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Stormcast Eternals - 4.0

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Figured I'd start the new edition thread with this question:

Are our Endless Spells a must-take now? Are there any generic Manifestations that we want to look at?

I like the new Regiment system for Stormcast a lot, I just wish you could use Warrior Chamber only lists. Hopefully with the battletome.

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Our manifestation seems underwhelming (well i compare with the ossiarch ones). 
I do like the new regiment system too. 
I really like the new dracoth cavalry rules and the new celestant prime rules. He seems way stronger. But we lose a lot of unit…

Our magic seems weak.

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Our magic is weak, but our prayers are amazing, which seems thematically appropriate for a faction that is quite literally empowered by their god. 

I too found our manifestations a bit underwhelming, but the Dias has my attention. Having a lvl 2 wizard is pretty good, even if the extra unbind is the best part.

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Dais is definitely the most enticing of the faction manifestations. I was excited to see that you can pick a non-wizard to sit on it now, but unfortunately the heroes that I would most like to give a speed + toughness buff to already have fast fly speeds and a 5+ ward, you could give Bastian an extra 3" of movement but it doesn't seem worth it to me. It seems alright as a 5+ banishable ward for important foot heroes, and I reckon it could be quite powerful if the meta does settle on manifestations being super common to get a power level 2 wizard with +1 to banish, certainly a single Knight Arcanum would be hitting above its points cost.

The other two round out the lore as a counterplay focused lore which is a neat idea but it does make them situational. I used to play with the comet a lot in 3rd edition and one of the problems with getting it to work was that they might not have wizards at all, or when they did quite often they took the -1 to cast for a turn at most and then walked away from it, meaning you had to waste a cast dispelling your own comet to make use of it again. Obviously different edition and slightly different effects, but that certainly could happen again. Celestian Vortex's damage seems okay with the potential to spike but it's obviously strictly worse than something like Quicksilver Swords if you're not making use of the -1 to hit in shooting. I'd have to play with it a bit to see if 12" is enough range to properly make use of it. If so, again it seems like it could be a decent extra bit of defence.

For my money though I think there are more universally stronger & more applicable lores out there. I happen to have the Burning Head/Lifeswarm/Gnashing Jaws lore fully painted already so I'll be messing with that for a bit. The Burning Head I'm imagining using essentially as the old Arcane Bolt, chuck it out when you have nothing better to do and want to just ping some damage out there, Lifeswarm gives a bit of defensive utility, and Gnashing Jaws has the old-style pool of dice impact hit mortals which I think is pretty powerful. The Purple Sun/Suffocating Gravetide/Maelstrom/Shackles lore also seems really good. If I'm reading it right, after they've been out a turn the Sun and Gravetide don't even need to rely on charges to get into combat because they both have a bespoke MOVE ability that doesn't specify no entering combat. Those two are the real winners, but you also have the Soulsnare Shackles for a bit less situational version of the Everblaze Comet, and the Malevolent Maelstrom is also there.

I'm quite excited to try all three of these options to be honest, I'm sad many of my lovely wizards have gone to Legends but the one remaining foot wizard getting a boost to playing with Manifestations is very welcome to me.

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On 7/22/2024 at 8:06 PM, Dogmantra said:

If I'm reading it right, after they've been out a turn the Sun and Gravetide don't even need to rely on charges to get into combat because they both have a bespoke MOVE ability that doesn't specify no entering combat.

Just an update to this - yes the abilities don't say no entering combat, but both manifestations are flying, and the FLY ability says that flying units can't end a MOVE in combat unless that move specifically allows it. So if they weren't flying it'd be okay, but since they are, they do still have to charge. They can use the move to tap an enemy in combat then back off to 3.1" away but no floating straight into a fight.

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On 7/22/2024 at 5:00 PM, CommissarRotke said:

Figured I'd start the new edition thread with this question:

Are our Endless Spells a must-take now? Are there any generic Manifestations that we want to look at?

I like the new Regiment system for Stormcast a lot, I just wish you could use Warrior Chamber only lists. Hopefully with the battletome.

Stormcast are not very good at magic, but if you want to play the Manifestation game at a basic level you can bring the Knight-Arcanum, which is not the worst choice. If you do, I don't know you are taking the Stormcast manifestation lore, though. I don't really see the play patter. Summon the Dais turn 1 to give the Arcanum a cast bonus turn 2 to do... what exactly? Or alternatively, give another foot hero a movement boost with the Dais, but I don't think there is a good target here. Personally, if I am bringing the Arcanum I think I am looking to summon the Krondspine or Gnashing Jaws with it.

Krondys is the other real choice for magic in the faction currently (sorry Lorai), and I think he is quite good. 2 cast is solid and +2 to cast is actually great in this edition. I still don't think I would be taking the Stormcast lore with him, though. I don't really rate the hammer hurricane, comet seems OK, and as I said above I don't know who you are putting on the dais. It's just a hard sell over Morbid Conjuration, Primal Energy or Krondspine.

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It’s a pity the comet is toned down so much, it would be great to have a solid manifestation to cast every turn with the Knight Arcanum as on the dias, and he could still cast a solid support spell too. 

I generally agree Morbid or Primal seem to make the most sense. I think with time I am actually shifting to Primal as my main focus, because we can probably make pretty good use of Lifeswarm and the Jaws are very solid. But Morbid is across the board good. 

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