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Posts posted by shinros

  1. 5 minutes ago, Lernaean said:

    And speaking of themes. Am I the only one thinking Splintered Fang look great in a Slaanesh army?

    This has been brought up before, another poster made a great point that the Splintered Fang might just be the tribe most of the Hellstriders come from. The white dwarf alluded to that considering the warcry warbands are our low-bar chaos followers, the tribes that worship the gods in concepts etc.  

    The splintered fang is what made me personally believe slaanesh's mortals might of taken a greek bent instead of what we have now. 

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Have you not seen last years Slaanesh releases? It was pretty much the Core aesthetic for all the new stuff

    We didn't have mortals. Considering the Hellstriders they could've pushed the greek hoplite theme rather than Persian. Also the double trouble are daemons, despite how our big boy has been lifted literally from 300.  

    edit:I'm actually glad they went with Persian, considering DOK are greek themed, it fits. 


    • Like 2
  3. Just now, HollowHills said:

    Does anyone who watched the stream know if they explained what's going on with the Idoneth fighting the Daughters?

    Nope, but Morathi did try and get Volturnous killed at one point. I think an aelf war is a condition to one of the chains binding slaanesh.  

  4. 3 minutes ago, Lernaean said:

    As a Slaanesh mortals fan, my wish is finally (kinda) coming to fruition. 

    Do you guys think we'll be getting the heroes separately?  

    For beastgrave, it's likely those mortals are staying there and for the boxes? Normally it takes a while for them to release the hero. So I would say start saving in my opinion if you're that desperate. But I do think this release is indicative of the future for mortals. What we are really missing is mortal elites and heroes, the battleline is already there. 


    5 minutes ago, sandlemad said:


    Agreed, very 300, screams xerxes as well. This update gave me the motivation to finish off my force. It will be nice to have mortal heroes that can actually work with the book in terms of keywords. 


  6. 1 minute ago, Charleston said:

    I also noticed that the stuff of the Lord of Pain is a bit off center. I assume it was just glued in a weird way by the studio. Nevertheless it bugs me somehow.

    I am curious about the Narrative. My bet would be:

    • Slaanesh is about to get loose soon after Archaons intervention.
    • Moriathi wants to drain Slaanesh of it´s powers. Other Aelve-Deities are against it.
    • Aelven War happen over who decides how to proceed with Slaanesh before it get´s loose
    • War empowers Slaanesh until the cage breaks. Moriathi takes the chance and drains as much of Slaanesh as possible
    • Slaanesh escapes, weaker then before, but finally free. Moriathi Ascends.

    Meanwhile, Sigar is Distracted as Godrak attacks Azyr. Rest of Chaos and Nagash won´t propably be a big spotlight after the last releases. Maybe some sideplots around.


    This, the whole aelf war might actually be the condition Slaanesh needs to break the final chain. Because each chain has a certain requirement in order for the Dark Prince to break it. 

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Matrindur said:

    Not playing either faction but I think its really bad that they lock the new Slaneesh character together with all those old models which except the swap to mortal Hellstriders is basically just the Start Collecting

    It seems they are playing catch up, if the Slaanesh release at least consisted of the stuff I've seen in the new beastgrave box and the the new box set? I would be satisfied. I do think the design team weren't sure how to design the mortals hence the lag. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Tittliewinks22 said:

    I hope they add in the vargheists and Mannfred as well, could make soulblight have a 2 pillar style, more lhamian vs more feral.

    This is my hope as well. 

    I suspect Mannfred will specialise in the more monstrous vampires like Vargheists etc, while Neferata would find more use in the more midnight-aristocracy units. Going by LON it seems they are themed around these two aspects. 

    Mannfred's battalion requires varghiets and skeletons, while Neferata's is essentially pure "noble" vampires. 

    I suspect when vampires get an update units will be able to cross, but a certain allegiances will be better at using them. I do think they might fold some of the skeleton kits into the faction, I don't think they would cast them aside even though we have the Bonereapers.  

    Anyway, when GW gets around to Soulblight I will be a happy camper, my one due wish for the book to make it interesting is if they introduce the possibility of vampires diverting from Mannfred's and Neferata's bloodline depending on their actions and living locations. Hell they can go either further where Nagash can easily hand out the "curse" to people he likes since he is a god. 

    Hence the different bloodline choices in the Soulblight allegiance section of the book. 

    The Vampire Lord Section of LON delves further into this subject, but it's about a paragraph.  

    "These creatures of the night vary greatly in appearance, often taking on aspects of the realms they call home. While many vampires embrace the trappings of aristocracy, living in decadent luxury as they prey upon mortal-kind, others see no reason to hide their true nature. The Bestial, tribal chieftains of Ghur are savage and animalistic, their bodies covered in coarse hair and their fangs huge and jagged. By contrast, the ash vampires of Aqshy's Parching Wastes are pale-skinned and skeletally thin, their eyes pits of black and their claws as long as knives."

    • Like 3
  9. 58 minutes ago, Grdaat said:

    Nice shifting the goalposts. You asked if something happened and are now pretending it didn't matter. By that metric does the End Times no longer matter because AoS retconned many of the elements inside of it?

    Actually he didn't die because of previously established lore that was in place for a while before that fight and which Abaddon likely wasn't aware of.

    Why do you think that was supposed to be a Chaos victory?

    You're disregarding the past, ignoring what was established and asking questions that are directly answered in the works I mentioned, and you have the gall to say I didn't read the lore?

    Read the lore first, then come back here, unless you wish to join NinthMusketeer in claiming that Terra is an unimportant location.

    Just like what happened with Gorbad Ironclaw- oh wait. Well at least we have a fun backstory with Gorfang Rotgut- oh wait no. Well I'm sure Bugman's Brewery has a treasured history- oh whoops. Well at least we can turn to the minor Empire provinces like Sylvania to see- oh no, not there too! Well at least the Empire capital of Nuln will be untouched- oh damn, not even that!

    Nothing tangible happens my ass.

    Brass Keep (Chaos), Castle Templehoff (Vampires) Castle Drakenhoff (Vampires). There were attempts to fight them off while Franz ruled, but they ended in failure, with the last one ending with the capture of Volkmar the Grim in 8th edition.

    Storm of chaos doesn't matter, I would agree with you if GW actually kept it. I'm not moving the goal posts. Nothing tangible came from the storm of chaos because it was retconned into oblivion because GW didn't like the outcome. 

    Oh right so basically the same places that maintained the status quo for several years? Man Vampires are doing awesome just holding sylvania for several long years. As a vampire count player it would be nice to play a campaign where the vampires take over a portion of the empire than shaking their fists from sylvania. Wonder when they will completely capture stirland? Well, the world exploded who knows. It's great that you're referencing events from the past where they don't actually matter. Great job. Nice. 

    I mean for example nothing really happened to Gorfang until the end times when they were moving to AOS. Man Gorbad did a smashing job against the empire! Until he died and failed in his conquest. I'm sure an event occuring in 1707-1712 IC  is quite relevant to what's happening in 8th edition and the world at large.

    Bugman? Hmm we could of really used a campaign book there, would of been nice that in his vengeance the dwarfs would take back several holds. But they have to keep him on his revenge quest with a small group of rangers until he suddenly appears in end times. 

    Also I wonder when it comes to the Brass Keep when do you think chaos is going to get around to actually touching Hochland, middenheim or Ostland? You know, like taking it over? Middenheim would be crazy considering their defensive location! But it seems the lore is content with having the warriors of chaos sit there and repelling invaders from a derelict fortress. 

    And to let you know 8th was a set up for end times according to several sources and the writers.  That's why the events like volkmar the grim being captured was part of 8th edition. Come on mate, it's widely known that in whfb nothing changed. 

    I mean we can talk about Nuln. It is still overrun by skaven right? I'm sure they didn't get any help from a dynamic duo to keep it from falling. Man, it would of been awesome to see Nuln destroyed and converted into a skaven city. Think of the stories that could of happened! Skaven, right there next to reikland! But we can't have that! Nuln survived and is rebuilding!

    Books, especially ones from black library tell you about the location, the character and how they got there. They talk about the history of important locations. Whenever said locations are being written about in the current timeline they are normally always preserved in the end, why? Because the black Library writers aren't allowed to touch the status quo. This is a known fact. This whole movement of the storyline within the setting and making tangible changes in the setting is more of a recent phenomenon for 40k and AOS. 

    There are plenty of interviews where they outright say, full on the setting for whfb is static and why they like writing for AOS because they can tell their own stories freely. I agree with them considering my time with the setting for 12+ years. 

    Also if it's not clear I'm being quite sarcastic in sections of this post. 

    At the end of the day the reason WHY some people loved whfb so much because it DOESN'T change. Some people see it as a historical setting than one that constantly flows and changes. I'm going to keep my opinion thank you.  I also still agree with ninth by the way. 

    52 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:


    That's the main thing in spite of the tiresome circles. 

    And sometimes you get really great info posts like with MaatithoftheBrand's useful posts on stuff that taught me about the Starborne Seraphon essence I didn't know before. Really made yesterday worth it despite the time sink in posts. xD

    Regardless it's best to just drop it. These huge threads are turn offs to onlookers because they know wall texts await.

    Oh you get those, anyway. I made my last post on this matter anyway.

    • Thanks 2
  10. 7 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Well, we don't know what happens if Excelsis falls.

    But if we just look for power-level disasters that changed the setting or the whole game... I think that End Times beats everything followed by Age of Chaos and maybe Horus Heresy and the Fall.

    I don't see too much diference, just time to develop the setting.

    Btw, I think that we are going in circles and I can't see what you want accomplish with all this posts.

    I don't know what to say and whatever I say, I know what you will answer.

    Most of the time in debates one side never relents, but the onlookers might change their minds. 

  11. 23 minutes ago, Grdaat said:

    Yes, because the Astronomicon is on Terra, no Terra, no Astronomicon at all.

    Because of the emergence of the previous three players and Crusade I'd just mentioned.

    Look up Storm of Chaos.



    There are entire novels that go into those sorts of details if you'd like to look them up.

    Those would be tangible if they needed those specific Realmgates to travel when the Seraphon have shown us you do not. 

    Cannot easily access them does not mean they cannot access them, and Enslavers are still around, saying they're not relevant is just trying to pretend they don't exist.

    And they're much more vulnerable while doing this.

    Read the Gathering Storm, you see it in there and also see how without the combined efforts of the Imperium and Eldar that they would've permanently killed Guilliman, Cawl, and made very short work of Ultramar and the wider Imperium.

    He did handle Calgar, have you read it?

    Is that why there's reports of planets falling and fleets going missing? Not exactly what I'd call "doing fine" when their existence is a struggle.

    What's wrong with exploring a timeline? It helps show how everything is connected and give you a better picture of the setting as a whole, not to mention it catalogues the setting's best triumphs and losses without making the player look for those themselves.

    So because GW retcons stuff, you'd rather have nothing be set in stone? I guess that's an opinion, it's just not one I share.

    Storm of chaos got retconned. It doesn't matter, because GW weren't happy that chaos didn't win. 

    Edit:Calgar should of been killed in that encounter, but because he has a shiny new model that didn't happen. Also the vengeful spirit got damaged(almost destroyed) by Aeldari. Forcing Abbadon to leave and in the end the imperials retook the skies above vigilus. Making another invasion more difficult.  Calgar is now recovering in an apothecary tent, directing the war from afar. WOW such a great victory for chaos! Man Chaos had an amazing outcome for their model debut! Here's a new wazone to have Abbadon slam his face in for several years like cadia! Let's be real Calgar is not going to be in that bed for long. 

    This whole post shows me you haven't actually read anything properly like Ninth said including whfb. I think we're done. Also nothing tangible happens in WHFB books, they normally preserve the status quo if you actually read them or they tell the history of a character.  If you can point to somewhere on the map where Chaos or Vampire counts have taken something over within the empire I'll rescind my post. I'll wait. Give me something in the current timeline when Karl Franz was ruling. 

  12. Quote

    Cadia was essential in preventing the warp from overtaking large parts of the galaxy, and without Terra humanity has no access to relatively safe FTL travel.

    Er what? So far in the books and supplement material the only people who are having trouble travelling is Imperium Nihilus who don't have access to the astronomicon.  

    At the moment the Cadian system has been fortified and has turned into another warzone where chaos and the Imperium are slapping each other again and warbands have essentially broken off to raid worlds. In way NOTHING has changed. I also hold the opinion GW are doing nothing with Nihilus or the tear since now, according to vigilus and other material there are stable routes to get to the other side of the rift. 

    War of the Spider:https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/06/12/war-zone-cadiagw-homepage-post-2/

    Start of 8th:https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/05/06/new-warhammer-40000-war-zone-cadia-may6gw-homepage-post-4/


    Except things did change in Fantasy, cities fell, Bugman lost his brewery, characters got killed. Why care about that sort of conflict in AoS when it leads nowhere and doesn't matter?

    Okay what cities fell, then what happened? Has chaos taken over the land of an elector count and held it? Has the vampire counts ever amounted to anything than making mean faces at the empire? Had the dark elves ever taken a portion of Ulthaun and held it? Forcing the High elves to turn to allies for help? Have we ever seen a lizardman waging war in the empire? Have we ever seen the Tomb Kings invading anywhere important other than protecting their tombs? I could go on. 

    While is AOS, we have this happening. Different armies face each other, each alliance have great wins and permanent losses since the realm-gate wars. Each faction gets their time in the sun and also allows a player to have "your dudes" easily fit into the setting. Ironjaws have taken back the Ghur allgate, pushing back both Chaos and making an enemy of Sigmar. Archaon held the realm of metal realmgate, while also killing a recurring character from the novels, Sigmar has basically taken Ashqy by storm. While Death have essentially taken back their allgate and made a beachhead for further invasions within the allpoints itself (chaos waste equivalent). Something Sigmar hasn't done. Those are some of the tangible events I listed off my head. 



    And they still export their Psykers because without the Emperor, they'd be vulnerable to outside influence. Daemonic invasion, Enslavers, that sort of thing and given how many Psykers are appearing right now, it would be an attack from all angles that the Imperium would not survive.

    Hell, the Enslavers on their own could wreck the vast majority of it if there was nobody to alter the weaker Psykers.

    Also there are still types of Astronomicon beacons in the Dark Imperium that act as a sort of booster for the Emperor. There was even an Alpha Legion book where they were trying to find it, alongside the other Chaos Space Marines.


    According to Blood of Baal psychic awakening, the blood angels are handling the training of Psykers since they cannot easily access the Black Ships due to the rifts. Of course people are exploding. Enslavers haven't been relevant in years, don't see the point of addressing that. 

    Commonly across most material, sections of Imperium Nihilus have banded together and make small jumps because most navigators cannot see the light provided by the Astronomicon. 


    Do you think they're not still running rampant? They are, the only things that set them back a little bit was the Primaris Marines, Guilliman and the Custodes finally coming out. Without those (and Guilliman's crusade) that would've been it.

    I'll reference my previous point again, according to warzone cadia warbands are still just raiding. Chaos is still throwing itself at the "new" wall in the warzone. Where is this massive chaos offensive by the traitor legions overrunning the galaxy and getting to terra? Seems to be GW is focusing on the Tyranids heading to terra according to psychic awakening Pariah. So what exactly are chaos doing save for that last warzone on Vigilus where Abbadon couldn't properly handle even Calgar? 

    [Watch station Hadrax-3-7, Sol System southern border-sector 64/H]

    "But now… Throne, I do not know how to describe what we are seeing. Xenos craft… living xenos craft, vast leviathans of the deep void are spilling like vomit from the storm’s maw. The stuff of the warp clings to their hides then tatters away as though it cannot touch them. Tendrils writhe in the dark of space. Compound eyes glitter, impervious to the killing cold of space. They have… scented us, I think. They swarm closer by the hour, and I am not fool enough to believe beasts so nightmarish could be benign. What is, in this damned galaxy? Please, for the love of the Emperor, if anyone receives this be advised, there are hundreds of these living ships, maybe thousands, and they are pushing for the Sol Sector. Emperor save us all."



    Firstly I'd suggest you do more reading on why the Imperium needs the Emperor, and secondly AoS has an odd identity crises where it wants to be about the player's armies, but at the same time keeps changing its mind to go back to its standby heroes. It also doesn't help that they keep doing timeskips and seem to avoid any cohesive timeline like it's a plague.

    I will say that I do love the idea of making armies that play off the existing ones in the setting, but that's yet another thing AoS needs to flesh out more. The current rules make it hard to personalize your army and the new build-a-character rules were just disappointing.


    Seems Nihilus is surviving just fine without being able to truly see the Emperor's light, perhaps if Terra falls to the Tyranids we might actually get some tangible grim darkness into the setting again. (I doubt it, Tyranids constantly lose.)

    On AOS, it's both. That's what I like about it. You may not obviously, I like that they do both because there are players who care more about what the armies are doing than what Nagash or whatever Sigmar is planning. On the Timeline, I view it in the case of mythology, there are significant events within the Age of Myth, Chaos and now Sigmar. Players can follow those events within the age or play out the battles. Timeline's can also constrain things as well, look at 40k. At the start of 8th we were beyond the Idomintus crusade, then suddenly with PA they went back before the crusade and now 9th? We are actually going back to see the Idomintus crusade.

    The setting that you hold in high regard, can't seem to settle on a time either. It's actually a complaint of many on bolter and chainsword. Hence why I prefer how AOS does it. Anyway, I know you will respectfully disagree so how about we leave it that? 

    • Like 2
  13. 8 hours ago, Grdaat said:

    Do you think the Celestant Prime and Olynder can permanently die? If so I've got some news for you about the battle that happened right before Katakros was released, as well as the end fight of Wrath of the Everchosen...

    Also if you think that I haven't read the lore then you haven't read the thread.

    EDIT: It's also very poor form to accuse somebody else of not knowing the lore, right after you say that Terra in 40k is a replaceable planet, and that it wouldn't matter if it was destroyed.

    Ironically on the 40k lore reddit people feel the opposite, 40k lore is going downhill while it's the opposite for AOS. In my opinion the lore was changed to give the writers a wider space to add or change things. In fantasy nothing changed.  While here, cities can rise and fall, factions can win or lose without the setting being destroyed. People can enjoy their faction being in the sun for a moment, you gave an example the celestant prime vs Olynder.

    Those sorts of conflicts is what people largely care about, at the moment from my perspective in the 40k lore reddit people are tired of factions getting slapped by the space marines.  Hence why many dislike the psychic awakening. 

    Now, to go back to a previous point. It wouldn't be the end of the setting if Terra fell, why? Because they would be forced to adapt.  Half of the Imperium does not actually have any access to astronomicon, yet the setting still carries on. Those in nihilus now make multiple small jumps instead of large ones. The setting is large enough to allow such changes. 

    Many felt before the fall of cadia that if chaos gets past it they will overrun the galaxy, but guess what? The opposite happened, they got blunted pretty quickly so the setting can carry on as I said.  

    So your argument to me is falling flat on it's face. To me the point of making AOS larger is to allow more room for "your dudes" instead of being the stooge of a elector count or one of the many characters. 

    • Like 4
  14. In terms of rules and lore I prefer AOS, while 40k in my opinion is going downhill. So far to me it looks like 9th is going to be more of the same. I've played fantasy, overtime I grew to dislike the setting because I realised how static the factions were in terms of interaction. Also let's not get started on the rules, AOS had a bumpy start but overall it's in a good place in my opinion. 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  15. 11 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    how soon do you think? I know any date we can guess will be pushed back 3-6 months because of pandemic stuff. I had figured Q2 or 3 2021 for AOS 3.0 originally; it gets both Lumineth and Gargants out for a while while giving GW room to update any lagging tomes before a larger change.

    Judging by the 9th Edition move to digital content, AOS 3.0 should be following suit. I can only hope there are two separate programming teams to both lighten the load and keep release schedule(s) on time...

    Yeah the pandemic has most likely delayed things. You're right that at most we might see  AOS 3.0 around Q2 2021, as Fairbanks said GW will most likely want to focus on 9th edition for a bit.  I also think 9th is GW's push to digital as well, when 3.0 rolls around GW are likely going to do the same thing for the new edition of AOS. 

  16. 13 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Yes but SCE and NH are very clearly behind the rest of 2.0, where DOK at the least has still excelled especially in tourneys.

    I suspect considering there are very few changes in this General Handbook because AOS 3.0 is most likely coming soon. SCE and the early tomes need help in my opinion. 

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