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Underworlds warbands as generic AoS units - which one will be next ?

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With the Plaguepack in the Skaven BT and the Stormcoven in the SCE BT, GW has started a trend this edition of turning WHU warbands of previous seasons into generic AoS units - without the formula of previous editions where the warscrolls of WHU bands were "one named character + his bandmates". This begs the question, "which WHU warbands will be next to get this treatment ?" In this thread, we shall discuss which bands you, the TGA posters, think will be next to get the "Plaguepack/Stormcoven" treatment.

I'll start with my takes. To me, these WHU bands are likely to be featured in their faction's BT as generic units :

  1. Gorechosen of Dromm : this band is very similar to the Stormcoven in its structure, as is, it's a collection of Khorne heroes in one single package : a slaughterpriest, a skullgrinder and their mutated homie. I'm sure you could make something out of it like with the Stormcoven, like a "priest congregation" of Khorne.
  2. Ephilim's Pandemonium : a structure similar to the Plaguepack of "a character that can pass as generic and his entourage", the fact the miniatures are so unique, bizarre and great, and the lore around it as a gaunt summoner's apprentice can make it a nice option to turn generic.
  3. The Thricefold Discord : same reasoning behind the Gorechosen/Stormcoven, you get a collection of heroes in one package that can make a cool little unit.
  4. Gnarlspirit Pack : it could make a nice Darkoath wizard option with its shaman and 3 bodyguards. Same logic as with Pandemonium/Plaguepack.
  5. Blackpowder's Buccaneers : very easy to adapt as it's just an Ogre and his pets, plus it gives a unique pirate aesthetic compared to the rest of the Mawtribes range.
  6. Crimson Court : same reasoning behind the Gorechosen/Stormcoven, you get a collection of heroes in one package that can make a cool little unit. Also it gives GW a (somewhat) excuse to force people to stop proxying vampire lords with this warband, at least in strict WYSIWYG environments.
  7. Cyreni's Razors Same logic as with Pandemonium/Plaguepack as you get a hero and her entourage, also the armoured Namarti and the octopus make them stand out. Sadly no Duinclaw.
  8. Headsman' Curse : a band of already generic characters with great lore behind that could easily make a NH unit.
  9. Hexbane's Hunters : can easily be repurposed into a generic witch hunter and his crew.
  10. Grinkrak's Looncourt : some of the best WHU models ever released, everyone loves the squig slingshot and the mushroom trumpet, it could make a great GSG unit as you get Grinkrak accompanied by his court. Also it used to see some play in competitive last edition. 

I couldn't do all WHU bands, I had to limit myself to 10. But what's your opinion about all of this ? Who do you think are the bands that could become units in their BTs ? 

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