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On 7/5/2024 at 1:45 PM, Beliman said:

I started writing a Battlepack adapting the old Streets of Death rules. I will try to finish it the next week with 0 games playtestes. Just for the fun.

Still writting the Battlepack. But what would you think it would be more fun to play with.

Garrisoning a builing:

  1. Enemy units can target the unit "inside" the building and the unit recieve some tupe of defensive buff.
  2. Enemy units can target the building or the unit inside. The building has its own Stats and the units has some defensive buffs.
  3. Enemy units can only target the building with his own warscroll.
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33 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Still writting the Battlepack. But what would you think it would be more fun to play with.

Garrisoning a builing:

  1. Enemy units can target the unit "inside" the building and the unit recieve some tupe of defensive buff.
  2. Enemy units can target the building or the unit inside. The building has its own Stats and the units has some defensive buffs.
  3. Enemy units can only target the building with his own warscroll.

IMO, there are two types of getting fighting enemies in a building.

1. Destroy the building (preferbly with siege weaponry)

2. Try to breach the doors and fight the people inside. (or use other methods to enter)

So I would probably go for that you can fight melee with enemies that are in buildings (that get bonusses from having a defensive position), but you can't shoot them. (except maybe snipers or something) But also give the building some stats so it can be destroyed. (which might damage the inhabitants from the rubble.

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On 7/4/2024 at 5:24 AM, Ejecutor said:

I think most of the models are way easier to paint now that we have Contrasts.

not sure if this is an actual response to brand new people though? Hell even veterans like me will probably need to buy new paints. Not something people want to hear after spending ~220-265 USD.

On 7/4/2024 at 3:28 AM, King Under the Mountain said:

Personally I think they should swap SCE for another easy to paint force.  Ironjawz being the best example. 

I've defended Stormcast for their continued inclusion in launch boxes, but if their aesthetic is going to continue on the overdetailed path that is Ruination, why are they even in starter boxes? Seraphon seem to be the only Order force that is not covered in greebles now, and Ironjawz would be great if Destruction could carry a starter box--but I don't think they could without a good matchup like Dominion had.

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On 7/3/2024 at 5:48 PM, Ejecutor said:

I found something interesting indeed. When they talk about each realm they interconnect the explanation with some important stuff happening there, in this case Nagash, the necroseism, Lethis... and they said that it is vital for the Sacrosanct to take back into their original purpose as the flaws of the reforging are spiking and the whole problem is going worse and worse... interesting that they mentioned the sacrosanct in the video.

Is there a link to this video? Is it WH+ Loremasters?

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On 7/6/2024 at 11:56 AM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Remains to be seen if those dwarves reappear under the CoS category after getting a new inventory number and blurb that "this kit can build models for TOW and AoS".

They seem to be in the battle profiles that came today.

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Posted (edited)

Sucks to see so many warscrolls get tossed into the legends bin, but I guess I'm glad I held off on those hobby projects to modernize some of the older finecast models. 

Points are interesting, I was expecting drops in the chaos factions since summoning is gone but instead it sounds like most points in the other factions just went up instead. I prefer it that way since it makes the game a little less expensive, but I suppose it doesn't matter much for me when I already have full armies built and painted. Little weird to see the points before the indexes though, I feel like they could've broken the doc up and dropped the relevant points along with the grand alliance indexes and then just released the combined doc on Friday.

Edited by Grimrock
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So from the list we got  sort of confirmation of what to expect so to round it up


  • Stormvermin
  • Acolyte Globadiers
  • Archwarlock
  • Weapon team
    • Ratling Gun
    • Warpfire Thrower
  • Master Moulder
  • Doom-Flayer (not a weapon team anymore)
  • New Behemoth-->Brood terror
    • Brood Terror : r/WarhammerFantasy
  • New Wolf rats
  • Vizzik Skour the verminlord
  • New Engineer--->Leak model Galaneer with Warpvolt
    • War of Sigmar - New Skaven Clan Rats revealed and new Weapons team leaked ^^
  • The Warlord with bodyguards


  • Knight Azyros/Tornus the Redeemed
    • Age of Sigmar: New Knight-Azyros and Brood Terror Revealed - Bell of Lost  Souls
  • Lord Relictor
  • Lord-Celestant
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10 minutes ago, woolf said:

Have ppl started forming views on winners / losers - what are our expectations on new meta? who will be top 3? who will be bottom 3?

I think we really have to wait for all the warscrolls to really get started with that.

People were pretty down on Slaanesh and Ogors for a while after seeing their abilities, but now their points and the warscrolls we saw look pretty solid. I also didn't yet see anything obviously overpowered, personally.

This edition overall is too new and too different to make a solid tier list right now. We will probably have to have people play for a month or two before we can really get a picture of which factions are strong. And even then we should keep in mind that if we checked back in with the game a year later, the tier list would likely look very different even without any rule changes.

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So now that the order scrolls are out, what are people's thoughts? I don't know enough about order in 3rd edition to compare, do people generally feel that their armies have been toned down a bit? Significantly? Or do things feel similar or even stronger than they were?

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