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2 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Or maybe lean heavy into redeploy mechanics whilst mist is up. 


the more I noodle it the more I think I’d really enjoy something like “if a unit is wholly within 6” of a piece of terrain, they may make a charge roll from an ambush marker. If that charge roll is high enough to engage with an enemy unit, they may taken off the board and be set up in combat range of that enemy unit.” And “grease trap: pick an enemy unit within 6” of an ambush marker. Roll a d3. On a 2+ that unit gets -1 to hit for the rest of the battle round.”

i know there’s zero chance of that actually happening, lol, but it would be fun. I’d start that army.

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46 minutes ago, woolf said:

btw anyone else reflected that we seem to be getting way more deploy in deepstrike abilities across factions?

Which is funny that we haven't seen it for one faction that traditionally really needed it - the Fyreslayers.

While, IDK, of course, are famous for never, ever, parking a bunch of eels into an opponent's face in turn one.

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30 minutes ago, woolf said:

Yeah I think the trap side would be really cool, might be too different and tough to balance but if they were playing with a lot of hidden information i think that would be epic, something like placing tokens or something on the board a bit like cities orders but they trigger debuffs when enemy units come close

I see it unlikely seeing how CoS moved out of that.

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  • MitGas changed the title to General Chat Thread
56 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

Which is funny that we haven't seen it for one faction that traditionally really needed it - the Fyreslayers.

While, IDK, of course, are famous for never, ever, parking a bunch of eels into an opponent's face in turn one.

I would expect the Fyreslayers to keep the hero ability to deploy one unit along with that hero into deep strike. 

They definitely have more deepstrike abilities. It’s an interesting mechanic to lean into so heavily. 

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48 minutes ago, Ragest said:

This is our new home?

Wait, aren't you a Luuumineth!??! 👺

Jokes aside, I thought it was a good idea, less work for the mods and we can have endless discussions without cluttering the Rumour Thread. It depends on all of you if it will be our new home. 

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9 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Soooooo this is the new place we talk about anything AoS related but no rumours?

Yeah, here you finally free! Anything goes*!


*some things go slower than others, like Fyreslayers . Huehuehue 🤭

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Random thought of the night:

Other than Ogors, my main army is SBGL, and I also have Sylvaneth I don’t actually play that often.

Both of those armies have traditionally had a much higher skill floor than Ogors, who are my “smooth brain” army.

i liked my big brain armies.

I am slowly preparing myself for simplified and lost abilities, since it seems they are trying to re-level the skill floor across the board.

Knowing a full play style revamp isn’t out of the question, I’m not sure what to expect at all from their faction focuses within the next couple of weeks.

SBGL’s dynasties always felt much more impactful than a lot of (not all) other faction’s subfactions, to me. Vyrkos and Kastelai are very much army identities as much as play style. I have some worries the army will be homogenized with the new formations, which would be a shame, because I think a lot of the appeal of SBGL (aside from gruesome gorgeous models) is how many different ways you can play it.

i don’t think that will hit Sylvaneth as hard, they already rolled back the depth of Groves in 3rd edition, and they provide minimal buffs, similar to formations currently look like. Sylvaneth, however, has already suffered quite a bit from GW not being able to decide how they want them to work, and how many, and what mix of, models they’re supposed to field.

i can’t shake this gut feeling that Sylvaneth, especially, might end up in, not necessarily a bad place, but a very odd place as GW tries to pivot on play style focused and how much any one army should fill certain roles.

So yeah, *end thought*

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5 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Soooooo this is the new place we talk about anything AoS related but no rumours?

I suppose rumours are ok here as well, we don't judge! only thing is it needs to be about AoS :)

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4 hours ago, Sahrial said:

Random thought of the night:

Other than Ogors, my main army is SBGL, and I also have Sylvaneth I don’t actually play that often.

Both of those armies have traditionally had a much higher skill floor than Ogors, who are my “smooth brain” army.

i liked my big brain armies.

I am slowly preparing myself for simplified and lost abilities, since it seems they are trying to re-level the skill floor across the board.

Knowing a full play style revamp isn’t out of the question, I’m not sure what to expect at all from their faction focuses within the next couple of weeks.

SBGL’s dynasties always felt much more impactful than a lot of (not all) other faction’s subfactions, to me. Vyrkos and Kastelai are very much army identities as much as play style. I have some worries the army will be homogenized with the new formations, which would be a shame, because I think a lot of the appeal of SBGL (aside from gruesome gorgeous models) is how many different ways you can play it.

i don’t think that will hit Sylvaneth as hard, they already rolled back the depth of Groves in 3rd edition, and they provide minimal buffs, similar to formations currently look like. Sylvaneth, however, has already suffered quite a bit from GW not being able to decide how they want them to work, and how many, and what mix of, models they’re supposed to field.

i can’t shake this gut feeling that Sylvaneth, especially, might end up in, not necessarily a bad place, but a very odd place as GW tries to pivot on play style focused and how much any one army should fill certain roles.

So yeah, *end thought*

Dunno, that they actually start caring for terrain migth be good for tree-dudes, my guess would be that we see something akin to gnawholes that u can put up free trees (but capped). If its still limited to a spell that would be a bit rough in a world where every unit is a lumberjack so to speak...

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4 hours ago, Sahrial said:

SBGL’s dynasties always felt much more impactful than a lot of (not all) other faction’s subfactions, to me. Vyrkos and Kastelai are very much army identities as much as play style. I have some worries the army will be homogenized with the new formations, which would be a shame, because I think a lot of the appeal of SBGL (aside from gruesome gorgeous models) is how many different ways you can play it.

Imo, I think that SBGL dynasties are going to be tied to between Battle Formations and the Armies of Renown for each Mortarch from Dawnbringers books.

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Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Already we are losing flavorful thread titles in the new edition.

The obsession with streamlining and competitive posting is ruining TGA -_-

The Manticore, The Witch Aelf and the Chatterbox.

Sorry thats it for now, got nothing else XD.

Edit: more accurate: The Manticore, The Witch Aelf and the Wardsave.

Edited by Gitzdee
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10 minutes ago, woolf said:

Nurgle today, lose wheel, keep disease and ward on scrolls?

I hope the wheel goes. That was always my least favourite thing about Nurgle. But then I also hope they get some new ability to make up for the loss of it and summoning. Maybe some kind of pollution mechanic?

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5 hours ago, Sahrial said:

Random thought of the night:

Other than Ogors, my main army is SBGL, and I also have Sylvaneth I don’t actually play that often.

Both of those armies have traditionally had a much higher skill floor than Ogors, who are my “smooth brain” army.

i liked my big brain armies.

I am slowly preparing myself for simplified and lost abilities, since it seems they are trying to re-level the skill floor across the board.

Knowing a full play style revamp isn’t out of the question, I’m not sure what to expect at all from their faction focuses within the next couple of weeks.

SBGL’s dynasties always felt much more impactful than a lot of (not all) other faction’s subfactions, to me. Vyrkos and Kastelai are very much army identities as much as play style. I have some worries the army will be homogenized with the new formations, which would be a shame, because I think a lot of the appeal of SBGL (aside from gruesome gorgeous models) is how many different ways you can play it.

i don’t think that will hit Sylvaneth as hard, they already rolled back the depth of Groves in 3rd edition, and they provide minimal buffs, similar to formations currently look like. Sylvaneth, however, has already suffered quite a bit from GW not being able to decide how they want them to work, and how many, and what mix of, models they’re supposed to field.

i can’t shake this gut feeling that Sylvaneth, especially, might end up in, not necessarily a bad place, but a very odd place as GW tries to pivot on play style focused and how much any one army should fill certain roles.

So yeah, *end thought*

Even if you loose that dynasties one, no one knows if they will come back with the battletome.

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