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1 minute ago, PraetorDragoon said:

If they want to keep the cycle then it would be better to have it work like the idoneth tides.


The problem with having a cycle at all is that games are only 5 rounds long, so it doesn't ever feel like a cycle because you never go back around to the starting position. Doubly so if they insist on having 7 options on there for Nurgle's number.

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12 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

I'm not a fan of the current wheel in practice. It's such a random influence. Some games it does barely anything, other games it's just brutal to play against. 

Thematically it's cool, but I think they need to remove it, or put a lot more development into it 

Considering how flavourful the new rules feel, wouldn't surprise me if they keep the wheel or adapt it in some way.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Which other factions are heavily involved with rend?

The nefarious Greedgrab Landlords torment all the realms with ludicrously high rents… oh you said rend, nevermind.

Edited by MitGas
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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Considering how flavourful the new rules feel, wouldn't surprise me if they keep the wheel or adapt it in some way.

yeah but given the streamlining I wouldn't be surprised if they think the disease mechanic is enough to cover the nurgle flavour (hmm nurgle and flavour, those words don't go well together do they...)

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20 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

Would that be the halfling faction?

The Landlords come in all shapes and sizes! The only common trait they share is that they charge way too much for their properties at the beginning of the month! 

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11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

- 40k is not allowed in this forum.
- How to bypass not being able to talk about 40k in AoS:


Isn't that just Tywin Lannister after taking steroids? A lot of steroids? 

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1 minute ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Son of Behamat next time for the entire warscrolls to be shown 😛

also i guess next week we'll either have a drought on destruction or they finally tear the band aid on the ork split or not

Yeah. They are making us suffer until the very last minute.

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So Nurgle has been corrupted by Zenestra it seems so no more wheel indeed...

Disease a bit different but kinda the same I guess? and the wards sitting on the scrolls themselves not really surprising

Did they mention summoning at all?

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1 minute ago, woolf said:

So Nurgle has been corrupted by Zenestra it seems so no more wheel indeed...

Disease a bit different but kinda the same I guess? and the wards sitting on the scrolls themselves not really surprising

Did they mention summoning at all?

As mentioned in the Tzeentch article, summoning is deader than the dodos. 

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2 minutes ago, woolf said:

So Nurgle has been corrupted by Zenestra it seems so no more wheel indeed...

Disease a bit different but kinda the same I guess? and the wards sitting on the scrolls themselves not really surprising

Did they mention summoning at all?

No more summon overall.

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Just now, Wurdbad Triple-belly said:

It's sad, the profile of the GUO has become so generic, even no more difference between his weapons or the bell..

As someone who hasn't assembled their GUO because they didn't feel like doing magnetising yet, I can kind of dsee why

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The GUO seems pretty scary IMO - bringing back half of a unit sounds pretty sick (sry). Also it‘s a war of attrition vs. Nurgle seemingly, with them bleeding you out due to the MWs each round. 

As always, not enough to judge it properly but it doesn‘t look shabby IMO.

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7 minutes ago, Wurdbad Triple-belly said:

Above all, it takes away so much immersion: now a huge sword has no more difference than a simple bell

I think being hit by either of them is gonna suck so bad. I disagree on the immersion. When they have a combat version and a non combat version the non combat version often hits like a limp noodle. I think that's more immersion breaking.

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3 minutes ago, Wurdbad Triple-belly said:

Above all, it takes away so much immersion: now a huge sword has no more difference than a simple bell

Imho, 3rd had less immersion. A lot of fluffy-rules but a lot of weird things on the table.

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