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Everything posted by j0lt

  1. Definitely going to pickup a Battleforce when I get paid, had a few friendly games against a friend whilst playing with his DoK and they seem really fun, I suppose I should get the magnets ready to test out some of the Khinerai kits. Thanks for the information previous posters! All handy to a new DoK player.
  2. This is the type of shenanigans I'm talking about, it'll also reduce the casualties/wounds we take from having to move up the board. Love the idea Now for my book to arrive and my coin of the realm being used to summon the lovely trolls from their caves or swamps =D
  3. That's a typo on my part, should say Fellwater, I'd be careful throwing around words like strictly though, Rockguts will have a place in some lists surely, your list looks very similar to what I would like to run.
  4. It's really disappointing that the standard Troggoths aren't viable for their points, it looks like the rockguts are the real MVPs of any list. it's looking likely I'll either go for a full "swamp" theme or have some mandatory grotz in to pad out the list.
  5. Good spot!, totally didn't think about that.
  6. I agree, maybe we should start discussing the other Troggoths available and their use in game to expand this thread.
  7. Firstly thanks for the thread, I spent ages searching for Troggoth information in the previous one. A big block of stabbas or shootas may be needed but I'm all about the DANK, so I think a Hag is almost an auto include, especially as I highly rate spell-spite. I don't have any models purchased, so I'll be starting completely fresh so the 780 point list you posted above is extremely helpful @Malakree
  8. This is great information, it's been a number of years since I've returned and the most dramatic change for me has been the quality of paints available across many different ranges which is a potential slip up!
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