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The Painting Contract - June 2024

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3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Did you do that with a goal in mind or was it just the only primer you had on hand?

Anyway, I painted 8 more dudes:


At first it was because i was lazy for painting squigs. But when i started painting some gitz i actually noticed i like the look a lot more. It is a lot brighter than a black primer and i needed to paint both darker and brighter instead of starting with black and just paint brighter. If that makes any sense. It made me more conscious of what i was doing.

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Quick 1 hour Hysh Battlemage for a game tomorrow.
Most old Empire minis look pretty out of place now (barring stuff like the Steam Tank and magic carts), but the mages still hold up really well. Interested to see what happens to them when the TOW Empire / CoS wave 2 release comes around (whichever is sooner)


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