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4th Edition Cities of Sigmar

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3 minutes ago, Thugmullet said:

I was just saying to someone the other day I had to laugh at the Steamtank. I painted it 4 years ago and never could run it but then suddenly it was in every game I played. Then AOS4 is out and I suspect it is back on the shelf for 4 years again. Oh well. One canon shot, no spell to make it immune to rend, can't shoot in combat. It has no role in the army Anymore. It would go back on the shelf if it was same points. But at 330 points.. Its useless now I think.

I am going to agree that you probably won't see it in tournament lists. I just run it as a pet unit right now.

The big issue is that it only tanks. 12 health 2+ save is still quite good, and there are several ways to give it a ward. You can heal it with Rally, too, and that's fairly efficient given its health and save. Capturing for 5 at least make it kind of good at threatening points. The problem is that it really has not meaningful offensive presence. I wish the steam gun had "shoot in combat", that would help it a lot.

It's at 300 points right now, which looks too high to me (although I want to run it a few times to make sure). If it goes down a little in the future, I think it eventually gets into the realm of becoming reasonable when you don't have to cripple your offense quite as much to run it. At 340, I could potentially see the Tank Commander get used in high drop lists (if those are viable), Grizzled Veteran makes it very hard to break. But it faces stiff competition in most lists from the Freeguild Marshal on Griffin or even the Battlemage on Griffin, who are just much easier to include in lists.

13 minutes ago, Thugmullet said:

On the other hand I think Hamerers are one hell of a hammer now. One drop with 20 hamerers and a Runelord is 420 points. You get a priest plus 20 wounds on a 3+ and a 5+ ward doing potentially 60 damage 2 attacks at rend 2 (3 if you want to risk generals battalion) and with a command, base 7 inch move. No extra points needed on a screen.. I think there the hot sauce this time round.

Yeah, Hammerers are good. Really a complete package of defense and offense, even if you take the more realistic scenario where they don't get the charge and only get the more dependable buffs. They only mark against them is that they are not spamable, but they would be my personal top pick for a melee infantry unit for now.

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4 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:


Yeah, Hammerers are good. Really a complete package of defense and offense, even if you take the more realistic scenario where they don't get the charge and only get the more dependable buffs. They only mark against them is that they are not spamable, but they would be my personal top pick for a melee infantry unit for now.

Why aren't they spammable? It feels like you could have at least 2 bricks pretty easily, since Runelords seem strong. If you wanted to run more and keep regiment drops low the cogsmith isn't good, but Warden King General, Cogsmith, 2 blocks of 20 hammerers is a thing at 880 points. 


Its a shame about legends, but I kind of get why. Some of the stuff looks STRONG. Like brethren of the bolt would be definitely in a lot of lists. A cheap human unit that is also a priest would be pretty close to autoinclude at 100 points. 

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13 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

Why aren't they spammable? It feels like you could have at least 2 bricks pretty easily, since Runelords seem strong. If you wanted to run more and keep regiment drops low the cogsmith isn't good, but Warden King General, Cogsmith, 2 blocks of 20 hammerers is a thing at 880 points. 


Its a shame about legends, but I kind of get why. Some of the stuff looks STRONG. Like brethren of the bolt would be definitely in a lot of lists. A cheap human unit that is also a priest would be pretty close to autoinclude at 100 points. 

My reasoning is this:

Hammerers alone without a dwarf hero are not that good, because part of what makes them good is that they get that free 5+ ward (also the speed boost from Advance in Formation).

The Runelord is a great partner for them, since he can give the relevant orders, enable their ward, buff them with prayers and unbind. All of these are super good traits. The second runelord is a bit worse than the first, since only one of them can build prayer points with Magical Intervention at the same time, but I can see that still being defensible. I think the diminishing returns are real, though. And it drives up your drops by a lot.

I do not rate the Warden King or Cogsmith. The Warden King's grudge ability is not very good for a slow infantry unit like Hammerers that can't pick its engagements. The Cogsmith might as well be a blank warscoll, he does nothing for Hammerers other than being a hero. I would not want to pay 150 for the Warden King and 130 for the Cogsmith in a world where Runelords are better and cheaper at 120.

I think there are two serious choices if you are optimizing, which is one Runelord and 20 Hammerers (goes into any list, can easily fir in 3 drops), or two Runelords and 40 Hammerers (massively shapes your list and probably drives up drops, but might be worth it). Maybe you throw some Irondrakes in there somewhere, I think that's defensible, too. But I don't think from a strictly optimization-minded stand point, you want any of the other dwarf units.


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10 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

My reasoning is this:

Hammerers alone without a dwarf hero are not that good, because part of what makes them good is that they get that free 5+ ward (also the speed boost from Advance in Formation).

The Runelord is a great partner for them, since he can give the relevant orders, enable their ward, buff them with prayers and unbind. All of these are super good traits. The second runelord is a bit worse than the first, since only one of them can build prayer points with Magical Intervention at the same time, but I can see that still being defensible. I think the diminishing returns are real, though. And it drives up your drops by a lot.

I do not rate the Warden King or Cogsmith. The Warden King's grudge ability is not very good for a slow infantry unit like Hammerers that can't pick its engagements. The Cogsmith might as well be a blank warscoll, he does nothing for Hammerers other than being a hero. I would not want to pay 150 for the Warden King and 130 for the Cogsmith in a world where Runelords are better and cheaper at 120.

I think there are two serious choices if you are optimizing, which is one Runelord and 20 Hammerers (goes into any list, can easily fir in 3 drops), or two Runelords and 40 Hammerers (massively shapes your list and probably drives up drops, but might be worth it). Maybe you throw some Irondrakes in there somewhere, I think that's defensible, too. But I don't think from a strictly optimization-minded stand point, you want any of the other dwarf units.


I think its a real shame the Warden King can't take a runelord in his regiment, because I think that would get the warden king potentially played.  

I do think its funny just how much I misread the Irondrake's bomb ability. In my defence I was going through ALL the cities scrolls quickly, but I got three big things wrong about it. One, I didn't realise it was once per turn, not game. Two, didn't realise it was 6 inch range and out of combat. Three, didn't realise it was D6, do that many mortals on 3+, just autocorrected it in my head to the 2+ on a d3 thing. I find it endlessly funny that something like a goblin shaman just dies in one bomb swing on a 4+.


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2 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

I think its a real shame the Warden King can't take a runelord in his regiment, because I think that would get the warden king potentially played.  

Barely anyone can take any priests or wizards as extras. This is a trend across all armies; I strongly suspect it reflects the intention of the designers to give picking wizards and priests a serious opportunity cost. Only high magic armies get to do it, as far as I can tell. In Seraphon, a Slann can bring a Skink Starpriest along. In Soulblight, the big Vyrkos vampires can bring small vampires with them who are also casters (although Soulblight can just run Nagash and get 9 casts, so whatever). Tzeentch has a few small wizards you can add. But I think that's it.

9 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

I do think its funny just how much I misread the Irondrake's bomb ability. In my defence I was going through ALL the cities scrolls quickly, but I got three big things wrong about it. One, I didn't realise it was once per turn, not game. Two, didn't realise it was 6 inch range and out of combat. Three, didn't realise it was D6, do that many mortals on 3+, just autocorrected it in my head to the 2+ on a d3 thing. I find it endlessly funny that something like a goblin shaman just dies in one bomb swing on a 4+.

I'm also still in the stage where I am misreading a lot of the details or just assuming that things work similar to how they did in 3rd. I guess there is no avoiding that when you get a lot of rules all at once.

That Irondrake bomb, though. It's actually so good if you can make it work. Even 3 mortal damage is nothing to sneeze at and everything has to respect the threat of a potential 6 mortals out of nowhere. I really rate the Runelord, 20 Hammerers, 10 Irondrakes regiment. If I was not so hesitant to get into Cities dwarves when either their cancellation or new models seem to be looming on the horizon, I'd definitely put that into my lists.


Another discussion point, how about the witch hunters? The Ven Densts can do something I have recently noticed, which is give each other +6" move every turn with Advance in Formation. I think they might actually have a chance to catch some wizards with that speed. I think I might have to take a closer look at Callis and Toll, as well. They and their friends do better damage than the Ven Densts for their points, but they sadly only count as one hero. The deep strike is fun, though. With how hard up Cities human lists are for hammers, they might be worth considering.

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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Barely anyone can take any priests or wizards as extras. This is a trend across all armies; I strongly suspect it reflects the intention of the designers to give picking wizards and priests a serious opportunity cost. Only high magic armies get to do it, as far as I can tell. In Seraphon, a Slann can bring a Skink Starpriest along. In Soulblight, the big Vyrkos vampires can bring small vampires with them who are also casters (although Soulblight can just run Nagash and get 9 casts, so whatever). Tzeentch has a few small wizards you can add. But I think that's it.

I'm also still in the stage where I am misreading a lot of the details or just assuming that things work similar to how they did in 3rd. I guess there is no avoiding that when you get a lot of rules all at once.

That Irondrake bomb, though. It's actually so good if you can make it work. Even 3 mortal damage is nothing to sneeze at and everything has to respect the threat of a potential 6 mortals out of nowhere. I really rate the Runelord, 20 Hammerers, 10 Irondrakes regiment. If I was not so hesitant to get into Cities dwarves when either their cancellation or new models seem to be looming on the horizon, I'd definitely put that into my lists.


Another discussion point, how about the witch hunters? The Ven Densts can do something I have recently noticed, which is give each other +6" move every turn with Advance in Formation. I think they might actually have a chance to catch some wizards with that speed. I think I might have to take a closer look at Callis and Toll, as well. They and their friends do better damage than the Ven Densts for their points, but they sadly only count as one hero. The deep strike is fun, though. With how hard up Cities human lists are for hammers, they might be worth considering.

I think they are neat. I think for hammers though there are a few choices. I need to look more at Callis and Toll, but from the stuff I've looked at.

Hammerers do the most damage against most targets, but they are the slowest and basically require a hero to stay with them. The best hero for that is the runelords, but wholly within combat range isn't nothing honestly. Fortunately they really aren't terrible being charged since the dwarf order is very nice for them. They end up with 15 points a wound on a 3+ and 5++ with hero.

Executioners are just dramatically the best Vs good armour saves, pushing to almost twice as good Vs an opponent with a 2+. They are just made of paper though, at 14 points per wound and a 4+. If they use to order to get 5++ then the strike last really hurts them, and they always want to charge. They are also weirdly resilient to enemy debuffs on them, since between 2/3 and 13/14s (against a 1+ save) is in the form of mortal wounds, so they honestly do not care about -1 to hit or wound.

All of our cavalry is good. I'd probably put the cavaliers gingerly in last place, but they have access to human synergies so I think that makes sense. Drake spawn knights look like a very nice brawler unit. All the choices are surprisingly tanky as well.

Cavaliers are 11 points per wound on a 3+, Drake Spawn are 12 points per wound on 3+ and Dark Riders are 9 points per wound but on a 4+. 

Cav as a whole look pretty good this edition, combat ranges and coherency really favour them. A unit of 10 should have no real trouble getting within 3, and if you want to spread them out, a unit of 5 can block the nest part of 20 inches, since they can go single file and get the 3 inches on either side. Now do you want to do that? No, probably not. But theoretically you can. 

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11 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I think he has a few positives that make him worth it even though he is expensive.

First off, the +1 to hit on the opponent's turn, I think, is actually pretty big.

Save    Fusiliers (-1 to hit)   Fusiliers normal   Fusiliers (+1/+1)   Fusil-Major (-1 to hit)   Fusil-Major normal
2+ 2.28 3.42 6.07 0.72 0.94
3+ 3.42 5.13 9.11 1.08 1.42
4+ 4.56 6.83 12.15 1.44 1.89
5+ 5.69 8.54 15.19 1.81 2.36
6+ 6.83 10.25 18.22 2.17 2.83
- 6.83 10.25 18.22 2.17 2.83


Covering Fire from Fusiliers at -1 to hit just kind of sucks. You will remove, like, one 3+ save cavalry model or a maybe 4-5 4+ save infantry dudes with it. Add in the Fusil-Major, and between his damage and the +1 to hit, you are already looking at ~6 damage against a 3+ save and ~8 against a 4+. And if you get the Honour Guard bonus as well, that's closer to ~10 damage against 3+ and ~13-14 against infantry. So big numbers.

During my own turn, I think the Fusil-Major still provides some value, since his buffs are board wide and you get them for free. So he can be used to remove -1 to hit penalties if my opponent has them, and buff the shooting attacks of Steam Tanks without having to be close to them.

The Major also provides value by being a hero that doesn't increase drops. I want a hero next to the Fusiliers at all times so that I can always give them Advance in Formation, Hold the Line and Suppressing Fire whenever they need it. Suppressing Fire is another piece of the puzzle that makes the shooting castle tougher than it might look. If I can Strikes Last is I am fairly confident the Command Corps and nearby heroes will be able to grind down most attackers. Since Suppressive Fire works off models removed, I think even small damage boosts matter a lot.

Having both the Fusil-Major and the Freeguild Marshal around means I can order a Steam Tank to move (Relic Envoy), then order the Fusiliers to move after. And then the Warhulk still has his order to move them and another unit again, or make them use Suppressive Fire, depending on the circumstances. When I get charged, between the two heroes I can give the Warhulk and the Fusiliers Hold the Line (the command corps and Marshal already have a 5+ ward). I think that utility is just really good.

Finally, the model is just really fun and I have been looking for an excuse to get it.

But the Major ability only works in your shooting phase right ?

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Really good write ups.

On the tank thing not being good in last 4 years. They were amazing last year when our book dropped. Sadly not that great anymore.


Agree with everything said. It's nice that we have so many choices that are viable. I don't think there are any best cases it's how you use them and the type of player you are.


I can see many list starting with runelord and 20 hammers with a Sorc and 20 Executioners. One is a great anvil that deals good damage and the other is a great hammer. Then its pick what you like. Wanna go range go for it. Wanna go Cav heavy go for it. Wanna run 100 stealhelms go for it. So many different options all viable.

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3 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

I love hammerers + Executioners :D (humans really need a hammer unit).

Cavaliers are comparable in damage to Hammerers if you assume only reliable buffs. That is, don't assume you get the charge on a 4" move unit. Cavaliers get impact hits now, which changes the math quite a bit.


3 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

I can’t justify fusiliers at the moment

After looking at the calcs, I would personally say that all the different ranged infantry units are roughly comparable. Each has a situation in which it is the best choice.

For Fusiliers, they are the cheapest, have the longest range and  take the Master of Ballistics buff the best. They also have really solid saves. IMO, they are the best unit to sit on a back objective and provide fire support in Cities. I would not bring more than 1 unit of 20, though.

Irondrakes have the best saves and can move and shoot, and they have their mortal wound bomb. I could imagine taking 10 to support a Hammerer block.

Dark Shards theoretically have the highest potential damage, but you need to jump through a lot of hoops to get it. I do not find them that appealing, since they are fragile and have low range, but at the same time need to not move and target infantry for max damage. And then you have to pay 20 points over Fusiliers for these privileges. Still, if you can make it work, they vastly out-perform the other ranged infantry units in terms of damage.

Wildercorps do what they did last edition: Pre game move onto terrain and then plink at things. They do bad damage compared to everyone else, but they have a different role.

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Posted (edited)

After learning that the Fusil-Major doesn't give his bonus off-turn, I am back to 5 drops for Cities.

My reasoning is that:

  • 2 drop is basically impossible for Cities. We need heroes to use our (very good) allegiance ability. The bonus heroes are not good enough (Fusil-Major, Cogsmith and Assassin).
  • 3 drop us more realistic, but probably 80% of armies will want to go 3 drops or lower, and I think the benefit of extra heroes is higher than that of a chance at deciding priority.
  • Higher than that, might as well go 5 drops and get the maximum benefit during list building and deployment.

I am working with a list building restriction. I don't want to buy any more Warhammer Fantasy models at this point, which means that I am limited to humans.

Going human-only has two upsides:

  1. You get to take advantage of some HUMAN keyword locked buffs (Zenestra prayer, Steelhelm ward, Alchemite +1 to saves, a few others).
  2. You get to go really fast while still being pretty tanky. So you can play going both first and second.

Running 5 heroes, that's potentially 5 Advance in Formation orders, each affecting 2 units and potentially stacking. Two heroes can order each other around and gain +6" movement, or work together to push 1 hero and a unit 6". Zenestra grants access to a movement buff of another +2" through her prayer. There are also the 3d6 charge spell and +2" move subfaction.

With all that in mind, I think what I want to try is run a list that aims to get a 1st turn Cavalier charge to pin the opponent in wherever they are, while also pushing my other units onto points and bunkering down on them.

I am thinking about starting from this shell and then seeing how I can best fill it out:



Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy 130
[Sacred Tome]
[Master of Ballistics]
- 20 x Freeguild Fusiliers 240
- 6 x Freeguild Command Corps 190

Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal 170
- 10 x Freeguild Cavaliers 340

Alchemite Warforger 110

Pontifex Zenestra, Matriarch of the Great Wheel 240



Roles in this list:

The Freeguild Marshal holds a home objective with the Fusiliers. He provides supporting fire throughout the game. He prays every turn and banks the points in order to Unleash Spell with Unfaltering Aim off-turn for a big Covering Fire if anyone gets too close.

The Cavalier-Marshal pushes deep into enemy territory with the Cavaliers as early as possible and then just sticks around there being hard to kill. He is the general so that the Cavaliers can get an Honour Guard ability (they are all potentially really good).

The Warforger is a small wizard that low-drop lists can't afford to bring. He probably tries to give the Cavaliers 3d6 charges early and then casts Cindercloud when possible for -1 attacks for the enemy.

Zenestra is Zenestra. She usually gives out 5+ ward. Maybe she gives out +2" movement turn 1. Maybe she bombs enemy wizards for d3. She can be pushed foreward no problem and it's not a huge deal if she dies in the mid game.


Here is one way to fill out the list to 2000 points using models I have painted:



Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy 130
[Sacred Tome]
[Master of Ballistics]
- 20 x Freeguild Fusiliers 240
- 6 x Freeguild Command Corps 190

Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal 170
- 10 x Freeguild Cavaliers 340

Alchemite Warforger 110
- 10 x Freeguild Steelhelms 100

Pontifex Zenestra, Matriarch of the Great Wheel 240
- 10 x Freeguild Steelhelms 100

Steam Tank Commander 340

Spells of the Collegiate Arcane
Scriptures of Sigmar
Primal Energy

5 drops


I added 20 Steelhelms that can capture objectives and the Tank Commander.

The I feel the Tank Commander can do some work in this list. 2+ save is still good. There are several sources of 5+ wards in this list, as well as +1s to saves. He fights a bit better than the usual Steam Tank (both melee and ranged). He is actually really fast in this list with run and shoot and charge, as well as a base 8" move and giving himself Orders. The Alchemite pairs really well with him, between +1 to saves and -1 attacks for the opponent.

EDIT to say, I think the Tank Commander is a legitimate hero for his points. He is just really bad for list building. His damage is OK and having a hard to kill hero on a big base is a real niche in Cities. The normal tanks are too low damage and I think they need to come down in points before they are a justifiable choice.

I am also looking at lists with a Hurricanum or one of the Witch Hunter units. If you don't have the same restrictions I have, feel free to put some Hammerers in there.

Edited by Neil Arthur Hotep
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6 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Dark Shards theoretically have the highest potential damage, but you need to jump through a lot of hoops to get it. I do not find them that appealing, since they are fragile and have low range, but at the same time need to not move and target infantry for max damage. And then you have to pay 20 points over Fusiliers for these privileges. Still, if you can make it work, they vastly out-perform the other ranged infantry units in terms of damage.

Darkshards with + 3“ Range and master of ballistics buff 👌🏻

18“ 2-3 shots at 2+, 3+ rend 1 

infanty shredders!


a quick list I‘ve cooked up (Thalia can be replaced by a marshal)


Thalia‘s defenders  (2000 Points)


Cities of Sigmar
Ironweld Guild Army
2000 Points
Drops: 3


General’s Regiment

Tahlia Vedra, Lioness of the Parch (310 Points)
• General

Freeguild Cavaliers (170 Points)

Freeguild Steelhelms (100 Points)

Ironweld Great Cannon (130 Points)

Ironweld Great Cannon (130 Points)

Regiment 1

Battlemage (110 Points)
• Master of Ballistics

Freeguild Command Corps (190 Points)

Freeguild Fusiliers (120 Points)

Freeguild Steelhelms (100 Points)

Regiment 2

Sorceress (120 Points)
• Brazier of Holy Flame

Bleakswords (100 Points)

Darkshards (140 Points)

Executioners (280 Points)
• Reinforced

Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

Exported with App Version: v1.0.0 (6), Data Version: v122

Edited by JackStreicher
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5 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

After learning that the Fusil-Major doesn't give his bonus off-turn, I am back to 5 drops for Cities.

My reasoning is that:

  • 2 drop is basically impossible for Cities. We need heroes to use our (very good) allegiance ability. The bonus heroes are not good enough (Fusil-Major, Cogsmith and Assassin).
  • 3 drop us more realistic, but probably 80% of armies will want to go 3 drops or lower, and I think the benefit of extra heroes is higher than that of a chance at deciding priority.
  • Higher than that, might as well go 5 drops and get the maximum benefit during list building and deployment.


I definitely have more yammer, but just a super quick one, black ark Fleetmaster is also an additional hero and I kind of like him and corsairs in general. I rate the Fleetmaster above the assassin.

You don't mention anything to make me think you don't know this, but I've seen a few people think Galen Ven Denst and Dorelia take up a regiment slot on their own, but Galen can also take human infantry with him, so if you want more orders then the vDs get you two in one regiment and can take say fusiliers with them.

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Darkling Superiority (1990 Points)


Cities of Sigmar
Ironweld Guild Army
2000 Points
Auxiliaries: 3
Drops: 5


Regiment 1

Sorceress (120 Points)
• Master of Ballistics

Black Guard (130 Points)

Darkshards (280 Points)
• Reinforced

Executioners (280 Points)
• Reinforced

Regiment 2

Runelord (120 Points)
• Brazier of Holy Flame

Hammerers (300 Points)
• Reinforced

Hammerers (300 Points)
• Reinforced

Irondrakes (150 Points)

Auxiliary Units

Battlemage (110 Points)

Freeguild Steelhelms (100 Points)

Freeguild Steelhelms (100 Points)

Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

Exported with App Version: v1.0.0 (6), Data Version: v122

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7 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:


Darkling Superiority (1990 Points)


Cities of Sigmar
Ironweld Guild Army
2000 Points
Auxiliaries: 3
Drops: 5


Regiment 1

Sorceress (120 Points)
• Master of Ballistics

Black Guard (130 Points)

Darkshards (280 Points)
• Reinforced

Executioners (280 Points)
• Reinforced

Regiment 2

Runelord (120 Points)
• Brazier of Holy Flame

Hammerers (300 Points)
• Reinforced

Hammerers (300 Points)
• Reinforced

Irondrakes (150 Points)

Auxiliary Units

Battlemage (110 Points)

Freeguild Steelhelms (100 Points)

Freeguild Steelhelms (100 Points)

Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

Exported with App Version: v1.0.0 (6), Data Version: v122

Are you intending the auxiliaries? Because I think you can make this just normal 3 drop.

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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:


Darkling Superiority (1990 Points)


Cities of Sigmar
Ironweld Guild Army
2000 Points
Auxiliaries: 3
Drops: 5


Regiment 1

Sorceress (120 Points)
• Master of Ballistics

Black Guard (130 Points)

Darkshards (280 Points)
• Reinforced

Executioners (280 Points)
• Reinforced

Regiment 2

Runelord (120 Points)
• Brazier of Holy Flame

Hammerers (300 Points)
• Reinforced

Hammerers (300 Points)
• Reinforced

Irondrakes (150 Points)

Auxiliary Units

Battlemage (110 Points)

Freeguild Steelhelms (100 Points)

Freeguild Steelhelms (100 Points)

Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

Exported with App Version: v1.0.0 (6), Data Version: v122

Brazier on the runelord? Id assume he'd be with the dwarfs not the humans?

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Hammerers being on sale as a unit of 20 in old world makes them much more tempting in the short term, but worrisome in the long term.

I do have some Hammerers already but wondering whether to get more (I actually should have 20, but 10 are assembled as long beards. Which isn't the worst because of the army of renown).

Other alternative is that I was considering trying to convert some blood bowl dwarfs into Hammerers. I'm not sure about that though.

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7 hours ago, Morathi is my Goddess said:

I don't expect them to survive the next cities book. Who knows when that is though, could be 1 year, could be 3.

The question is if they will be refreshed, replaced with something different or vanish.

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

The question is if they will be refreshed, replaced with something different or vanish.

I would expect either an update that is not 1 to 1 (I don't see us keeping three types of dwarf melee infantry aftet an update, for example) or that the dwarves get removed completely. In either case, I personally would not want to be stuck with the WHFB dwarf kits.

But if you don't feel so strongly about it or are willing to just sell off the models to a TOW play, just go for it.

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