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4 hours ago, PraetorDragoon said:

Wait what? Already? Curse you, unstoppable advent of time!

I have only finished 1 spearhead of the 3 I want done before that.


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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Sorry, @PraetorDragoon, couldn‘t help myself. Whenever I read anything concerning Skaven or just time in general, DONG comes to mind. It‘s Garrac‘s fault obviously! 😎👍

Garrac's Effect, one of the new endless spells to be released.

Edited by Ejecutor
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Idoneth seems quite good, antishooting tech kinda gone but tide caster seems nice and sharks very so, dmg will go down with 3/4 profiles I suppose but that is in line with edition and their speed allowing them to choose engagement should be quite beneficial in a setting where Anti-X matters a lot

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I was rereading the Ogor focus and really looking for anything I could read into that looked promising. I focused on this.IMG_8442.jpeg.aac322261f435db85a386b64e3ada75d.jpeg

it sounds like the spiritual successor to Winterbite, which was one I always loved almost as much as my Thunderbellies, but never ran very often.

The idea of more tactical play with Ogors is intriguing, but I’m hesitant to to be optimistic just yet, because it’s all assumptions.

I think it would be super cool if that subfaction really played with blizzard markers, and did more with them and the Everwinter. I also tend to bring some infantry and blackpowder with my Mournfangs, so a mixed GB/BCR option seems fun.

I really hope I’m not off base with my guesses here, and am thinking about making my own blizzard tokens with some spare bases.

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7 hours ago, GrimDork said:

I’m 100% sure they will as well.
Will probably be better value tho to just buy the Launch box and sell off anything you don’t want. Even if you wanted to only keep the spearhead minis I’m sure the additional minis will sell well on eBay.

yeah you are likely right, just would prefer to dodge the hassle...

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On 6/1/2024 at 2:36 PM, Asbestress said:

And somehow they actually manage to hold on while staying relatively nice as a faction

that somehow is their fantastical allies, and that cooperative spirit is what makes AOS so damn interesting to me.

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Anyone else in favor of changing the thread title to just "General Chat Thread"?

Might catch the eye a bit better and get the great migration going a bit faster. 

Doesn't really matter either way. I've been advocating to change the rumor thread to rumors and general chat for a log while now so is wha it is. 

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2 hours ago, woolf said:

Idoneth seems quite good, antishooting tech kinda gone but tide caster seems nice and sharks very so, dmg will go down with 3/4 profiles I suppose but that is in line with edition and their speed allowing them to choose engagement should be quite beneficial in a setting where Anti-X matters a lot

I can live without Forgotten Nightmares (anti-shooting), but the amount of 3+ abilities is baffling. This approach (ability crucial for the unit’s utility hangs on a single good roll) creates a lot of feel-bad situations. It would be fine for the successful roll to activate some minor bonus - but for now the Tidecaster is basically „3+ or garbage”.

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4 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Not sure how it will work but I am excited to derail this thread, while imagining I am still on topic.

Did someone say derail? [Taller] Abriendo la caja – Mina Enana PREPINTADA - ¡Cargad!

It is in Spanish, but even if you just look at the pics it would be enough. It is one of the products from Archon Studios, the pre-painted D&D scenery. It is painted with UV paint and the paint is super durable.

Do you think that GW would sell pre-painted minis if it ends up becoming a thing?

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Anyone else in favor of changing the thread title to just "General Chat Thread"?

Might catch the eye a bit better and get the great migration going a bit faster. 

Doesn't really matter either way. I've been advocating to change the rumor thread to rumors and general chat for a log while now so is wha it is. 

Yup, I agree. @MitGas?

Edited by Ejecutor
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14 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Do you think that GW would sell pre-painted minis if it ends up becoming a thing?

I could see them figuring out a way to go the Heroforge route and doing batches of pre-colored minis, somehow.

i think the costs of doing even poorly done, but true pre painted minis like WotC used to do (and had to go through sweatshops to do), doesn’t fit what they’re willing to spend on production.

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Posted (edited)

+1 for rename, btw anyone else reflected that we seem to be getting way more deploy in deepstrike abilities across factions?

@Neverchosen by constuction u can't derail:) unless u do something really outrageous like start making 40k referenses or smth

apparently we need to get some couple of 100s pages to grab the not-really-rumour-thread ppl anyways :D


Edited by woolf
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22 minutes ago, Flippy said:

I can live without Forgotten Nightmares (anti-shooting), but the amount of 3+ abilities is baffling. This approach (ability crucial for the unit’s utility hangs on a single good roll) creates a lot of feel-bad situations. It would be fine for the successful roll to activate some minor bonus - but for now the Tidecaster is basically „3+ or garbage”.

yeah u are rigth on that

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12 minutes ago, woolf said:

+1 for rename, btw anyone else reflected that we seem to be getting way more deploy in deepstrike abilities across factions?

@Neverchosen by constuction u can't derail:) unless u do something really outrageous like start making 40k referenses or smth

apparently we need to get some couple of 100s pages to grab the not-really-rumour-thread ppl anyways :D


Then it is time to start DONGGGGing!

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Just now, Vasshpit said:

It'll be mind boggling if krules get nothing like this. 😄😶

I could see them leaning more into the traps and camouflage rather than deep strike. Play up using terrain and cover instead of generically off board set up in reserves would be pretty cool imo.

maybe some non magic teleports. Set up ambush markers or something, and a unit can jump out of one/charge from one.

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

It'll be mind boggling if krules get nothing like this. 😄😶

Yeah we need some of those juicy Beast of Chaos (may they rest in piece old world) rules...

Edit: also really hope we get Warclans faction focus this week (suppose it will be Sons though), that one still clearly being the biggest question-mark of how it will play out

Edited by woolf
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13 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

I could see them leaning more into the traps and camouflage rather than deep strike. Play up using terrain and cover instead of generically off board set up in reserves would be pretty cool imo.

maybe some non magic teleports. Set up ambush markers or something, and a unit can jump out of one/charge from one.

Or maybe lean heavy into redeploy mechanics whilst mist is up. 

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Just now, Vasshpit said:

Or maybe lean heavy into redeploy mechanics whilst mist is up. 

Yeah I think the trap side would be really cool, might be too different and tough to balance but if they were playing with a lot of hidden information i think that would be epic, something like placing tokens or something on the board a bit like cities orders but they trigger debuffs when enemy units come close

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