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Everything posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. The Mourngul has actually been nerfed over and over since its original release, so Im not sure if it will ever get any better.
  2. I always forget all this cunning tactical preplanning and just hurl ghosts at people once its all on the table
  3. @Ashes When you are up against an opponent with a lot of shooting, or fast movement, or an escalating power-per-turn mechanic like Idoenth or DoK (I think?) you want to get into melee with them as fast as possible and do as much damage as you can. You can also use the cogs to give yourself another spellcast each turn AND reroll your armor saves for that wizard, if you dont need to use it for charge range
  4. Think I got eye cancer reading Espy's batrep : P Also; the First Game Curse is a real thing! The first time you unveil your brand-new, lovingly painted whatsit count on it promptly failing to do anything and be duly murdered in short order.
  5. Can make a flash card. -Torment heals on both players' turns -Always retreat/charge Revenants -Myrmourn dispell super important -mKoS command aura Etc
  6. I keep forgetting to retreat+charge with bladegheists to give them their +1 attack
  7. Very similar to what Ive been running, with Hosts in place of Rasps. Good luck!
  8. I failed cogs first turn, failed all chsrges out of an underworld alpha strike (trying to bloody their nose before turn 3) then proceeded to fail GoS heal, only kill 2 models per turn for *2* Torments, and it was just downhill lol
  9. Nice kills man. I played a very similar deepkin list and managed to drop maybe 2 eel cavalry units before being tabled. Admittedly the dice were really hating me but my experience was quite awful
  10. Nice! Mines about to get primed too Though I used the lantern as I liked the look, you bet your ass Ill use the glass' rules if I want to!
  11. All right folks; I've figured it out. We need a hero figure that provides a reroll armor aura. A 4+ rerollable invuln isnt too OP, but definitely adds up in a horde army. Hero based 5 wound (or 7 wound Unique so unable to spam) is still QUITE easy to snipe, so not insurmountable for your opponent Provides a threat saturation so you have to systematically take our defenses down, the armor aura, then the healers, then the troops. Extends the attrition game in our favor as we are meant to function. Tactical gameplay; armor aura hero gets hurt - command point teleport him to safety and heal him. (HARROW) I would say some form of Banshee; the aura and a Briar Queen ranged attack would be perfect. Direshriek Banshee 'unique' 180 points M8" Wnds7 Sv 4+ You may re-roll armor saves for wounds made by enemies within 12" of this model. Enemies within 12" of this model suffer -1 bravery Chill Dagger melee profile 6" dmg 1 rend -3 3 attacks shooting scream Counts as a tomb banshee for shrieker host battalion
  12. Yep. Another missed opportunity. Im bulking up my Revenants and was really looking foreward to some type of synergy
  13. I meant I think exact quoting the rules is not allowed..
  14. Not sure we can 'exactly reference' the rules on these forums...
  15. Its pretty clear. In other news... I kinda want to try Darrakar's translocation spell on a Mourngul. 16" retreat and charge? Nasty
  16. Now Im hung up on Harrows as elite squads. Such a great sculpt. Bah
  17. @Morremerry Yes, soul cage only change the order of the enemy's activations, if you have 5 units in combat, but they have 2 and one is Caged; they activate the caged unit last but still before the rest of yours. Or, for example, if youre playing against Deepkin, and you cage a unit on turn 3, since they always go first, technically they activate the caged unit last... but still before any of yours.
  18. mKoS 6 for 400 adjusted Harrows 10x Hexwraiths 10x Hexwraiths 10x Chainrasps Black Coach Black Coach Deathriders 1950 points Sounds like zany fun!
  19. I feel their small unit size would prevent them from totally userping the hex... and they do no mortals. Their interesting melee profile and teleportation, plus synergy with Knights would make for a tough, elite squad. Give the Knight RotSH and off we go! I would run the hell out of it! I would go full Deathriders with it actually, kinda feels like exactly what we need. Use the army trait to summon a torment along for the ride as he gets gradually left behind (or when you hit the melee) and use his heals as 1 harrow soaks damage
  20. I would be all over Harrows if they were squads of 2 - 4 with 5 wounds, with their current stats. 2 for 160 points maybe? 4 for 300?
  21. I have a few ideas on some things they could tweak. Olynder; +1 to cast and dispell. Shes supposedly touched by Nagash and elevated and whatnot, and DeathPope is known best for his +3 to cast and dispell. Doesnt make sense Reik can cast spells better than our Lady. Reikenor; cast 2 spells. Let us actually get some mileage out of his improved casting, take Lifestealer and actually be able to heal his self harm periodically. If thats too strong perhaps 1 spell if he +3's, 2 if he +1's Change our Heal OR Rez to function like Invocation. Jesus. Slight point reduction to Revenants and Dreads (making them 2 wounds would be CATASTROPHIC unless they change our heal mechanic) Give Spirit Hosts and Hexwraiths either a slight cost reduction or a discount for full squads. Knight of Shrouds (on foot) +1 to hit aura free rather than a command point Shroudguard Battalion buff applies to the Leader model chosen as well Small terrain peices (or endless spell) that gives an extra d3 models revived when a unit is affected by Spectral Lure or STorment ability, or reroll armor saves. Dreadblade Harrows reworked. They need to BE something. Give them mortal wounds, or an aura, or an impact charge, or small squad size. Imagine them as 2 to 6 with 5 wnds being rezzed by Oly or RotSH Mourn cost reduced to 240
  22. WoT is a fun and thematic rule... but is also the fulcrum by which we win or lose. And I feel it is weighted quite heavily in our points cost. You balancw WoT against Deepkins turn-by-turn shenanigans for example. Take away WoT and we will SERIOUSLY underperform. Take away their escalating rules and they can still perform more than adequetly.
  23. PREACH Honestly our named charscters are unbeleivably frail for what they cost. Oly is 280 for 7 wnds 4+ save? The slaves to darkness Mammoth is 300 something for 22 wounds.
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