmar - Lexicanum


All I hope with the Cog-Fort or a new Steam Tank is the option to choose between a Human, Aelven and Duardin commander popping out of the hatch. I just want that option more on City Units!

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12 hours ago, Tonhel said:

Since Rob and Val started with it, I subscribed to the Square based: A Warhammer Fantasy in the Old World patreon (The Honest Wargamer). I find the discord channel very informative and really enjoy their youtube vids (which are free). So you basically pay for the discord acces.

The last couple of weeks I really enjoyed the AoS FF overviews by Rob, so I am planning to subscribe to their Honest Wargamer patreon that gives me acces to the AoS discord. He single handed made me excited for AoS 4. Imo he did a much better job than the Warhammer Community team.

Are here people who have acces to the Honest Wargamer AoS discord? Is there a lot of info and posts? Which membership do you have and is it worth it to have the $14 membership instead of the $5 membership? With their Square based patreon I just have the 6 euro membership.


It is kind of hilarious how much better his hype has been for 4e than GW Community has been. He talks through the focuses and points out the silver linings or combos or possibilities. He does it was a glass half full perspective and explains the rules. 

I genuinely think He’s going to be personally responsible for millions in additional business for GW. As his videos make it much easier for people to play 4e. 

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13 minutes ago, Gailon said:

It is kind of hilarious how much better his hype has been for 4e than GW Community has been. He talks through the focuses and points out the silver linings or combos or possibilities. He does it was a glass half full perspective and explains the rules. 

I genuinely think He’s going to be personally responsible for millions in additional business for GW. As his videos make it much easier for people to play 4e. 

I completely agree. Normally I only watch painting vids, but for the Honest Wargamer I made an exception. It's fantastic, it's enjoyable and he explains the rules be it for AoS or TOW very clear and understandable. He also says the good and the bad things.

He saved AoS for me. 😉 

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26 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

It has just dawned on me that I'm more excited for Spearhead than 'big' AOS, to the point I felt motivated to paint some Spearheads that were half-finished for years. Funny thing that.

I really think this is one of the positive effects of AoS finally having a real entry point. Motivation is always hard to muster when you can't clearly see a path towards a defined end goal. Spearhead is well designed in that regard, with both the path (what models do you need) and the end goal (what do you need to do in order to play) being very clear.

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4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I really think this is one of the positive effects of AoS finally having a real entry point. Motivation is always hard to muster when you can't clearly see a path towards a defined end goal. Spearhead is well designed in that regard, with both the path (what models do you need) and the end goal (what do you need to do in order to play) being very clear.

I hope they just don't forget the game mode exists. That would be even worse than not having any entry point. Imagine getting an entry point that does not match the big brother anymore.

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