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4th Edition Cities of Sigmar

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2 hours ago, Morathi is my Goddess said:

Yeah that make sense, I really wanted to pair it with a couple of griffons until I realised

Yeah, that makes the Hurricanum hard to use. It only buffs human, non-companion melee attacks, which I think realistically means Cavaliers and the Command Corps occasionally if you get the chance. It just makes barely any difference on anything else. I ran Steam Tanks with the Hurricanum last edition, which does literally nothing now.

But I think the Hurricanium is still justifiable even if you only plan to buff Cavaliers with it. Wizards are good this edition, it has nice enough stats (can make use of Power Through to nab points thanks to its high health, for example), and Shemtek is still good. It does a bunch of small things that together make it worth using in some lists, IMO. Unlike the Luminark.

By the way, how insane is it that this thing used to give out +1 to hit in a bubble in every phase AND +1 to cast AND did 3d3 mortals at huge distances in 2nd ed?

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48 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Yeah, that makes the Hurricanum hard to use. It only buffs human, non-companion melee attacks, which I think realistically means Cavaliers and the Command Corps occasionally if you get the chance. It just makes barely any difference on anything else. I ran Steam Tanks with the Hurricanum last edition, which does literally nothing now.

But I think the Hurricanium is still justifiable even if you only plan to buff Cavaliers with it. Wizards are good this edition, it has nice enough stats (can make use of Power Through to nab points thanks to its high health, for example), and Shemtek is still good. It does a bunch of small things that together make it worth using in some lists, IMO. Unlike the Luminark.

By the way, how insane is it that this thing used to give out +1 to hit in a bubble in every phase AND +1 to cast AND did 3d3 mortals at huge distances in 2nd ed?

Humans definitely feeling the loss of the greatswords. Fingers crossed some kind of replacement is released soon to round them out 🙏

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33 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Flagelants conversion made by someone from my CoS WhatsApp group:


It uses CoS bits, the new UW warband, Cawdor from Necromunda and some Chainrasp weapons from Mortal Realms issue 1.

That's cool, I am looking into potentially kitbashing some Flagellants. For me, the worst parts of the old kit are the heads and weapons, though. I am undecided between using Flagellant bodies or Cawdor bodies as the base, though.

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Two discussion topics:

Cities infantry spam

Our basic infantry units are pretty cheap. Painting meta aside, how good would running something like 80 Fusiliers be? Or Darkshards. Or Black Ark Corsairs. Or...


Endless spells

Which ones are good for Cities? In my opinion, there are three good Manifestation lores and one niche one. Krondspine, Morbid Conjuration and Primal Energy are good and Aetherwrought Machineries is niche.

Krondspine seems good if you can only get one good cast. I think running a Battlemage to cast it on a 7 may be worth it. It's kind of like a cheap monster and helps you play against other armies with better magic/manifestations.

Morbid Conjuration is probably the best lore if you can get multiple good casts. This is a candidate for Collegiate Arcane lists, maybe. You get a big threat in the Purple Sun and also a few smaller ones that are easier to summon.

Primal Energy is probably the lore to pick if you have a bunch of cast, but no good cast bonus. Maybe your list is bringing an Alchemite and a Sorceress, and then they can try to put the Burning Head and Gnashing Jaws on the table.

Aetherwrought Machineries is IMO a step down from the three lores above, but I think if you have a list with a bunch of wizards that also want to charge it could be worth taking for Chronomantic Cogs. I don't think there is such a list in Cities, though (Battlemage on Griffin spam?). The Pendulum and Swords are OK. Swords are a silver bullet against high wards and the Pendulum can move into combat with its movement ability (FAQ pending) and moves on the enemy turn, as well, so you might be able to get those d6 mortals after all.

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Cities infantry spam

Depends if you mean spamming one particular warscroll or lot of infantry in general. Second seems viable tough perhaps not the best. But you know, I like cities and like to tinker a bit with lists... and than the tought of putting it on board and moving 40 corsairs, 20 darkshards, probably some dreadspears or bit of dwarfs (and still at least I have dragon).. uh. Is a lot of dudes I am just saying.
I sometimes outnumbered my brothers Gitz.

1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Pendulum can move into combat with its movement ability (FAQ pending) and moves on the enemy turn, as well, so you might be able to get those d6 mortals after all.

It's not about mortals, it's about it's zone of control. When you set up it at angle, along with its movement in enemy phase, someone thinking just in terms of mortals may find himself unplesantly tied for a turn with this spell instead of charging.

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17 minutes ago, Boar said:

Depends if you mean spamming one particular warscroll or lot of infantry in general. Second seems viable tough perhaps not the best. But you know, I like cities and like to tinker a bit with lists... and than the tought of putting it on board and moving 40 corsairs, 20 darkshards, probably some dreadspears or bit of dwarfs (and still at least I have dragon).. uh. Is a lot of dudes I am just saying.
I sometimes outnumbered my brothers Gitz.

I'm just wondering whether putting a significant number of bodies down is something that should be considered a core strength of Cities. I can say that for me, trying to play them elite has not felt too good so far (might just be because I was trying to make the Steam Tank work, though).

In general, I think spam is frequently strong in all kinds of different games with rock-paper-scissors mechanics, because spamming one type of option tends to be able to overwhelm potential counters.

Here is a list I am considering:


Cities of Sigmar
Collegiate Arcane Expedition

Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy (130)
[Master of Ballistics]
[Sacred Tome]
- 20 x Freeguild Fusiliers (240)
- 6 x Freeguild Command Corps (190)

Alchemite Warforger (110)
- 10 x Freeguild Steelhelms (100)

Battlemage on Celestial Hurricanum (240)
- 10 x Freeguild Cavaliers (340)

Pontifex Zenestra, Matriarch of the Great Wheel (240)
- 10 x Flagellants (100)
- 10 x Flagellants (100)

Battlemage (110)
- 10 x Freeguild Steelhelms (100)

[Spells of the Collegiate Arcane]
[Scriptures of Sigmar]
[Morbid Conjuration] or some other manifestation lore

5 drops

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Two threats with the Fusiliers and Cavaliers, plus the Battlemage on foot to summon one of the three big manifestations (Krondspine, Purple Sun or Gnashing Jaws), and then just a bunch of bodies to zone and gum up the board.

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6 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I'm just wondering whether putting a significant number of bodies down is something that should be considered a core strength of Cities. I can say that for me, trying to play them elite has not felt too good so far (might just be because I was trying to make the Steam Tank work, though).

I am sure it can be, Cities has 5+ ward order further increasing value of such.

Like below (not saying it's particulary good list) has 80 infantry and 10 cav. 5 heroes for orders 2 of which can only be seen under very particular circumstances, and 3 Wizards to use manifestations along Corsairs and Dark Riders to try dictate your engagments.
Why Corsairs? They have better chance of actually destroying smaller manifestations than say Bleakswords (thanks to their crossbows they now always have) so it's tool for controlling board space and counter-manifestation one.


Collegiate Arcane Expedition

Sorceress (120)
- 20 x Darkshards (280)
- 1 x Assassin (120)
[Sacred Tome]
- 1 x Assassin (120)
[Master of Ballistics]

Sorceress (120)
- 10 x Black Ark Corsairs (120)
- 5 x Dark Riders (150)
- 5 x Dark Riders (150)

Sorceress (120)
- 20 x Darkshards (280)
- 20 x Executioners (280)
- 10 x Black Ark Corsairs (120)

[Scriptures of Sigmar]
[Morbid Conjuration]

3 drops

EDIT: you would have to replace one assassin with unit from another one, as you can only have 0-1 little dudes in a regiment

Edited by Boar
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 Here are my thoughts on the human units that I have fielded in a few practice games, as I prepare for a GT next weekend. 

Cannon - A decent use of the points. I try to bring one bc I love the model but he is just so swingy. Really needs the Ogor warhulk to be worth it, but definitely has a mental impact on the game as players will often rush to deal with it. 

Ogor Warhulk - Ok but a bit pricy for what he does. I always appreciate having him but in subsequent list building have removed him for other stuff.

Fusiliers: Really are the bread and butter of the army now. I have had 20 tank some rediculous stuff, and taking them in Honor Guard for +1 to hit and wound really takes them to a new level, since overwatches vs general regiment become super scary. Its really frustrating that they can't shoot into combat while fortified. Hopefully that gets fixed soon. I am hoping to get more and eventually field 40. 

Cavalier: They do decent damage on the charge, but their best kept secret is their insane tankiness when you pop the 5+ ward order. With AOD you can reliably get to a 2+/5++ and thats gonna stop most units in their tracks. Can be a bit of a CP hog though. 

Warforger: An absolute steal for 110pts as a fusilier support unit. I put master of ballistics on him every time. A great combo is the -1 attack spell combined with his +1 armor save ability to make fusiliers pretty much impossible to kill. 

Hurricanum: This guy has really put in some work. He is a good "order support unit" for Cavaliers since he can keep up with them and they really benefit from the +1 to hit and a nearby potential 3d6 charge spell. For the GT I plan to give him the Priest Tome for a potential -1 to wound option if I don't need to cast. I don't really understand why he is so much cheaper than the Luminarc because in my opinion he is way more useful. 

Wildercorps - Absolutely solid screens and chip damage. Really need the +3 range sub otherwise they are generally dead right after they shoot. Can be awkward to use and absolutely fall apart in combat. Fusiliers seem like a better use of the points. 

Steelhelms - Just take fusiliers. You get a shooting attack and better defense for 20 more points. Maybe there is some potential for 20 as dedicated tanks. But with Hold the Line being readily available, their ward is generally not as necessary. 

Pontifex - Love the model but just seems too expensive. I hate that a pontifex with like 7 ritual points in their pocket could lose them all by rolling a single 1. I would rather just take the tome on another hero, or maybe a runelord if I REALLY wanted a reliable priest. I can see the value in a meta likely to be dominated by strong casters, but those occasional 1s on prayers will just destroy this units output. 

Battlemage on Griffin - An absolute toolbox of a unit, and the griffin can put out some crazy damage. Another great support unit for a large unit of cavaliers.

Tahlia - 10/10 model and a decent, if expensive combat unit. Probably doesn't do anything a 30pt cheaper marshal on griffin wouldn't do but I take her every time just for the wow factor. 





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8 hours ago, Landohammer said:

 Here are my thoughts on the human units that I have fielded in a few practice games, as I prepare for a GT next weekend. 

Cannon - A decent use of the points. I try to bring one bc I love the model but he is just so swingy. Really needs the Ogor warhulk to be worth it, but definitely has a mental impact on the game as players will often rush to deal with it. 

Ogor Warhulk - Ok but a bit pricy for what he does. I always appreciate having him but in subsequent list building have removed him for other stuff.

Fusiliers: Really are the bread and butter of the army now. I have had 20 tank some rediculous stuff, and taking them in Honor Guard for +1 to hit and wound really takes them to a new level, since overwatches vs general regiment become super scary. Its really frustrating that they can't shoot into combat while fortified. Hopefully that gets fixed soon. I am hoping to get more and eventually field 40. 

Cavalier: They do decent damage on the charge, but their best kept secret is their insane tankiness when you pop the 5+ ward order. With AOD you can reliably get to a 2+/5++ and thats gonna stop most units in their tracks. Can be a bit of a CP hog though. 

Warforger: An absolute steal for 110pts as a fusilier support unit. I put master of ballistics on him every time. A great combo is the -1 attack spell combined with his +1 armor save ability to make fusiliers pretty much impossible to kill. 

Hurricanum: This guy has really put in some work. He is a good "order support unit" for Cavaliers since he can keep up with them and they really benefit from the +1 to hit and a nearby potential 3d6 charge spell. For the GT I plan to give him the Priest Tome for a potential -1 to wound option if I don't need to cast. I don't really understand why he is so much cheaper than the Luminarc because in my opinion he is way more useful. 

Wildercorps - Absolutely solid screens and chip damage. Really need the +3 range sub otherwise they are generally dead right after they shoot. Can be awkward to use and absolutely fall apart in combat. Fusiliers seem like a better use of the points. 

Steelhelms - Just take fusiliers. You get a shooting attack and better defense for 20 more points. Maybe there is some potential for 20 as dedicated tanks. But with Hold the Line being readily available, their ward is generally not as necessary. 

Pontifex - Love the model but just seems too expensive. I hate that a pontifex with like 7 ritual points in their pocket could lose them all by rolling a single 1. I would rather just take the tome on another hero, or maybe a runelord if I REALLY wanted a reliable priest. I can see the value in a meta likely to be dominated by strong casters, but those occasional 1s on prayers will just destroy this units output. 

Battlemage on Griffin - An absolute toolbox of a unit, and the griffin can put out some crazy damage. Another great support unit for a large unit of cavaliers.

Tahlia - 10/10 model and a decent, if expensive combat unit. Probably doesn't do anything a 30pt cheaper marshal on griffin wouldn't do but I take her every time just for the wow factor. 





This matches a lot of my initial experiences.

A quick heads up for you: Getting a 1 on a chanting roll only loses you 1d3 ritual points, not all of them. You only go down to 0 on a success.

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13 hours ago, Boar said:

I am sure it can be, Cities has 5+ ward order further increasing value of such.

Like below (not saying it's particulary good list) has 80 infantry and 10 cav. 5 heroes for orders 2 of which can only be seen under very particular circumstances, and 3 Wizards to use manifestations along Corsairs and Dark Riders to try dictate your engagments.
Why Corsairs? They have better chance of actually destroying smaller manifestations than say Bleakswords (thanks to their crossbows they now always have) so it's tool for controlling board space and counter-manifestation one.

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Collegiate Arcane Expedition

Sorceress (120)
- 20 x Darkshards (280)
- 1 x Assassin (120)
[Sacred Tome]
- 1 x Assassin (120)
[Master of Ballistics]

Sorceress (120)
- 10 x Black Ark Corsairs (120)
- 5 x Dark Riders (150)
- 5 x Dark Riders (150)

Sorceress (120)
- 20 x Darkshards (280)
- 20 x Executioners (280)
- 10 x Black Ark Corsairs (120)

[Scriptures of Sigmar]
[Morbid Conjuration]

3 drops

EDIT: you would have to replace one assassin with unit from another one, as you can only have 0-1 little dudes in a regiment

Looking at that list I feel like it really might be worth considering playing the magic game for Cities. You have to run a bunch of small foot heroes instead of one big mega-caster, but getting to 3 casts at +1/+2 is very achievable and actually quite a good place to be in. Weaker than Seraphon, Nagash and Teclis, but otherwise quite competitive.

Since all three races have play now, I think looking into a mixed list also makes a lot of sense. You can do fusiliers and cavaliers with humans, hammerers with dwarves and dark riders, executioners and chaff with elves without losing any meaningful synergies or anything.

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Hi all,

Returning to AOS after a long hiatus. Are the 'good' Cursed City heroes still playable at all (Jelson, Emelda, Dagnai etc)? I've had a look through the CoS Faction Packs and Legends and can't find them, so I am assuming not, but just wanted to check (I found the undead ones in Soulblight which made me think I might be missing something).

Thank you.

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2 minutes ago, Lost2Requiem said:

Hi all,

Returning to AOS after a long hiatus. Are the 'good' Cursed City heroes still playable at all (Jelson, Emelda, Dagnai etc)? I've had a look through the CoS Faction Packs and Legends and can't find them, so I am assuming not, but just wanted to check (I found the undead ones in Soulblight which made me think I might be missing something).

Thank you.

They are Legends, but I think they didn't receive rules this edition.

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2 minutes ago, Lost2Requiem said:

Ah, thank you. I guessed that might be the case, but I've got a lot of catching up to do!

With the 3rd edition battletome they were moved into Legends, but the bad guys are still playable.

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1 hour ago, Lost2Requiem said:

Hi all,

Returning to AOS after a long hiatus. Are the 'good' Cursed City heroes still playable at all (Jelson, Emelda, Dagnai etc)? I've had a look through the CoS Faction Packs and Legends and can't find them, so I am assuming not, but just wanted to check (I found the undead ones in Soulblight which made me think I might be missing something).

Thank you.

They have not had rules in a while, but they are not bad proxies for other models if you want to use them. Glaurio and Emelda make good Freeguild Marshalls and Octren and Cleona can be Battlemages, for example.

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4 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

They have not had rules in a while, but they are not bad proxies for other models if you want to use them. Glaurio and Emelda make good Freeguild Marshalls and Octren and Cleona can be Battlemages, for example.

Painting up both of those as battle mages myself right now. I was considering doing wood elf lady and the ogor together as a warhulk, but decided I was probably fine with the warhulk I have and didn't need 2.

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9 hours ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

Painting up both of those as battle mages myself right now. I was considering doing wood elf lady and the ogor together as a warhulk, but decided I was probably fine with the warhulk I have and didn't need 2.

Still some of my favourite models I have painted:


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Going to try out this list today:

Cities of Sigmar
Collegiate Arcane Expedition

Alchemite Warforger (110)
- 6 x Freeguild Command Corps (190)

Battlemage on Celestial Hurricanum (240)
- 10 x Freeguild Cavaliers (340)

Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy (130)
[Sacred Tome]
[Master of Ballistics]
[Heirloom Warhammer]
- 20 x Freeguild Fusiliers (240)

Pontifex Zenestra, Matriarch of the Great Wheel (240)
- 10 x Freeguild Steelhelms (100)

Gotrek Gurnisson (360)

[Spells of the Collegiate Arcane]
[Scriptures of Sigmar]
[Primal Energy]

5 drops

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I am hoping it will do better than my previous Steam Tank centric attempts. My opponent will be bringing Kruleboyz with the Krondspine incarnate, so let's see how it goes. This is my first time bringing Gotrek. Looking foreward to having a punchy unit.

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My game went pretty well.



We called the game in the middle of turn 3 due to time, but I had a lead at that point and I think the game was mine to lose. I'm not going to give a full battle report this time but just talk about how I feel about the list and units I brought.

  • The Collegiate Arcane Expedition felt more impactful than Ironweld Arsenal did before. I think I will strongly consider defaulting to it in the future even if I bring just one wizard. My ranking right now is this: Collegiate at the top, Ironweld after if you bring more than one shooting unit, then Fortress City (which I think is pretty good, but might not be impactful if you can't decide first turn or if you are on a bad battle plan) and then Dawnbringer Crusade last (because turn 1 mobility just has not been an issue for me).
  • Sacred Tome: I made some use of it this time and even got the boosted version of Unfaltering Aim once. In this game, however, Brazier of Holy Flame would have been more impactful, since my Command Corps kept getting whittled down. I have found that turn 1 shooting and incidental wounds actually are a bit of a concern for this list, so I am thinking I might want the Brazier in the future. Especially if you end up running 3 wizards, where the extra banishment attempt is less important.
  • Master of Ballistics: I keep thinking I want to explore a different command trait, but the others don't make sense for me. I have no plans to run anything that would get good use out of Grizzled Veteran and don't charge enough to run Hot Blooded.
  • Fusilier Honour Guard: I think they are a good choice for a Honour Guard unit. I went into this game expecting to potentially give them +1 to hit/wound, but my opponent's list made me switch gears in to using -1 attacks instead. Since both of these traits help the Fusilier game plan, I think they are in a good position to always benefit regardless of match up.
  • Primal Energies: I would say that manifestations played a big role in patching up holes I previously felt I had in my list. Specifically, fast, punchy stuff that can threaten units and occupy board space. Gnashing Jaws is good to summon on your regular turn since it cannot be immediately banished (just takes 6 damage instead). It fights OK and does some impact hits. It is threatening enough to force a response, which I think is pretty good. The choice between this at CV 7 and 1d3 mortals from Elemental Lightning at CV 7 is hilariously out of whack. Burning Head is stealthily really good. At CV 5 it is very easy to summon off turn, and if you summon it on your own turn it can immediately try to shoot. Random profiles, but it is threatening enough. It killed a Killbow for me this game, first binding it in melee and then grinding it down over 2 turns, which for a 5 CV spell is a stellar performance. I did not cast Lifeswarm this game, because I had no good targets for it. It only heals 3, but does not resurrect models. Gotrek could have benefitted from it potentially, but in the end there just was no opportunity to bring it out.
  • My opponent brought the Krondspine Incarnate. I think it is a good manifestation if you only have one good cast. CV 8 was very managable by just camping a +1 foot wizard near a place of power. In many ways, this guy feels like a bigger, more threatening Gnashing Jaws. His 3d6 charge into manifestations is nice, because it means it will frequently be able to get into combat the turn it is summoned.
  • Gotrek (Grombrindal): He is certainly a hammer. Killed the Sludgeraker Boss from full to dead by just touching him. His 3+ ward makes him reasonably tanky. I think he is solid for his points and role, but a Runelord and 20 Hammerers do a similar thing and are probably better.


  • Hurricanum Mage: I rate him. I liked him last edition and he still does the same things he did then. The +1 to hit was really good and saved me a lot of command points, both on and off turn. Storm of Shemtek still slaps and it's super nice that it is not a shooting attack but and ability. The Hurricanum mage gave out a bunch of useful orders and summoned a few manifestations. This guy was instrumental in killing the Vultcha Boss before it even got to do anything, between his own moral wound ability and mortal wounds from the manifestations he had summoned. So really, what's not to like?
  • Cavaliers: Did not actually get a big charge this game, but are beefy enough to be threatening. Solid even at the worst of times.
  • Command Corps: I keep bringing them and they keep being good. They take a bunch of hits to kill with their wounds and ward and they foiled a critical charge reroll this time which denied a battle tactic. They are valuable every time I bring them.
  • Zenestra: 5+ ward good
  • Alchemite: Died early this game, but having a small foot mage that can sit next to a place of power is nice. Helped me get out the Gnashing Jaws easily.
  • Steelhelms: They really are a do-nothing screening unit. They failed their consecration roll turn 1 (again, I have never got it off yet), got shot and died. Still, I will keep bringing them. Potentially even more of them, since I really think my lists are lacking in wounds and bodies on the table.

Overall, the wizard list definitely feels better than the Steam Tank list (to nobody's surprise). I have ordered my own Malign Sorceries set now. Even if they get nerfed/rebalanced in the future, I think magic and manifestations have enough play that they are worth having this edition.

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Has anyone tried to play AoS 4 in the style of Spearhead?

4-5 Cards per battleround. A card can alternatively be used as a command point (instead of the commands on the cards) but one can’t score the card then and it‘s discarded.

Edited by JackStreicher
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