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39 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Don't you find it funny that the WH+ minis for AoS are cycling the GA each year ? Year 1 was the megaboss, year 2 was the chaos sorcerer with her familiars, year 3 was the vampire lord, and now we get the CoS marshall. Maybe next year we get a new Destruction character ?

It's an infinitely better situation than 40k where 3/4 WH+ minis are Imperium (Xenos can't have anything), we in AoS have struck a nice balance for faction representation.

Could it be a coincidence? We will have to wait until next year to see if the pattern is real. I find odd the IJ one, I don't think they are such big sellers, but for the rest they are armies that I think sell well. That's why I think it could be a coincidence.

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27 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Could it be a coincidence? We will have to wait until next year to see if the pattern is real. I find odd the IJ one, I don't think they are such big sellers, but for the rest they are armies that I think sell well. That's why I think it could be a coincidence.

I think it‘s on purpose. I mean the Chaos sorceress was just an old sculpt they wanted to use for something I guess but I think the other releases are planned. I wonder if they‘ll make more WH+ minis that are inspired by artwork. I still think Engra Deathsword would be a good mini for it; could be used as a generic dude for AoS (or Engra, no one knows where he went) or usable for the TOW. 

At least I‘d aim for that as a WH+ mini. 

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39 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I find odd the IJ one, I don't think they are such big sellers, but for the rest they are armies that I think sell well.

If that's the pattern, 40k miniatures should be just marines until the end of times (and probably more).

Edited by Beliman
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4 hours ago, Beliman said:

If that's the pattern, 40k miniatures should be just marines until the end of times (and probably more).

And after 20 years of marines, they‘ll finally bring out something different again - a chaos marine! 🤙

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So I got stuck mentally thinking about how much was released for AoS during 3rd edition (from the mainline and Warcry) and ended up working through it. I then ranked them (and used Underworlds as a tiebreaker) and thought it might be interesting as a talking point. I'm especially interested if you would order them differently. For me the worst off to best off of Age of Sigmar 3rd edition are:

Beasts of Chaos (1 hero) (RIP)

Ossiarch Bonereapers (1 hero)

Sons of Behemat (upgrade to Mega Gargant kit to build two more options)

Idoneth Deepkin and Hedonites of Slaanesh tied (1 hero and 1 underworld warband)

Skaven (1 hero and 2 underworlds warbands)

Kharadron Overlords (2 heroes)

Lumineth Realm-Lords (1 hero and 1 unit)

Blades of Khorne and Disciples of Tzeentch tied (1 hero, 1 unit, and 1 underworld warband)

Daughters of Khaine (2 heroes and 2 underworlds warbands)

Fyreslayers and Maggotkin of Nurgle tied (2 heroes and 1 unit)

Ogor Mawtribes (1 hero, 1 unit, 1 terrain piece and 1 underworlds warband)

Sylvaneth (2 heroes and 2 units)

Gloomspite Gitz (3 heroes, 1 unit and 1 underworld warband)

Nighthaunt (2 heroes, 2 units and 1 underworld warband)

Soulblight Gravelords (3 heroes, 1 unit, 3 underworlds warbands)

Flesh-Eater Courts (7 heroes, 3 units and 1 underworld warband)

Seraphon (4 heroes and 6 units)

Cities of Sigmar (8 heroes, 5 units and 2 underworlds warbands) 

Stormcast Eternals (9 heroes, 8 units and 2 underworlds warbands)

Orruk Warclans (8 heroes, 9.5 units (gutrippaz released twice) and 2 underworlds warbands)

Slaves to Darkness (8 heroes, 9.5 units (Chaos Knights only got an upgrade sprue), 1 terrain piece and 1 underworlds warband)

Note; if a release contained multiple characters (like Yndrasta and Knight-Vexillor, Brand's Oathbound or the Freeguild Command) I only counted it as 1 release here, kits that made two different options (like Eternus, Raptadons and Kroxigor) only counted as 1 release, Warcry releases are counted as units.

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14 hours ago, EonChao said:

Slaves to Darkness (8 heroes, 9.5 units (Chaos Knights only got an upgrade sprue), 1 terrain piece and 1 underworlds warband)

Blimey, they really did go mad with the Slaves! Didn't realise it was quite so much stuff that got released in a comparatively small time frame. 

As for my beloved Hedonites... yeah, not much in Third, but if I'm being honest we didn't need it. The only thing I'm really crowing for is a Warcry release! 

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3 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Blimey, they really did go mad with the Slaves! Didn't realise it was quite so much stuff that got released in a comparatively small time frame. 

As for my beloved Hedonites... yeah, not much in Third, but if I'm being honest we didn't need it. The only thing I'm really crowing for is a Warcry release! 

It is normal. They were the top sellers from ToW and very likely from AoS as well.

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17 hours ago, EonChao said:

So I got stuck mentally thinking about how much was released for AoS during 3rd edition (from the mainline and Warcry) and ended up working through it. I then ranked them (and used Underworlds as a tiebreaker) and thought it might be interesting as a talking point. I'm especially interested if you would order them differently. For me the worst off to best off of Age of Sigmar 3rd edition are:

Beasts of Chaos (1 hero) (RIP)

Ossiarch Bonereapers (1 hero)

Sons of Behemat (upgrade to Mega Gargant kit to build two more options)

Idoneth Deepkin and Hedonites of Slaanesh tied (1 hero and 1 underworld warband)

Skaven (1 hero and 2 underworlds warbands)

Kharadron Overlords (2 heroes)

Lumineth Realm-Lords (1 hero and 1 unit)

Blades of Khorne and Disciples of Tzeentch tied (1 hero, 1 unit, and 1 underworld warband)

Daughters of Khaine (2 heroes and 2 underworlds warbands)

Fyreslayers and Maggotkin of Nurgle tied (2 heroes and 1 unit)

Ogor Mawtribes (1 hero, 1 unit, 1 terrain piece and 1 underworlds warband)

Sylvaneth (2 heroes and 2 units)

Gloomspite Gitz (3 heroes, 1 unit and 1 underworld warband)

Nighthaunt (2 heroes, 2 units and 1 underworld warband)

Soulblight Gravelords (3 heroes, 1 unit, 3 underworlds warbands)

Flesh-Eater Courts (7 heroes, 3 units and 1 underworld warband)

Seraphon (4 heroes and 6 units)

Cities of Sigmar (8 heroes, 5 units and 2 underworlds warbands) 

Stormcast Eternals (9 heroes, 8 units and 2 underworlds warbands)

Orruk Warclans (8 heroes, 9.5 units (gutrippaz released twice) and 2 underworlds warbands)

Slaves to Darkness (8 heroes, 9.5 units (Chaos Knights only got an upgrade sprue), 1 terrain piece and 1 underworlds warband)

Note; if a release contained multiple characters (like Yndrasta and Knight-Vexillor, Brand's Oathbound or the Freeguild Command) I only counted it as 1 release here, kits that made two different options (like Eternus, Raptadons and Kroxigor) only counted as 1 release, Warcry releases are counted as units.

If I had to order them your work is pretty close to what I would do, but, to expand it, kits removed could be a nice addition. The problem is that they will be harder to track. 

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17 hours ago, EonChao said:

So I got stuck mentally thinking about how much was released for AoS during 3rd edition (from the mainline and Warcry) and ended up working through it. I then ranked them (and used Underworlds as a tiebreaker) and thought it might be interesting as a talking point. I'm especially interested if you would order them differently. For me the worst off to best off of Age of Sigmar 3rd edition are:

Beasts of Chaos (1 hero) (RIP)

Ossiarch Bonereapers (1 hero)

Sons of Behemat (upgrade to Mega Gargant kit to build two more options)

Idoneth Deepkin and Hedonites of Slaanesh tied (1 hero and 1 underworld warband)

Skaven (1 hero and 2 underworlds warbands)

Kharadron Overlords (2 heroes)

Lumineth Realm-Lords (1 hero and 1 unit)

Blades of Khorne and Disciples of Tzeentch tied (1 hero, 1 unit, and 1 underworld warband)

Daughters of Khaine (2 heroes and 2 underworlds warbands)

Fyreslayers and Maggotkin of Nurgle tied (2 heroes and 1 unit)

Ogor Mawtribes (1 hero, 1 unit, 1 terrain piece and 1 underworlds warband)

Sylvaneth (2 heroes and 2 units)

Gloomspite Gitz (3 heroes, 1 unit and 1 underworld warband)

Nighthaunt (2 heroes, 2 units and 1 underworld warband)

Soulblight Gravelords (3 heroes, 1 unit, 3 underworlds warbands)

Flesh-Eater Courts (7 heroes, 3 units and 1 underworld warband)

Seraphon (4 heroes and 6 units)

Cities of Sigmar (8 heroes, 5 units and 2 underworlds warbands) 

Stormcast Eternals (9 heroes, 8 units and 2 underworlds warbands)

Orruk Warclans (8 heroes, 9.5 units (gutrippaz released twice) and 2 underworlds warbands)

Slaves to Darkness (8 heroes, 9.5 units (Chaos Knights only got an upgrade sprue), 1 terrain piece and 1 underworlds warband)

Note; if a release contained multiple characters (like Yndrasta and Knight-Vexillor, Brand's Oathbound or the Freeguild Command) I only counted it as 1 release here, kits that made two different options (like Eternus, Raptadons and Kroxigor) only counted as 1 release, Warcry releases are counted as units.

I didn't realize that so many armies got the short end of the stick. Skaven is now remedied. ORB, IDK MoN, BoK, FS and KO will hopefully get something substantial this edition.

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

If I had to order them your work is pretty close to what I would do, but, to expand it, kits removed could be a nice addition. The problem is that they will be harder to track. 

For the most part it's about me wanting to get an idea about exactly what GW have released for each faction during AoS as well as tracking how long it's been since an army has had a significant update. I think the overall availability of kits is important for the health of the hobby but other people have but @Hollow did a great job looking at that end of 3rd edition

I'm not 100% how I'd handle it as well. Do I deduct points for removed things? Then CoS might end up overtaking everyone but Beasts of Chaos for their removals despite the incredible new range they've gotten. Stormcast too. Do Underworlds units count negatively to that as tie breakers? Do I track it separately to the new releases and does a kit being replaced with an updated version just act as a net zero or a fractional break for not including more variety but still releasing something for it.

I don't think your suggestion is wrong, it's a useful factor to consider. Just explaining why I didn't look at that but pointing out where I was at on it in case someone else wants to.

3 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Blimey, they really did go mad with the Slaves! Didn't realise it was quite so much stuff that got released in a comparatively small time frame. 

As for my beloved Hedonites... yeah, not much in Third, but if I'm being honest we didn't need it. The only thing I'm really crowing for is a Warcry release! 

One thing I didn't include in the list that might narrow this a bit is that I counted kits not units. So Raptadons were only 1 unit, not 2 with both of their options. Slaves on the other hand had a lot of kits that built only one thing. I think it was only Eternus who had an option to be built as something with a different warscroll across their releases.

And yeah going through second ed at the moment as best I can and Hedonites ate really well then with a daemons wave, then a mortals one and finally Dexcessa/Synessa. They do have a few areas they could do with releases though, like a plastic Viceleader and a better chariot kit to let the Exalted Chariot be its own thing not reduced to legends. Add in a Warcry release and that'd have them in a pretty sweet spot.

1 hour ago, PraetorDragoon said:

Releases were really slanted towards heroes!

I think characters are the sweet spot for GW releases. They sell at a relatively unique price point compared to other releases and are an excuse for the sculptors to really do some clever things.

3 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

I didn't realize that so many armies got the short end of the stick. Skaven is now remedied. ORB, IDK MoN, BoK, FS and KO will hopefully get something substantial this edition.

Yeah that was the main thing I wanted to track, to see which of those factions got a proper update in 4th ed. I definitely think BoK could get away with a medium one (say 2 new characters and 1 new unit) as they have a glut of releases from 1st edition, IDK and ORB are both in okay positions in terms of kits but IDK feel neglected after getting nothing in 2nd and only 1 hero in 3rd. FS and KO both need substantial love though.

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16 minutes ago, EonChao said:

And yeah going through second ed at the moment as best I can and Hedonites ate really well then with a daemons wave, then a mortals one and finally Dexcessa/Synessa. They do have a few areas they could do with releases though, like a plastic Viceleader and a better chariot kit to let the Exalted Chariot be its own thing not reduced to legends. Add in a Warcry release and that'd have them in a pretty sweet spot.

I'm assuming a new Viceleader (or equivalent) will turn up when the battletome rears its majestic head. Have all the other gods got plastic Heralds now? I can't think. 

I would really love to see a new incarnation of the Lord on Busty Snake model, like they did with the Nurgle Harbinger. It's an iconic piece, and could look amazing in plastic. 

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40 minutes ago, EonChao said:

For the most part it's about me wanting to get an idea about exactly what GW have released for each faction during AoS as well as tracking how long it's been since an army has had a significant update. I think the overall availability of kits is important for the health of the hobby but other people have but @Hollow did a great job looking at that end of 3rd edition

I'm not 100% how I'd handle it as well. Do I deduct points for removed things? Then CoS might end up overtaking everyone but Beasts of Chaos for their removals despite the incredible new range they've gotten. Stormcast too. Do Underworlds units count negatively to that as tie breakers? Do I track it separately to the new releases and does a kit being replaced with an updated version just act as a net zero or a fractional break for not including more variety but still releasing something for it.

I don't think your suggestion is wrong, it's a useful factor to consider. Just explaining why I didn't look at that but pointing out where I was at on it in case someone else wants to.

One thing I didn't include in the list that might narrow this a bit is that I counted kits not units. So Raptadons were only 1 unit, not 2 with both of their options. Slaves on the other hand had a lot of kits that built only one thing. I think it was only Eternus who had an option to be built as something with a different warscroll across their releases.

And yeah going through second ed at the moment as best I can and Hedonites ate really well then with a daemons wave, then a mortals one and finally Dexcessa/Synessa. They do have a few areas they could do with releases though, like a plastic Viceleader and a better chariot kit to let the Exalted Chariot be its own thing not reduced to legends. Add in a Warcry release and that'd have them in a pretty sweet spot.

I think characters are the sweet spot for GW releases. They sell at a relatively unique price point compared to other releases and are an excuse for the sculptors to really do some clever things.

Yeah that was the main thing I wanted to track, to see which of those factions got a proper update in 4th ed. I definitely think BoK could get away with a medium one (say 2 new characters and 1 new unit) as they have a glut of releases from 1st edition, IDK and ORB are both in okay positions in terms of kits but IDK feel neglected after getting nothing in 2nd and only 1 hero in 3rd. FS and KO both need substantial love though.

The thing is that the amount of stuff being produced could change once they don't have to replace old kits. That's why I think it is useful information, even if it is just a side note, but I get your point.

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15 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I'm assuming a new Viceleader (or equivalent) will turn up when the battletome rears its majestic head. Have all the other gods got plastic Heralds now? I can't think. 

I would really love to see a new incarnation of the Lord on Busty Snake model, like they did with the Nurgle Harbinger. It's an iconic piece, and could look amazing in plastic. 

Ha. Talking about Heralds... this fits the rumours we got yesterday from UW.

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5 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

I cannot find the original post to see the image bigger, but this Kurnoth conversion from Kragnos that pinterest suggested to me is super cool!


Yes, yes it is! What an upgrade! 😎👍

Kragnos‘ head/face is simply bad unfortunately. Others might disagree but I find it ruins the whole mini. I‘m sure there are a couple of heads that could fix him. 

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Via a random occurance in my life, I was in a charity shop this afternoon, and they had a pile of old Battletomes, Core Books, General's Handbooks, etc, all perfect condition, for spare change amounts (Battletomes $3 a pop)! I took the lot. Lots of lore there for me to read up on! 

The moral of the story? Support your local charity shop. 

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27 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Via a random occurance in my life, I was in a charity shop this afternoon, and they had a pile of old Battletomes, Core Books, General's Handbooks, etc, all perfect condition, for spare change amounts (Battletomes $3 a pop)! I took the lot. Lots of lore there for me to read up on! 

The moral of the story? Support your local charity shop. 

No way! They are not a thing here. I've been getting as many AoS books as possible (I only miss one and there's another one that is hard to find that would like to find in better shape), but I put aside the BTs because of how much they are and how much they cost, but a month ago or so started with BTs as well.

The cheapest I can find them brand new in some stores is 10 €. Not bad for 3rd edition ones (42,50 €), but not so good for the 2nd edition ones (20 € in many cases). And in second-hand markets most of the time they are in supper good shape, and I am getting them for prices between 8,50 to 13 €. Currently I am 42/73 (counting the two from 4th edition)

Did you find first edition BTs? Those are the harder ones to find over here.

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1 hour ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Via a random occurance in my life, I was in a charity shop this afternoon, and they had a pile of old Battletomes, Core Books, General's Handbooks, etc, all perfect condition, for spare change amounts (Battletomes $3 a pop)! I took the lot. Lots of lore there for me to read up on! 

The moral of the story? Support your local charity shop. 

Thats a lucky find!

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Just thinking with the great horned rat ascending to godhood and the awesome chaos dwarf blood bowl team, and the likely emergence of them as a faction in 4th what do you think the chances of Hashuut trying to ascend to godhood?

Think maybe he'll become the Vashtorr of aos?


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10 minutes ago, Kempak said:

Just thinking with the great horned rat ascending to godhood and the awesome chaos dwarf blood bowl team, and the likely emergence of them as a faction in 4th what do you think the chances of Hashuut trying to ascend to godhood?

Think maybe he'll become the Vashtorr of aos?


I thought about it. I would find it a bit odd that suddenly every minor god starts to become a greater chaos god, but trying it? Why not! 

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