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Do you think Malerion will share a battletome with Morathi?

Do you think Malerion will share a battletome with Morathi?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think Malerion will share a battletome with Morathi? Or do you think he'll get his own tome/faction and DoK will remain a separate faction?

    • Malerion's faction will be on their own
    • Malerion and DoK will merge into one battletome, Shadow Aelves basically
    • Malerion will never actually come out

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21 minutes ago, Red Bull said:

Curious where everyone stands on this. Personally, I think they will merge the Shadow Elves under one tome. The God of Shadows and the Shadow Queen. Umbraneth or whatever GW decides to call them

I think so as well and I find it‘s the best solution on top. We got quite a few aelven factions and I prefer armies that got lots of variety instead of being one-note. While the almost exclusive girls-club is nice, I think it would be even better if they got expanded upon. 

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Having one tome covering Morathi and Malerion (With Moria-Heg as a 3rd minor player) is ideal. Having 4 "Aelven" tombs is plenty, they each have tonnes of diversity and potential. 

  • Lumineth Realm Lords - 
  • Shadow Aelves - 
  • Sylvaneth -
  • Indoneth Deepkin - 
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I would prefer it if Malerion had its own Battletome. I think there are ways to make them feel very different from Daughters of Khaine in gameplay and style. But then I'm one of the people who found Warclans to be not a great choice that did a disservice to all factions in that tome. 

But then it would require Malerion to ever get a release, and the odds of that happening is low. 

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My preference would be that they have their own battletome.

Putting the 3 Ork armies (or the 2 Ogor armies) in one book didnt really do any of them any favours.

The only real reason to Have Morathi and Malerion in the same book is because they were in WHFB which I think is an extremely weak reason.

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its not like he's a destruction faction gw might actually care.

Soz couldn't help myself.

I think malerion is being held back for now, he'd be a money maker there will finally be a slaanesh realsed storyline and whether its 5th or 6th I've said it a few times but I imagine tyrion riding a phoenix vs shadow dragon form malerion maybe not directly in the launch box but will be the big models like the new verminking priest thing.

See how cities progress and what happens with the dispossed with old world etc.

I can see possibly a refresh for the happening similar time or shortly after chorfs.

But when dark elves are released for old world proper I'd hope the umbraneth wouldn't be to far behind.

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1 hour ago, mojojojo101 said:

The only real reason to Have Morathi and Malerion in the same book is because they were in WHFB which I think is an extremely weak reason.

You're right about that being an extremely weak reason, but I don't think it's the only one.

You have 2 elf gods both from Ulgu. The current DoK spell lore is the Lore of Shadows, which Malerion is the god of. Morathi's monster form is called the Shadow Queen. To me, it looks like they are setting them up to be the Shadow Elf faction, with 2 ascendant elf gods leading them. The God of Shadows and The Shadow Queen.

Just like the light elves will have 2 ascendant elf gods leading them. Unless you think Tyrion will get his own tome too? Then I will finally understand the elf hate lol


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1 hour ago, Red Bull said:

Just like the light elves will have 2 ascendant elf gods leading them. Unless you think Tyrion will get his own tome too? Then I will finally understand the elf hate lol

Well, if there are *two* lumineth armies I think I would be capable of hearing @MitGas across the ocean. So for that reason I would like it. :D

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19 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

Well, if there are *two* lumineth armies I think I would be capable of hearing @MitGas across the ocean. So for that reason I would like it. :D

Yeah, I can already see the headline: Deranged cult (of one) attacks famous miniature company. (A)Elven molds forever lost! 👍

The insane assailant was not transformed into a „mighty Daemon Prince of Tzeentch“ as he expected. He will serve his sentence at GW, where he will tell the designers to create „heavily-armored sorcerer-warriors of Tzeentch“, only to be ignored. Instead GW will redo their Lumineth range, only twice as extensive. Every second GW release will be a Lumineth kit, effectively halting progress for the next 10 years (the duration of his sentence), as now only Space Marines and Lumineth get produced. 

I had a good chuckle… 😃 I‘ll be coming after you too! 😡

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6 hours ago, mojojojo101 said:

The only real reason to Have Morathi and Malerion in the same book is because they were in WHFB which I think is an extremely weak reason.

There is also practicality, logistics and "Faction bloat". There are already 23 Battletomes in Age of Sigmar. (24 if/when Chorfs arrive) Is it good for the setting as a whole to have 5 different types of Aelve Battletome? I would argue that it is not. These factions need support over time. The more factions are spread out, the less frequent the support they receive will be. 

There is only so much time and resources. 

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Malerion will come for sure - he has a potential to bring a lot of cash for GW. My bet is on one faction approach. There is a reason why the Dark Elves remain in this strange suspension, with (almost) solely WHFB kits divided between DoK and CoS. Come Malerion and we will likely see the almost complete removal of Dark Elves from CoS and plenty of new kits for now unified Shadow Elves faction led by Morathi (blood / khainite side) and Malerion (shadow side). 

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Malerion will come up for sure. This edition ? Idk. The thing is, GW's plans are mesured in years. For example, they brought back Demon Primarchs in 40k 7th with Magnus, and 3 editions and 8 (? I might ) years later they just finished up the 4 monotheist demon Primarchs with Fulgrim next year if the rumours are true. We'll get Malerion eventually, no worries.

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13 hours ago, Hollow said:

There is also practicality, logistics and "Faction bloat". There are already 23 Battletomes in Age of Sigmar. (24 if/when Chorfs arrive) Is it good for the setting as a whole to have 5 different types of Aelve Battletome? I would argue that it is not. These factions need support over time. The more factions are spread out, the less frequent the support they receive will be. 

There is only so much time and resources. 

If you want to raise the logistics issue, you can also argue that Malerion and his dark elves can show up as an update to Cities of Sigmar, to replace the existing dark elves there. 

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I definitely think they'll merge them. Both are 'Shadow Aelves' and a continuation of the Dark Elves from Fantasy. I would expect they'll take/squat the remaining Darkling Covens in CoS with them. One 'tome for Shadow Aelves and one 'tome for Light Aelves has that symmetry to it. How distinct the two are within the same Battletome is another matter entirely, whether they're more closely tied at the hip or something closer to how Warclans currently are.


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6 hours ago, PraetorDragoon said:

If you want to raise the logistics issue, you can also argue that Malerion and his dark elves can show up as an update to Cities of Sigmar, to replace the existing dark elves there. 

However, small thematic, aesthetic, lore and customer expectations issues exist. Logistics are about serving the setting, system and customer expectations. The CoS range was a dumping ground for old WHFB kits that had no home, as you well know, putting Malerion in with CoS makes no sense in any regard. 

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On 10/3/2024 at 4:37 PM, Hollow said:

There is also practicality, logistics and "Faction bloat". There are already 23 Battletomes in Age of Sigmar. (24 if/when Chorfs arrive) Is it good for the setting as a whole to have 5 different types of Aelve Battletome?

It was a terrible idea to have four, and an even worse idea to put them all in the same grand alliance instead of spreading the aelves between the overfactions.  There should have been, at most, one aelven faction for each grand alliance, with the concepts of the aelven factions and the grand alliances themselves shifted around to make that work.

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On 10/5/2024 at 4:34 PM, Sception said:

It was a terrible idea to have four, and an even worse idea to put them all in the same grand alliance instead of spreading the aelves between the overfactions.  There should have been, at most, one aelven faction for each grand alliance, with the concepts of the aelven factions and the grand alliances themselves shifted around to make that work.

I am really looking forward to the destruction elves tbh. Some how i would expect elfs who have painted half thier faces green and then shout waaaaaaagh before just shooting you from range.

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8 hours ago, Zappgrot said:

I am really looking forward to the destruction elves tbh. Some how i would expect elfs who have painted half thier faces green and then shout waaaaaaagh before just shooting you from range.

instead of the 'big dumb break things' destruction alliance with no actual objective or ambition, especially when chaos already includes destruction for its own sake within it, I would have had a wilderness/nature alliance of factions that wanted to return the realms to their wild, primeval state.  This 'grand alliance of the wilds' could be opposed to both the destruction represented by chaos and the civilization represented by order, and promote a 'survival of the fittest' primitivism combined with a sort of elemental/geomantic magic fitting with the magical nature of the realms.

This concept could fit the existing destruction factions with only slight re-imagining, while also incorporating the sylvaneth/kuurnothi.  You could even fit beastmen in here - say the beast tribes see the realms as the chaos gods gift to them, & archaon's return as a betrayal/the gods trying to take back their gift, so most of the beastherds turn against the gods while those who remain loyal persist within the chaos factions as tzaangors, slaangors, etc.

both the overstuffed alliances lose a faction, while undersupported destruction gains two AND gets to have an actual purpose and ethos and philosophy to drive it.


sadly it's far to late to do this.  I think the current grand alliances & faction distribution, including having too many elf factions & putting them all in the overstuffed order alliance, were a mistake.  but it was a mistake made in AoS's initial development, & not one that can really be fixed now.

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On 10/2/2024 at 7:54 PM, Red Bull said:

Curious where everyone stands on this. Personally, I think they will merge the Shadow Elves under one tome. The God of Shadows and the Shadow Queen. Umbraneth or whatever GW decides to call them

I could see the following happening.

the things we still have left for the dark elves becomes part of dok, as in lore the dark elves of that one city have taken control of it and became their own city state. Would love it if they build opon that.

if malekith should get his own army, I could see it being something new??

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