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58 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

How do you metric Skavens popularity in Aos? I would have thought it was one of the most popular factions.

Mainly for tournaments popularity. They are not bottom but not even in middle range.

Within chaos grand alliance I think they come after the big 4 and STD ( and before BoC)

1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:



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13 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Mainly for tournaments popularity. They are not bottom but not even in middle range.

Within chaos grand alliance I think they come after the big 4 and STD ( and before BoC)


While that could be accurate (I think the only accurate data is in GW hands) it doesn't include casual players or Fantasy players. It wouldn't surprise me if a decent chunk of the latest would buy the box.

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Maybe it's just because a lot of the other models I was painting have had the usual Chaos obsession with armour trim, but I've been doing Spiteclaw's Swarm and a bombardier to test colour schemes for Skaventide and they're an absolute breeze to paint.

The comment re there being a lot of models to paint is legit, though. Didn't think I'd ever be trying to paint hordes of clanrats again, but here we are.

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12 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

Maybe it's just because a lot of the other models I was painting have had the usual Chaos obsession with armour trim, but I've been doing Spiteclaw's Swarm and a bombardier to test colour schemes for Skaventide and they're an absolute breeze to paint.

The comment re there being a lot of models to paint is legit, though. Didn't think I'd ever be trying to paint hordes of clanrats again, but here we are.

I finished up painting Spiteclaw's swarm too in this colour scheme. PXL_20240622_162017343.PORTRAIT.jpg.cbd96888dc01ce65745b139571df1c8e.jpg

It took me  about an hour per model, doing them one by one from start to finish. I'm sure I could get the time down with some batch painting. Choosing the scheme was by far the longest part. 


Regarding popularity. The Skaven sub Reddit is the second most popular one after Seraphon. The Skaven hashtag on Instagram is the second most popular one after Stormcast Eternals. Obviously both of those will include old world players but they are certainly a very popular faction. During second edition they were the most played army at tournaments for a while. DoK, Slaanesh and FeC all had times when they were dominating the meta but they never became the most played faction. 

Edited by Chikout
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28 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

While that could be accurate (I think the only accurate data is in GW hands) it doesn't include casual players or Fantasy players. It wouldn't surprise me if a decent chunk of the latest would buy the box.

Fantasy players have probably tons of them from Island of Blood.


I think both ranges  are not really adding so much extra for existing players.



















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56 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Interesting article with every AoS faction in a nutshell:

Every Faction in Warhammer Age of Sigmar in a Nutshell - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

And as @MitGas created the thread I add his favourite faction:

AoS FactionRoundup Jul4 Order3

I need mod powers, fast. You will be missed but it‘s for the good of us al- erm me! 

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Regarding Stormcast being in the starter box. Having them as part of the launch box and starter sets is far bigger than just giving a faction within a system a few more kits. They are an integral part of a decade-long marketing approach that has driven GW to new (and ever greater) heights.

(Sci-fi - Warhammer 40k - Marines) (Fantasy - Warhammer AoS - Stormcast). They are all over marketing material (not just for AoS but for GW-Warhammer as a brand) and offer an approachable, relatable and recognisable entry point to the setting, game and hobby activities such as building and painting. 

Stormcast Eternals will likely continue to feature in edition launches far into the future. 


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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

Weird question is destructible terrain just applicable to Faction terrain? 

It would be interesting to have a wound and save that is applicable to various structures such as:
Palisade  - Wounds 10
House - Wounds 15
Tower - Wounds 20
Wood - 5+
Stone - 4+
Iron - 3+

Imho, it will be all about how easy is to kill destroy a house instead of moving around. We need to see the lethality of this edition.

The old Streets of Death had a rule that only units with a wound profile of 3+ or better could try to kill building with an unavoidable Ward 3+, and 4th edition has Anti-TERRAIN for specialized weapons.

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3 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

Weird question is destructible terrain just applicable to Faction terrain? 

It would be interesting to have a wound and save that is applicable to various structures such as:
Palisade  - Wounds 10
House - Wounds 15
Tower - Wounds 20
Wood - 5+
Stone - 4+
Iron - 3+

I was just thinking today that with the new terrain and faction terrain rules homebrewing siege rules seems pretty easy now. It's nice that there is a system in place now for treating certain terrain pieces like units.

Older AoS siege systems, IMO, always had the problem of being too involved, with too many extra abilites and add ons. I think a lot of people are more excited by the idea of playing more or less a normal game, but with walls and fortifications on one side, than of having to manage some kind of tunneling/supply/bombardment system before the start of the game.

Now we just need a campaign system that tells us how to build a hex map and claim territory on it and narrative play can finally take off.

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