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Flesh-Eater Courts in Skirmish


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Greetings fellow nobles of the court!

Has anyone given FEC a go in skirmish?  What did you find works and what doesn't?  I have been trying the following, for a basic 50 Renown list for non-campaign play:

Abhorrant Ghoul King (24)
Crypt Haunter (11)
Crypt Horror (11)
Crypt Ghast (2)
Crypt Ghoul (2)

But I find the ghast and ghoul die way too easily and the horror/haunter often isn't enough to break the enemy.  I'm wondering if a horde style approach would be better, maybe dropping one horror to field 5 more ghouls and then gang up on enemies.

What have you tried?

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Ive had bad results peronaly running this setup. Ghoul King+Haunter+Ghast+Ghouls. Ive played aginst someone who just did King and all the rest as Gast/Ghouls that just go more win be sheer number of models next to objectives.

Im trying other Crypt Infernal Courtier + 2 Crypt Flayers next. Im kinda disppointed at our models since I think they should be cheaper due to the armys design of reinforcment being negated. Ive personaly though seen much better results with Spirit Hosts.  I want to try Vargeists as well sometime. Deaths being a pill to make a real nice warband.

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Yeah yesterday I tried:

Ghoul King (24)

Haunter (11)

Crypt Ghast (2)

6x Ghouls (12)

Fought against Kharadron Overlords (Navigator, I think like 5 Thunderers and a few Arkanauts), Clash at Dawn mission (the one where each model is in a random quadrant) narrowly won a Minor Victory but it came down to one roll where if my opponent could have killed one more ghoul he would have forced a draw.  He also rolled really poorly first turn and didn't kill a single model or I probably would have lost.

I really think FEC are not that good in skirmish only because we lose all the actual benefits of the army (i.e. summoning and replenishment) and even though ghouls are 2 points they don't do enough without swarming a single model.

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If you could properly buff them it would be differant. They just lack the punch and Zombies are more effective meat shields. Ghoul Kings our strongest Wizard at least.

Im planing to run Crypt Infernal Courtier plus a Vargoyle and a Vargheist/Crypt Infernal and try the Hero killer force. As I do the math I think I might get better results with the Courtier+Vargoyle and then some filler models like zombies or a couple grave guard.

Im unclear if we can use Grand Alliance command abilities. Namely Master of the Dark Arts to make our non wizard heros into wizards.



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On 6/5/2017 at 4:12 PM, lastdarkness said:

If you could properly buff them it would be differant. They just lack the punch and Zombies are more effective meat shields. Ghoul Kings our strongest Wizard at least.

Im planing to run Crypt Infernal Courtier plus a Vargoyle and a Vargheist/Crypt Infernal and try the Hero killer force. As I do the math I think I might get better results with the Courtier+Vargoyle and then some filler models like zombies or a couple grave guard.

Im unclear if we can use Grand Alliance command abilities. Namely Master of the Dark Arts to make our non wizard heros into wizards.



You can use Command Traits, so yes you could do that.  As it stands there are only two buffs:  The Black Hunger spell on the king on foot and the crypt ghast courtier's buff to nearby ghouls if he kills something (which might actually be worth it in skirmish since he has no replenishment), however IIRC you can only have one Hero so the Ghast, while cheap, is a really lackluster choice however with Master of the Dark Arts he becomes a very interesting option... however the problem then is that your general is a 4 wound model with a 5+ save and no regen, and if he dies your army is Bravery 5 so even with a horde of ghouls, you'll lose most of them to Battleshock.

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14 hours ago, wayniac said:

You can use Command Traits, so yes you could do that.  As it stands there are only two buffs:  The Black Hunger spell on the king on foot and the crypt ghast courtier's buff to nearby ghouls if he kills something (which might actually be worth it in skirmish since he has no replenishment), however IIRC you can only have one Hero so the Ghast, while cheap, is a really lackluster choice however with Master of the Dark Arts he becomes a very interesting option... however the problem then is that your general is a 4 wound model with a 5+ save and no regen, and if he dies your army is Bravery 5 so even with a horde of ghouls, you'll lose most of them to Battleshock.

The costs definetly need to be reduced. (Also part of tge 25 reknown issue is your limited to wraith and banshee only for death, wtf)

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Been having better results with this layout.

Abhorrent Ghoul King

Crypt Haunter/Infernal/or Vargoyle

7x Dire Wolves with a Champion 

Single Zombie


The Crypt Ghouls just dont work out unless your dice are really hot. They need to be 1 renown instead of 2.

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The costs definetly need to be reduced. (Also part of tge 25 reknown issue is your limited to wraith and banshee only for death, wtf)

Consider starting your campaign game at 30 or 35 renown, instead of 25. That helps fix the issue of starting renown being low, and gives a better selection of starting models for your Warband.

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry to Necro this thread...but. I played about 20 Skirmish games this last weekend at 50 points each as a Death only army. I also played a couple 25 point games.

While trying to stay mostly FEC for theme reasons I can definetly say I got completly stomped by a Nurgle army and a Khorne one multiple times.

(Note this is not with the new generals handbook info as no one picked it up yet)

For camp I ran Crypt Ghast Courtier with 4 Crypt Ghouls and 1 Zombie. This actualy wasnt so bad due to the limits on models for other armys(I versed a Tzeetch and a Slaves to Darknessa armyand won both games) but there were points where it came down to a single dice roll on both.

For the 50 points I ran

Ghoul King

Crypt Infernal

7 Crypt Ghouls with a Ghast

1 Zombie

This worked out only due to playing objectives and lucky mortal wounds on the Infernal(I used the Kings Spell to give the Infernal an extra attack) I definetly missed having Dire Wolves and the survivability of a Crypt Haunter.

I got demolished by a Blight Kings Warband though and a Khorne one that rushed pretty hard.


I want to try Necromancer on Nightmare with a Infernal and Dire Wolves for a more mobile force.

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