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Knight-Azyros no longer "Leader of the way"

Agent of Chaos

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Just picked up the new Storm Cast Battletome and it appears the Knight-Azyros no longer has the "leader of the way" ability and is now 80 points. The app warscroll still has the ability and lists him at 100 points. Is this one of those things where you can use either warscroll however for events etc the battletome wins out and I can no longer lightning strike dudes within 5" of the Azyros?

If so that is disappointing for anyone who already dropped $70 on one purely for that ability as he nicely rounded off 1000 points with the basic Storm Cast army from the Rules Box... Sad Panda :-(

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4 hours ago, Soulshade said:

If you delete the scroll on the app (Hold when selecting it) you'll be able to redownload the correct version. Be warned though, once its gone. Its gone.

My app doesn't show the Knight-Azyros as having changed, no matter how many times I delete the scroll. Same story with the Vexillor.

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Yeah, just checked and doesn't look like it has updated the warscoll yet. I didn't have it saved previously either and hadn't purchased the GHB on the app.

I'm sure they will get around to it. I would say if you have the latest book I would use that. If you don't want to use him I would happily take him off your hands :) 

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2 hours ago, Marc Wilson said:

For 80 points he's worth having in any list that is shooting heavy. Move 12" and fly can never be sniffed at.


Not to mention the decent attacks....good for knocking another 1-2 wounds off something tough. 

And having another cheap Hero with a decent save who can secure objectives in 3 Places of Power early is always nice.

I constantly find my lists coming up just 80 points short.  It's nice to have something to do with them outside of a Lord-Relictor.

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11 minutes ago, Oppenheimer said:

Are those the only two scrolls they revised from the old set? 

Not sure, but those were the ones I know were changed (I don't have the book, myself). I've also heard that the Venator added some melee attacks, but again, I'm not a good source for this.

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Still no update on the app but im sure its coming...

I also noticed the Thunderstrike Brotherhood battalion is absent from the battletome. How can that be when the rules come with the starter box? Can be used in open but not matched play as well presumably?

Given that they can effectively lightning strike anyway (without the reliability but still good) the battalion is probably redundant anyway. Therefore what is the perfect way to fill out the remaining 180 points from the starter box?

Currently with Lord Celestant on Dracoth, Lord Relictor, 10 x Liberators, 5 x Retributors and 5 x Prosecutors with hammers (820 points).

Options are;

1) 3 X Vanguard Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows - 180 points (only 3 extra bodies but some much needed range support);

2) A second Lord Relictor and a Lord Celestant on Foot - 180 points (my General on the Dracoth would take the Consummate Commander ability so that the Celestant on foot can also get off his 9" +1 to hit bubble... thats looking pretty tasty but then I'm only adding 2 x extra bodies to the army, granted they are both heroes but its a pretty small force as is);

3) A second Lord Relictor and either another squad of 5 x Liberators or 3 x Prosecutors with hammers - 180 points (Adds 4-6 x extra bodies with either more combat power or more shooting/movement, a solid if unexciting option); and

4) 3 x Prosecutors with hammers and another 3 x Prosecutors with Javelins - 180 points (6 x extra bodies and more table control through high movement, plus I quite like the Prosecutors with Javelins)

5) Lord Celestant on Foot and 3 x Prosecutors with Javelins - 180 points (4 x extra bodies, +1 to hit bubble and increased movement)


All comments appreciated!

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