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Everything posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. Think he'd fit with the mkos and harrows/hexes better tho
  2. Thinking about doing Reikenor without the wings... all the ghosts fly anyway I dont get why his horse has wings (mounted nightmare from oldhammer I guess)
  3. I know right? I love the Harrow models and painted them up and now dont really plan to use them @Warbossironteef the coach is pretty amazing, not to mention rediculously fast and eventually able to detach from fights and charge same turn as Bladegheists do. And it is part of arguably one of our best detqchments as well.... But I dont plan on getting one as Im butthurt that its so much better than the Mourngul while being cheaper!!
  4. About the dreadblade teleportation; his shenanigans cost a command point, and that is about the end of his usefullness. Using him as a teleporting buff/debuf/hero healer with midnight tome is about the only other thing Ive been able to do, but that usually also puts him out of Lookout Sir range as well.... As for the tactic of eating your own endless; the fact that it is all done in your own turn is the strength there. MKoS + dispell = 3 attacks base with nothing your opponent can do about it and you can control exactly when it happens. Add in Olynder's curse for +1 to hit and you can put some serious hurt
  5. Dont forget you can eat your own endless spells with them as well. I think you can get the move/chsrge bonus out of cogs and eat it same turn and have the buff still apply....
  6. Cogs are quite amazing for us. Cast them turn 1 for either Pendant induced or deepstrike charges, then swap to extra spellcast and defense setting. I've found Dreadblades to be extremely underwhelming in practice, as no one leaves their objectives unmanned in my meta and they arent particularly intimidating in melee...pound for pound Cairn Wraiths do better. Myrmourns have to be played intelligently and set up for a coup de grace on a high-threat enemy. Use them surgically to cut the head off the snake.
  7. My meta has a lot of sylvaneth and storm cast, SH's in decent blocks chew their way through quite a bit if you can replace a base or two as they take hits
  8. Reapers are pound for pound one the best units in the game atm. Im trying to get some bladegheists done so I can see if their ability to penetrate in-board and take out support heros puts them on equal footing
  9. Finally finished Lady Olynder. Decided to stick to the banshees she comes with rather than a set of Mortis Engine ones I thought to replace them with.
  10. Well I suppose Skeletons are technically LoN's weakest troops as well but yes seeing the Nighthaunt band being chainrasps is a bit meh. And also yes, they are basic chainrasps with some tacked-on additions
  11. If its basically 6 chainrasps and a banshee for 30 I wouldnt call that affordable...
  12. The banshee battalion interacts with bravery in a very thematic fashion; preventing your opponent from spending command points to ignore battleshock You might search through the realm artefacts and find something that adds even further bravery debuffs, while fielding the banshee battalion, some tomb banshees, and Lady Olynder
  13. The battletome IS the updated rules. Then just check FAQS online as they come out
  14. Well a mKoS can also be healed by Spirot Tether, if you take it. He also heals if a nearby enemy unit fails a break test, attacks in the charge phase if you roll a natural 10+, generates a -1 leadership aura, and generates a 12" Deathless Spirits aura
  15. Personally Im not sure why you would use a VLord in place of a mKoS as he will benefit from the allegiance abilities
  16. I agree; and am painting up cogs and shackles at the moment as well
  17. The heads go last on these (bladegheists) but on the grimghasts I think they go in between the body shells....
  18. True, the reaper can be incredibly nasty, but in more specific circumstances
  19. The sylvaneth "roll as many dice as your casting roll" stuff adds up fast. Apply Myrmourns to suspected Branchwytch activity
  20. The way its written if you have a wounded hex and choose to bring back dead models any odd numbered dice would fail as you can only ever have 1 wounded hex Say you have a group of Hosts, some dead, 1 wounded with 2 wounds remaining. You target the Hosts with the a GoS. You can EITHER Heal. Any roll of more than a 1 is wasted. Ressurect. Any roll of a 1 or 2 does nothing. Any roll of 3, 4 or 5 gets 1 Host. A roll of 6 gets 2 hosts. This means all our healing on multiwound units is a huge gamble and wasted dice rolls in nearly every single situation. I guess stick to the Command Trait for healing hosts/hexes
  21. You have to heal before you can bring back as you can only ever have 1 wounded model. This is a far inferior system than Invocation then.
  22. Sorry to double post but I have a question for the community. It has been asked before, but I dont recall a specific answer; how does our healing work with Spirit Hosts and Hexwraiths? The rule is stated in a manner that suggests that you must heal wounded models first (naturally) but any "over heal" is wasted, and also that if there are no wounded models you may possibly roll low enough to not even restore any models either. This is confusing as the Legion of Nagash Invocation of Nehek clearly spells out that wounded models are healed to full, then spillover ressurects the next model and heals it according to your heal dice score. I realize they are two distinct books but the contradictory nature of the mechanic seems wrong. Say you have a unit of Hosts with a few casualties and one base with 2 wounds remaining. Your Torment rolls a 3 heal result... would you heal the 1 wound on the host and the 2 additional healing score is wasted? This problem is even worse when using a Guardian of Souls who can heal 6 or even 9 wounds potentially. Say you have no wounded bases and roll a 2... do you not even return a base? Does a base come back with 2 wounds? Say a Guardian rolls a 6 on Hexes... do you heal 1 wounded hex and return 2 whole Hexes and a Hex with 1 wound? This is a potentially severe issue if you are forced to lose heal dice results.
  23. I have 20 I'm building as two 10 man units in a shroudguard... but the main force is 12 Hosts with Olynder. The plan is to flank with them and run amok in the backfield, but Im thinking they might need to be at least 15 strong to survive til they can be replenished even with their 5+... thoughts?
  24. @Kelduar True, and lets not forget that being able to point and kill 1 specific threat could very much swing a game in your favor, in this case having 6/9/12 Spirit Hosts rerolling all misses will hurt like hell vs pretty much anything. Wouldnt use it for a squad of 3 though. @lolwut the coach feels like a one-include on a flanking force as a threat multiplier, maaaybe 2 in a 2k+ game but 3 would be a loss of efficiency imho
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