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Soulblight Gravelords Primer

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Are you a new player or somebody who is curious about Soulblight Gravelords? Hopefully this topic will help you!

What is Age of Sigmar?

For those who aren't aware and may have gotten to this topic through a search engine link, this may help you. Age of Sigmar is a tabletop wargame made by Games Workshop. It is set in the Mortal Realms, which are a set of near infinite magical realms which are connected via Realmgates. It is currently in the 4th edition of the game and sometimes known as AOS4.

You can find the core rules here - https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/XDIu1usQa07ohgwj.pdf

You can find the quick start rules here - https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/GO49bo7eHHGDyq9F.pdf

You can find the points for all the factions, FAQs and Rules Update here - https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/JjfchFCbtFUHZkZ1.pdf

Who are the Soulblight Gravelords?

When Nagash woke from the destruction of the World that Was, one of the first things he did was create a legions of undead creatures and to lead his forces he needed leaders. From the aether, he found a recreated his Mortarchs and amongst them were the first vampires - Mannfred von Carstein, Neferata, and Ushoran.

Like their master, they felt the need to create and so gave the blood kiss to mortals across the mortal realms. This created many vampires, who are beings of unnatural speed, strength and magical prowess but an eternal hunger for blood. From these vampire Mortarchs, many Dynastys were created, with many of the vampires seeing themselves as nobility and better than anyone else. All bear a passing resemblance of loyalty to Nagash, but all of them bicker and scheme against each other, as they all want more land, more power, and of course more blood. Nagash doesn't care about this as long as his will is completed, although he does react sometimes, such as with Ushoran.

Using necromancy, these vampires are able to command armies of skeletons, zombies and other foul creatures. These patrol and protect their lands, as well as venturing out across the realms in conquest of more land and resource. Sometimes they even do the bidding of Nagash!

You can find the rules for the Soulblight Gravelords here - https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/GlKXpwVuq4Si7w9B.pdf

You can find the points for the Soulblight Gravelords here - https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/JjfchFCbtFUHZkZ1.pdf


Spearhead is a way of playing Age of Sigmar using the Spearhead box sets. It is a way of playing the game, which is easy to pick up and get into. The rules for Spearhead can be found in the core rules but the quick start/reference information can be found here - https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/jGK80Jjjq4u0PaSR.pdf

Your first 1000 points

Here is a sample army list for the Soulblight Gravelords. It is 1000 points and uses the Spearhead box. The aim is to buy as few kits as possible with this list and it is no way classed as the best list. To make this list you will need a Soulblight Gravelords Spearhead box and a Wright King on a Skeletal Steed, and a box of Black Knights. You can tweak and change the list however you want.

Soulblight Gravelords


Vampire Lord 160 [GENERAL]
- 5 x Blood Knights 230
- 3 x Varghests 160

Wight King on Skeletal Steed 190
- 5 x Black Knights 160
- 10 x Deathrattle Skeletons 100

Any questions, additional thoughts or ideas for the starter list, please add them below. If you want to discuss any tactics, advice or ideas after your first 1000 points, start a new topic in this part of the forum.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Soulblight spearhead box comes with 20 skeletons.  If you're trying to have the 1000 points starter lists use the full spearhead contents, so new players don't feel like they wasted time painting anything, then how about:


Vampire Lord 160 [GENERAL]
- 5 x Blood Knights 230
- 3 x Vargheists 160
- 3 x Fell Bats 90
- 20 x Deathrattle Skeletons 200

Alternatively trade the necromancer for a wight king on foot for the same points.  A second vampire lord for 160 would probably be a better use of the points, particularly with +1 to cast from the Bacchanal formation, but then you're doubling up on a hero model in a way that probably isn't optimal for someone just building their collection, and optimizing a 1000 point list isn't really worth the bother when it's mostly just a temporary stopping point on the way to 2,000.


EDIT:  If you wanted to include a big centerpiece unit, you could also trade the necromancer and fell bats for a Bloodseeker Palanquin, probably swapping which hero is in charge of which battalion to put the faster vampires with the palanquin and the vamp lord with the skittles.  This comes to an aesthetically appealing 1000 points and fits a bit more naturally with the bacchanal formation by adding another vampire wizard & combat piece, and the palanquin synergizes well with the blood knights and vargheists, being able to keep pace with them and buff them once per game.

On the other hand, it's kind of a more niche piece, fitting nicely with these specific units in this specific points range, but if the player decides they want to push non-vampire units more the palanquin stops being attractive.  Even in a vampire heavy list, at higher points values you're more likely to trade the palanquin out for one of the bigger vamp heroes - neferata or vhordrai or even just a generic VLoZD.  The the necromancer and fell bats can probably be slotted more naturally into more different builds.  They're also cheaper to buy and much easier to assemble and paint, especially for a new player.  Again, optimizing for 1k probably isn't maybe the best idea when the game mostly happens at 2k, and spearhead seems likely to replace smaller game formats altogether, but I did feel it was worth mentioning, since at 1k points specifically I really do like the palanquin, at least in an army that's already committed to fielding both blood knights and vargheists.


Edited by Sception
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12 hours ago, Sception said:

The Soulblight spearhead box comes with 20 skeletons. 


That will teach me for doing that post while in a meeting for work! I probably got asked something at that point and forgot about the other 10! 🤣

Nice alternative list though

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