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On 6/27/2024 at 8:03 AM, The Red King said:

They've made these exact promises before.

Like at the end of 3e when the game was balanced better than ever? Even internal balance issue regularly got attention for units that weren’t impacting the competitive meta. 

I get GW has a long track record of not doing a great job. But I don’t know why we’d pretend that balance wasn’t great in the tail end of 3e. 

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9 hours ago, Gailon said:

Like at the end of 3e when the game was balanced better than ever? Even internal balance issue regularly got attention for units that weren’t impacting the competitive meta. 

I get GW has a long track record of not doing a great job. But I don’t know why we’d pretend that balance wasn’t great in the tail end of 3e. 

The end of 40k 9th edition was the same way and they immediately ****** it up with 10th's release which had balance so bad it would've made 7th ed blush.

The concern isn't whether GW can balance stuff, the concern is because of edition churn things will have to get worse before being made better and then they'll only be allowed to be in a good state for a scant few months before the cycle starts all over again with a new edition.

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42 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

The end of 40k 9th edition was the same way and they immediately ****** it up with 10th's release which had balance so bad it would've made 7th ed blush.

The concern isn't whether GW can balance stuff, the concern is because of edition churn things will have to get worse before being made better and then they'll only be allowed to be in a good state for a scant few months before the cycle starts all over again with a new edition.

Yeah, unfortunately it‘s true. I‘m not sure we need new editions in such a fast pace, every few years, but I guess it‘s all about sales and not about creating a great game ultimately. Understandable from a business‘s point of view but not ideal for players. 

I hope there will be a day that GW creates a nearly flawless set of rules that play really well and they go „wait, we‘ll just bring out a new box for that edition that will be so good even owners of the starter box want to get it“ - but it sounds already unrealistic when I‘m typing it. So I’ll change my wish: I just want to see the day where players don‘t tell me that the rules of other systems play so much better. 😂

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4 hours ago, MitGas said:

Yeah, unfortunately it‘s true. I‘m not sure we need new editions in such a fast pace, every few years, but I guess it‘s all about sales and not about creating a great game ultimately. Understandable from a business‘s point of view but not ideal for players. 

I hope there will be a day that GW creates a nearly flawless set of rules that play really well and they go „wait, we‘ll just bring out a new box for that edition that will be so good even owners of the starter box want to get it“ - but it sounds already unrealistic when I‘m typing it. So I’ll change my wish: I just want to see the day where players don‘t tell me that the rules of other systems play so much better. 😂

IMO as a non player it is the lesser evil. If having a new ed sacrificing the rules makes me have new break changing lore, models and good saving boxes. I would go for it. You can always play other/ in-house rules.

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16 hours ago, MitGas said:

Yeah, unfortunately it‘s true. I‘m not sure we need new editions in such a fast pace, every few years, but I guess it‘s all about sales and not about creating a great game ultimately. Understandable from a business‘s point of view but not ideal for players. 

I know the memory distorts everything, but it feels like back when I was a newbie to the hobby, new editions were a huge deal, and happened very rarely. It's probably the nostalgia talking, but the gap between fifth and sixth edition of Fantasy felt like a decade! 

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6 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I know the memory distorts everything, but it feels like back when I was a newbie to the hobby, new editions were a huge deal, and happened very rarely. It's probably the nostalgia talking, but the gap between fifth and sixth edition of Fantasy felt like a decade! 

I‘m pretty sure that it took ages back then for a new edition to come out at times. Didn‘t keeps tabs on it but when I played it was around 4-6 years. Which is a bit longer than with AoS… but y‘know, back then time was flowing more slowly, probably because I was younger and in my teenage years. Now as an adult days blend into each other, not that often that really new things happen. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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7 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I know the memory distorts everything, but it feels like back when I was a newbie to the hobby, new editions were a huge deal, and happened very rarely. It's probably the nostalgia talking, but the gap between fifth and sixth edition of Fantasy felt like a decade! 

Fifth edition was released in 1996 and sixth in 2000. So only a 4 year gap.

What might have helped is that not every faction got releases in those 4 years.

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Fantasy started off fast and then slowed down. 

1st edition 1983, 2nd 1984, 3rd 1987, 4th 1992. 6th edition was the longest at 6 years. I think 4 years is the sweet spot. 

With 4 main studio games and 6 specialist games, they could put everything on a 4 year cycle and still have at least two big releases a year. 

That would also give them more space to do one offs like a new edition of space hulk or something completely new. 

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3 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Fantasy started off fast and then slowed down. 

1st edition 1983, 2nd 1984, 3rd 1987, 4th 1992. 6th edition was the longest at 6 years. I think 4 years is the sweet spot. 

With 4 main studio games and 6 specialist games, they could put everything on a 4 year cycle and still have at least two big releases a year. 

That would also give them more space to do one offs like a new edition of space hulk or something completely new. 

I agree. Maybe with TOW in place they move into 4-year cycles.

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More faction pack overviews up on Goonhammer now (Lumineth Realm-lords, Maggotkin of Nurgle, Sylvaneth, Ironjawz, Kruleboyz and Slaves to Darkness):


As a Kruleboyz player from the jump this full rewrite is going to be welcomed by Kruleboyz and their opponents. If you are a Kruleboyz player your time has come. All of the wishing, hoping, and wanting a full rewrite has been answered with one of the most significant rules departures in the new index system. Kruleboyz have moved from a slow and plodding army reliant on a counterstrike to a teleporting nightmare full of tricks that take advantage of the new rules. While they do retain a fair bit of shooting the army is far more open from an army building and play style with little used units like the Marshcrawla Sloggoth and Murknob having prominent buffing abilities. 

Very happy 😁

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Apologies for the off topic question but I've mostly locked in this as the colour scheme for my Skaven, what do we think the colour is of the bottom cloth detail is? I was thinking either stegadon scale green, sotek green or thunderhawk blue (hopefully not stegadon green since what was my only pot of it recently dried up).

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34 minutes ago, SilentSentinel said:

Apologies for the off topic question but I've mostly locked in this as the colour scheme for my Skaven, what do we think the colour is of the bottom cloth detail is? I was thinking either stegadon scale green, sotek green or thunderhawk blue (hopefully not stegadon green since what was my only pot of it recently dried up).

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This thread doesn't have off-topic as long as it is hobby-related, lol. It looks like Thuderhawk to me. In case it helps, this is roughly the colour:


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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

This thread doesn't have off-topic as long as it is hobby-related, lol. It looks like Thuderhawk to me. In case it helps, this is roughly the colour:


Thanks yeah that looks pretty spot on, gonna have to test it out on some old clan rats I got from the Sylvaneth vs Skaven box.  

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