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Everything posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. Just dont gamble everything on Reik getting cogs off first turn; I stopped running it after repeated fails WITH +3 to cast in tourneys Also why I rely less on GoS's and more on Torments
  2. @Rhargar Tough call; 20 rasps will fold quickly when pressed, one healer can be easily sniped so keep your GoS surrounded. Bladegheists are great to hunt his characters but all in one clump at the point level leaves you with very few units to engage with. If you can; try to isolate and overkill a single unit per turn with your rasps/hosts and wipe his supports with the blades. Dont hesitate to pull the blades out of danger in order to get a cluth heal before hurling them back in. Play conservativly with the mKoS
  3. Only stories I hear about her is her being sniped off the tables due to 7 wounds and a 4+ save
  4. Thats sort of the trouble with our units; 20 or 40 5+ rasps arent THAT hard to cut though. Plus Myrmourns Bladegheists Grimghasts Glavewraiths Dreadscythes are all the same defensivly, 4+ save 1 wound and they dont stand up to much punishment either.
  5. I used to run 2 GoS but afrer failing their spells constantly Ive started running 2 ST's instead
  6. @Alezya Good post! Lots of feedback. But again I meant 2x units of 15 blades. Hence the mounted KoS can give 15 of them +1 attack or the foot can possibly give all 30 +1 to hit... but only possibly
  7. Hence I said its unrealistic. Just was curious about the math hammer. Its 12" tho Ah well; trying to think of an excuse to use either my foot KoS (first ghost I painted) or Garkorr (proxy KoS)
  8. @MutterI run 2x units of 15. The mounted KoS only affects 1 unit. The foot KoS affects everyone in range
  9. So has anyone tried running a foot KoS rather than a mounted one in the Shroudguard? Wondering if giving 30 blades +1 to hit would mathhammer out better than 15 blades +1 attack (Though admittedly keeping that many bases within 12 rather than one group within 18 would be rather difficult)
  10. Honestly one of the biggest heartaches was Garkorr having no rules whatsoever. Even just a unit leader with an extra attack would have been something at least
  11. I agree. Glaives either as they are + battleline or with a hefty price reduction would make them useable. Maybe both
  12. Well to be fair; a few point tweaks are in oder. Many of our units are in bad shape, Glaives especially. I wouldnt argue with a small bump up to Grims, but glaives need to be nearly cut in half if their warscroll stays the same
  13. If we had gotten some broken piece of placeable scenery with rules like Idoneth or Skaven, if our ressurection abilities werent so sub-par, or if our horde-based army had a few point price tweaks I think we would be fine.
  14. Yep. The Mourn is decent shape with frightful touch, fast and packs a decent punch; but its point cost is still disproportionate to it's reduced stats. I agree 200 would be more realistic. The trick seems to be not to send him in alone like a true behemoth but keep him back a bit and engage once your battleline is stuck in. He has the movement to jump over a combat to wipe out support characters while applying his debuff to the main combat
  15. The wording is pretty clear it only functions once at the begining of their turn
  16. Im loving units of 15 Blades; hits hard enough to wipe most medium-smaller squads or heavily dent elites/larger mobs and has enough staying power to last long enough to escape/recieve heals. I miss Myrmourns but have hard a hard time squeezing them into lists lately. Feels like we could use some small point tweaks
  17. @Nevar You are spot on with a lot of our suspiciouns for the extremely odd assortments throughout the Nighthaunt release. I suspect all the alternate sculpts with character names, including Garkorr, were intended for another game.
  18. I was thinking the Nàzgul from the hobbit with the mace, cut at the midriff and replace with shredded cloak bits, have the swirling banshees from mortis engine as his attendants, and hover him fairly high over his base. If I had a million dollars Ide use the Idoneth guy with the huge cape and shred it, give him a huge mace, and have ghosts emerging into and out of said cape... but that mini is like 100 bucks!
  19. He is a floating armchair. I dont like it. I go for a more gothic theme, and like to imply movement, visceral poses etc. My necrons are all extensivly customized to give more character. I also dont like the banner and trumpet either. Its silly and fun... but I want threatening and looming; not corny. Just personal preference
  20. I personally just hate his model (Kurdoss) and have been trying to think of a way to do a custom one
  21. @MrRoff Was there a recent FAQ I hadnt heard of...? I beleive the bell was always -1
  22. Also bear in mind the Koshrouds only boosts one squad, not everyone in range like the koshrouds on foot.
  23. Has anyone played around with Malevolent Maelstrom? Its super cheap, and Im liking the magic superiority it theoretically provides.. plus you can always eat it with your Myrmourns.
  24. @Evil Bob Agree on all points If you really want to get crazy, have her count as a Tomb Banshee for the battalion 😶
  25. Managed to pick up the Briar Queen set, and found her squad to actually be fairly easy to slot into many of my existing lists. Excited to have some -3 rend lurking in my battleline as well as an extra cheap objective camping squad, also to see if I can ever get her spell to combine with shackles!
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