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10 hours ago, Chikout said:

The biggest bit seller I could find is Datwarhammer store. It has all the individual units up. The most popular one is perhaps surprisingly, the lord vigilant with 589 sold and just 20 left in stock. 

Not surprising at all. Lots of Stormcast players most likely have old liberators and the og Veritant. I imagine there's a few hundreds of people who only want/need the Vigilant to finish Ruination spearhead

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11 hours ago, Tonhel said:

I would be very surprised if it isn't doing very good. The mini's are amazing and the new ruleset while it is not 100% what I hoped it would be is pretty solid.

210 euro is still a lot of money, but you do get a lot of cool stuff.

I don’t know. I’m worried Skaventide might not do well. Or rather it’s sales might not reflect the potential popularity of 4e. 

Probably just anecdotal. I know people super excited about 4e and playing but none of them really want this box. We’re all waiting on the separate spearhead stuff. 

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17 minutes ago, Gailon said:

I don’t know. I’m worried Skaventide might not do well. Or rather it’s sales might not reflect the potential popularity of 4e. 

Probably just anecdotal. I know people super excited about 4e and playing but none of them really want this box. We’re all waiting on the separate spearhead stuff. 

Of the 4 edition boxes this is imo the best one yet. They finally nailed the SCE aesthetics and the Skaven are wonderful. 

It's way to early to know how well it is doing.

What do you think would be the best edition box? For me it would be SCE versus StD.

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49 minutes ago, Gailon said:

I don’t know. I’m worried Skaventide might not do well. Or rather it’s sales might not reflect the potential popularity of 4e. 

Probably just anecdotal. I know people super excited about 4e and playing but none of them really want this box. We’re all waiting on the separate spearhead stuff. 

Today one store was saying they received more than they ordered and they are almost selling them all right now. It is doing it better than everyone expected, IMHO.

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28 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Of the 4 edition boxes this is imo the best one yet. They finally nailed the SCE aesthetics and the Skaven are wonderful. 

It's way to early to know how well it is doing.

What do you think would be the best edition box? For me it would be SCE versus StD.

CoS vs FEC and it is an opinion not biased at all by the fact that they are my two armies...

I agree. Probably SCE and S2.

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51 minutes ago, Gailon said:

I don’t know. I’m worried Skaventide might not do well. Or rather it’s sales might not reflect the potential popularity of 4e. 

Excited for 4th!!

Don't care about Stormies...

Don't care about furries...

😜 It's subjective but it's just not a box for me at all. Coolest thing in the whole box is the gryph-crow companion imo. 

Not selling out doesn't mean it didn't do well. I think it's just a very specialized set of factions. 

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I would pick lizardmen as the order faction if I was to design a starter box. I'm certain the dinos would be a smash hit, particularly with the quality of sculpts nowadays.


The opposing faction could be basically anything as long as the dinos are in, but I am partial to Goblins. The quirky and fun little dudes to contrast with the big scary lizards.

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1 hour ago, Gailon said:

I don’t know. I’m worried Skaventide might not do well. Or rather it’s sales might not reflect the potential popularity of 4e. 

Probably just anecdotal. I know people super excited about 4e and playing but none of them really want this box. We’re all waiting on the separate spearhead stuff. 

Yes , I have the same ( gut) feeling. 

It’s an excellent box with very cool miniatures but there are a lot of question marks :

1) Did we really need new liberators and prosecutors after 9 years ? 

2) Were Skaven the best antagonists for a launch set ?

3) is it possible that 2 out 3 reclusians are basically the same model ?

4) are 40 clan rats simply too many ? Could we had instead 20  clan rats + 10 stormvermin ?

5) is  it worth to double up Skaventide as many did with dominion ? 

#lawsuitSkaventide ⚖️

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5 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Anything interesting said in the episode?

I found something interesting indeed. When they talk about each realm they interconnect the explanation with some important stuff happening there, in this case Nagash, the necroseism, Lethis... and they said that it is vital for the Sacrosanct to take back into their original purpose as the flaws of the reforging are spiking and the whole problem is going worse and worse... interesting that they mentioned the sacrosanct in the video.

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2 hours ago, Gailon said:

I don’t know. I’m worried Skaventide might not do well. Or rather it’s sales might not reflect the potential popularity of 4e. 

Probably just anecdotal. I know people super excited about 4e and playing but none of them really want this box. We’re all waiting on the separate spearhead stuff. 

I mean, there were tonnes of dominion lying around for years after launch - and 3rd edition was AoS's biggest growth period yet, 2023 being its biggest tournament year (which generally means the playerbase is much bigger, as only a smaller percentage attends tournaments)

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4 hours ago, Tonhel said:

Of the 4 edition boxes this is imo the best one yet. They finally nailed the SCE aesthetics and the Skaven are wonderful. 

It's way to early to know how well it is doing.

What do you think would be the best edition box? For me it would be SCE versus StD.

Well, since it‘ll have to include SCE*, I don‘t think it‘s ever going to be my „dream box“ but I think the new box is pretty darn nice. I don‘t play either faction though. 

If we go by wishing for something, I‘d love to see a box with CoS and a couple of Stormcast as a mixed force and either some destruction force with Fimir(!!! with a slightly altered background perhaps) or S2D with Tzeentch elites. Then again, then they would be push-fit minis, which isn‘t ideal either. 🤔 

* not that the new ones aren‘t absolutely lovely minis… I just don‘t collect good guys tho! 


Edited by MitGas
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8 hours ago, cyrus said:

Yes , I have the same ( gut) feeling. 

It’s an excellent box with very cool miniatures but there are a lot of question marks :

1) Did we really need new liberators and prosecutors after 9 years ? 

2) Were Skaven the best antagonists for a launch set ?

3) is it possible that 2 out 3 reclusians are basically the same model ?

4) are 40 clan rats simply too many ? Could we had instead 20  clan rats + 10 stormvermin ?

5) is  it worth to double up Skaventide as many did with dominion ? 

#lawsuitSkaventide ⚖️

Some very good points. 

1) The new ones looks so much better, but if you already have the older ones, which you already pained to your best of your abilities. Than it does seem less interesting to buy the new ones.

2) Imo, yes. They needed a big refresh and this was the best way to do it. The mini’s are amazing. They could also be interesting for TOW players. The only problem is that the Skaven legacy armylist is boring. In a TOW online tournament (100 players) through warhall (Info Rob and Val) nobody took that army.

3) This bugs me too!

4 and 5) Yeah, this would make it much more attractive to buy atleast 2 sets. 



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Been gone a long time, almost an entire edition (joined our cousins in the far future for a bit before taking an extended break) It humors me how similar the discourse of 4th Edition Starter Box’s are similar to 3rds.  Three years ago I sang the song about putting SCE into every box was going to get old, that while popular, were no where near the equivalent level of Space Marines.


Personally I think they should swap SCE for another easy to paint force.  Ironjawz being the best example. 

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1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

Some very good points. 

1) The new ones looks so much better, but if you already have the older ones, which you already pained to your best of your abilities. Than it does seem less interesting to buy the new ones.

2) Imo, yes. They needed a big refresh and this was the best way to do it. The mini’s are amazing. They could also be interesting for TOW players. The only problem is that the Skaven legacy armylist is boring. In a TOW online tournament (100 players) through warhall (Info Rob and Val) nobody took that army.

3) This bugs me too!

4 and 5) Yeah, this would make it much more attractive to buy atleast 2 sets. 



1) Yes, that's the point . In addiction to that many sce players have been hurted by complete cancellation of sacrosant chamber which is only 6 years old !!!

2) Skaven deserved a refresh for sure but it could have been managed as per Seraphon. They are not really popular in Aos as they were in fantasy and fantasy/tow players have already tons of them from Isle of blood.

5) I know al lot of people , including myself , who bought half dominion box x 2 /x 3/ x 4 . I can't really see people buy multiple times Skaventide.


I believe Skaventide is a really good box for newcomers but not really tempting for existing players.


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15 minutes ago, cyrus said:

2) Skaven deserved a refresh for sure but it could have been managed as per Seraphon. They are not really popular in Aos as they were in fantasy and fantasy/tow players have already tons of them from Isle of blood.

5) I know al lot of people , including myself , who bought half dominion box x 2 /x 3/ x 4 . I can't really see people buy multiple times Skaventide.

2) Imho, the best way to make skavens a bit more popular in AoS is being part of a Starting Edition box. I don't think there is anything better to push (appart from a permanent support like Space Marines, but that's not realistic).

3) I know that there are a lot of people that are interested in part of the box. The problem will always be that there are 2 armies in the box. If you are not interested in any of them, probably you will not buy the box. To be honest,  side for 70-90€ for each side is really cheap for bunch of plastic.


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31 minutes ago, cyrus said:

1) Yes, that's the point . In addiction to that many sce players have been hurted by complete cancellation of sacrosant chamber which is only 6 years old !!!

2) Skaven deserved a refresh for sure but it could have been managed as per Seraphon. They are not really popular in Aos as they were in fantasy and fantasy/tow players have already tons of them from Isle of blood.

5) I know al lot of people , including myself , who bought half dominion box x 2 /x 3/ x 4 . I can't really see people buy multiple times Skaventide.


I believe Skaventide is a really good box for newcomers but not really tempting for existing players.


How do you metric Skavens popularity in Aos? I would have thought it was one of the most popular factions.

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I was having a natter with a regular Skaven opponent of mine, and he is of the opinion that the rats are a poor choice as an introduction to AoS, because the models are unforgiving to a novice's paintbrush. Lots of models, and hard to paint... not a great combo. 

That's only what he was saying. Personally, the last time I painted a Skaven was when Warhammer Quest was a new release, so I've no idea if he's talking rubbish or not! 

Edited by Big Kim Woof-Woof
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22 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I was having a natter with a regular Skaven opponent of mine, and he is of the opinion that the rats are a poor choice as an introduction to AoS, because the models are unforgiving to a novice's paintbrush. Lots of models, and hard to paint... not a great combo. 

That's only what he was saying. Personally, the last time I painted a Skaven was when Warhammer Quest was a new release, so I've no idea if he's talking rubbish or not! 

I think most of the models are way easier to paint now that we have Contrasts.

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