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Posts posted by shinros

  1. 6 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I strongly recommend that anyone who is unsure what this all means goes and watches this video: 

     Vince and Tom do a very good job of explaining why gw is doing this, why they are announcing it now and what effect it is likely to have on AOS. 

    Good stream, I recommend it. Watched it yesterday.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    New information:
    Yesterday's stream, Tony Cottrell (one of the Forgeworld lead designers) talked about "Warhammer The Old World". It seems that it can be a side project from the Forge World team and not from the Warhammer Studio, like the preview pointed. 
    That doesn't mean a lot because warhammer 30k seems to have a solid ruleset. The worst part of the anouncement is the "3" years waiting. 

    No problem @Panzer , that was my fault (I'm not an english speaker and my posts are a bit "orthopedic" and most of the times I have problems to say what I have in mind).

    Wait which stream was this because if they try to do this new whfb game at forge world prices that's the best way to kill it. 

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, Panzer said:

    Except that they didn't announce an old product. They announced a new product in the old setting. That's a huge difference. We don't even know whether the old models would still be useable. Perhaps it's a completely different scale.

    This is a lot of doom-gloom the sky is falling mentality for something we barely know anything about yet.

    That's why I think it's a bad idea to announce something that is almost half a decade away, that's largely my only problem with this. We have no idea what scale it's going to be, how the models will work, how they will change the lore to fit with AOS etc. Let's not forget price as well, if GW tries to use the current pricing method with old point values it's going to kill this new game. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    People need to stop comparing to 30k and saying that didn't cannibalise 40k.

    This is completely different. 30k starter from scratch with nothing but some lore/background. It's always been an expensive, mostly resin niche. AND a fair bit of it is cross compatible with 40k. 30k also wasnt around for 30 years then killed off 5 years ago. 

    This announcement will absolutely affect AOS especially if the models are on different bases and not cross compatible. I feel that would be an enormous mistake. 

    This is anecdotal, but with this announcement being so far out, I don't know what I'll do over the next few year after I finish my current army. 

    It's impossible to know what will happen to the local community so there's no point buying and building armies now with an uncertain future. 

    I'll probably go play underworlds and star wars legion instead, and continue using existing armies but not buying new stuff. No matter how cool hysh elves are, no point investing if 80% of local players go back to WFB. 

    It's also a weird business decision. You're announcing a new product that's actually an old product to bring back old players who already have all the old product and just like 10 years ago they probably won't buy whole new armies since they already have them... So what's the point? Obviously that's a huge generalisation but that's part of why WFB died in the first place. That still hasn't changed. People went to Total War because it offered a better WFB experience without the cost. 

    You still need new blood or to convert AOS players for this to work. New blood in WFB was always tricky and cannibalising AOS seems counter productive. 

    This is my perspective as well, I think this is just GW trying to retain the ip and undercutting the competition. Since in the very same article they pat themselves on the back stating that AOS is one of the highest selling fantasy wargames. 

    It seems very strange to me to announce something that is possibly half a decade away. Ironically from my perspective most people are either confused, don't care, moved onto other games or somewhat excited but staying on the side of caution. 

    The highest rated comment on war of sigmar is someone stating "I just shrugged so hard I dislocated a shoulder."

    • Haha 2
  5. 1 minute ago, michu said:

    I'm intrigued. I still think it won't be old WFB as so many miniatures were squatted. I think they should make it in different scale to not cannibalise AoS. Warmaster-like game would be perfect.

    I agree, I don't think it will be the same as well. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Icegoat said:

    I think this proves the theory correct that the armies that are selling well and keeping aos going are the armies that were already present during the old world and have been expanded on and that the new armies are not as strongly supported. KO, Ironjawz, FYreslayers IDK, etc. 


    Otherwise why on earth would they bring back the old world??? Just to annoy even more the people thst burnt all their models on pyres and left the hobby forever??? 

    To undercut the competition. If the models are forgeworld as well there are going to be people willing to drop the cash. Also AOS armies are selling well, the fact AOS is doing well enough that GW can take this risk shows that. 

  7. Just now, Gecktron said:

    The 30K comparision was spot on. Seperated team working on bringing WHFB back *in some form* over the next few years. 

    Going to keep expectations lowered for this one, considering the time frame they are giving and it's likely being handled by forge world. 

    • Like 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Lore wise its quite a major turning point when you consider that up until now most of the Mortal Realm armies have gone from either falling apart to just holding their own - then got a massive spearhead help from the Stormcast at the start of the Realm Wars; but still mostly were following in the stormcast wake. Sure they will have pushed their own advances, but mostly to retake or secure their holdings. This is the first time we'll see a major offensive into a Chaos Corrupted realm that isn't spearheaded by Stormcast. 

    Even if it fails its still a major military achievement by the standards of the Realms. Furthermore it might actually endear more forces to consider alliances with Nagash. Nagash has some nasty plans but if you're not near the Ossiarchs (who are mostly consigned to the realm of death) and if you're not all that worried about Nagash's plan since most of his won't happen for generation upon generation; then alliances could be beneficial; especially if those Stormcast just swept through your kingdom killing everyone who had so much as a tiny mutation or just looked at them funny. If anything the almost robotic style of the Ossiarchs might even be preferable to some over the more emotional and unstable Stormcast. Even if you know that death will try and cheat you at least you know where you stand. 

    Actually Ironjaws dislodged chaos from their own Allgate?(can't remember the name) the story was pretty great. They left it open so more enemies can come through so they can fight them, but there are no more fortifications I think. Been ages since I read that story. This is kinda why I largely prefer AOS lore, each faction largely has their time in the sun. 

    • LOVE IT! 2
  9. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/07/know-your-mortarchsgw-homepage-post-3/

    Article on the mortarch's it's more or less a summary but one part caught my interest. 

    Katakros has sharpened his mind into a sophisticated and dangerous weapon, only sullying himself with violence when absolutely necessary. Most recently, he has turned his eyes upon the forces of Chaos, spearheading an assault upon the Eightpoints itself. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 10/27/2019 at 6:47 PM, Enoby said:

    With the red painting handles and paint stick being strange predictions in that spreadsheet that have now proven correct, I think it seems  that it's more likely the rest of the rumour is true. Look forward to Slaves to Darkness, but am worried they'll get rid of their marking ability - would be a huge shame to lose out options of other gods (especially Slaanesh who seriously lacks in other mortals).  

    The best case scenario would be if the warcry warbands can be marked. 

  11. 1 hour ago, decker_cky said:

    Its a little annoying that the battalion doesn't include hellstriders as an option.

    It seems the battalions might be tailored for people who want to run old mortal models and daemons. I suspect one might let you use Hellstriders, would be weird if it didn't. But it just seems to me this is a band-aid for people who wanted to run mortal lists, since they didn't get any models and people are not buying the new hero model, KOS is just too good. 

    At the end of the day GW should of made new mortal models instead of front-loading the release with daemons/heroes. 

    This is just my opinion. 

  12. Someone just dropped this in the facebook slaanesh group, it's pretty interesting imo. (It's from the September white dwarf, can't believe I missed this.) You know when people said that the Unmade are going to be slaanesh? Seems the white dwarf is hinting that its most likely the splintered fang that will be the place where Slaanesh leaps off from. 


  13. 4 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

    Wait a minute I just realised these really are Deathcast. 

    "These are not risen warriors or malignant spirits – they are bespoke war-constructs forged from harvested bone and gifted the soul animus of great warriors and heroes."

    Basically Stormcast who've died to many times and been reforged but with more souls stuffed into them. I mean I'm totally on board (and will need to be selling a kidney soon to pay for these) but damn I thought that was just a joke.

    Well there is a difference, Stormcast are a single soul infused with a power of a god and remade closer in that god's image. These constructs are multiple souls stitched together and jammed into a skeleton body. But in a way you are right, this army is for people who want a more elite force for death. If someone likes death but has an aversion to hordes of models I would recommend this army 

    The backbone (see what we did there?) of the Ossiarch Bonereapers are the legions of Mortek Guard and spearheads of Kavalos Deathriders. Each contains the souls of dozens of mortal warriors, and each is a brutally effective combatant, fighting with utter discipline even in the most chaotic battles. These warriors aren’t automata – they have personalities befitting their roles in Nagash’s dark regime. While Mortek Guard are forthright and dutiful, Kavalos Deathriders are possessed of towering arrogance, as suits their role as heralds of the Great Necromancer. 

    • Like 3
  14. 5 minutes ago, Sception said:

    Ok, so not exactly what we were expecting, being neither a Deathrattle expansion not a revised tomb king army but rather an entirely new faction representing Nagash's vision for the mortal realms, something actually quite similar to the deathcast / lesser morghasts I've oft wished for.  That said, if you were looking for modern units to run your old tomb kings stuff as in a 'counts as' fashion, there do seem to be decent ssc, ushabti, & maybe even necroknight stand ins, though the bases on thosr new cav will be significantly smaller than necroknight cav bases, even if they are at the larger varenguard cav scale.

    Honestly, they look great, that caster (?) looks amazing, and I love that we have another all brand new mortarch, rather than recycling an oldhammer character.  He looks great too, at least imo.


    So yeah, I love these.  New, cool, a little bit goofy in a fun way.  So good.

    Yeah, this faction is for people who want a more elite death army from the looks of things. I wonder which units will be able to cross into legions of Nagash? 

  15. 28 minutes ago, xking said:

    Won't Nagash just read their minds and immediately know about the plot? 

    Yeah but in most stories he doesn't care because he just unravels the plot in that very second, he does it to Mannfred during the Malign portents stories via actually going through his mind like a book. Let's not forget no matter how much they plan it won't work, hence why he doesn't really stop them. He can overcome them, change their thinking with just a word and they won't even realise it. He does it to Neferata, she thinks her plan is her own but it was Nagash manipulating her actions, mind and words.  

    It's why Arkhan goes the subtle route(Which does not work all that much either since Nagash keeps going over the top which brings Arkhan's plans crashing down.), and let's not forget the Mortarch's plans overlap and counter one another. 

    • Like 1
  16. 39 minutes ago, JReynolds said:

    Bear in mind that this doesn't preclude rebellion of some sort. Mannfred rebels all the time, often loudly and with explosions.  Arkhan rebels as well, albeit in more subtle ways. So does Neferata. 

    Think of it like Doombots. Dr. Doom (bad guy from the Fantastic Four, if you're not familiar with comics) makes robot doubles of himself to undertake dangerous tasks, enact certain schemes or to do the stuff he doesn't want to bother with.  These doubles are so perfect that they assume that they're the real Doom, unless he's in the room with them - and even then, some of them maintain a strong suspicion that they're real and he's not. And since they think like Doom, they act like Doom.  So they plot and scheme against each other (and the the real Doom) because there can only be one Doom, and obviously it's them. 

    Basically, Nagash has absolute control, except when he doesn't, because his servants are all to one degree or another shadows of him.  Which means that like him, some want to be on top and they'll knock over anyone they have to, to do it. Including him. If he's paying attention, he can swat them down without any real difficulty. But if he's not (say, because he's preoccupied waging war on Sigmar, Archaon et al), then there's a good chance they might get away with it for a while. 

    So if you want your Death leader to be a rebel against Nagash, the established meta-narrative is flexible enough to fully support that. Same as if you want them to be an unwilling slave of Nagash, a contented servant, or an unwitting dupe. 

    At least in my opinion. Your mileage, as they say, may vary. 

    So in other words when the chips are down and they are in Nagash's presence it's pointless, but they can still do their own little side shows. This fits with LON, where it says Nagash doesn't require their loyalty. Since no matter how much they scheme when Nagash says jump, each Mortarch will say "How high?" and when they finished jumping they will turn around and begin plotting again until Nagash asks them to jump again. Am I on the right track? 

  17. 35 minutes ago, Sception said:

    As of the Tithe 3, I do now believe it is fair to get excited.  Catapults at the very least, and what looks to maybe be a new skeletal monstrous cav, which could make a good counts as option for old necroknight models.

    It looks like we may very well be getting that 'expansion to the deathrattle range that doubles as a partial tomb kings revival' that I and others have wanted but not dared to actually hope for.

    They look more Asian/mongol to me in my opinion. 

  18. 8 minutes ago, MitGas said:



    avian helmets: Check

    Lots of eyes: Check (the biggest Tzeentch tell)

    Magics: Check

    1k Sons-esque headdresses: Check

    Shoulderguards similar to other Tzeentch designs: Check


    The only thing that feels Slaaneshi is the fan IMO.


    Doesn't matter though, it's even better if more more people can use them.





    Well actually they are unaligned, the article says they are just as mad as a follower of tzeentch. I could point out the jewellery, the mention of seduction, curved weapons(general weaponry), posing and where's the magic? What the leader is using seems more like a tonic/potion to me. Anyway this warband seems to be having a far more positive reception on the slaanesh facebook page than unmade, that's what counts to me. 


  19. 9 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    The article says this right under it:

    Nothing could be further from the truth. The Cypher Lords are as mad as the most frothing cultist of Tzeentch, delighting in spreading mayhem and madness wherever they go.


    They look like Tzeentch followers, feel like Tzeentch followers, Tzeentch followers are just as sophisticated, if not more than Slaanesh's... sorry to disappoint you. :P

    Eh,  in my opinion their overall design seems more in line with the new Slaanesh demon models in my opinion, their poses and weapons. Still they won't look out of place along with Kairic acolytes.  


    The slaanesh facebook group literally had no interest in unmade, we'll see how they react to the Cypher Lords. 

  20. 3 minutes ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    I need these, right down my alley. I love weird helmets and masks. These might well be the weirdest yet in a setting full of them. Also really like their equipment and poses.


    Still, starter and Splintered Fangs, my overall favorites, get priority.

    I'm definitely tending towards the more civilised warbands, with Splintered Fangs, Iron Golems and now Cypher Lords forming my top three. Still want to get my hands on Corvus Cabal and Unmade, but that can wait for a while.


    Annoyingly the Untamed Beasts, the only warband I could see myself completely skipping, will propably be in the starter.


    I think that all the warbands could still fit in with any of the gods, with slight tendencies to about two. Like these could quite well fit with either Tzeentch or Slaanesh, but don't have to and could even be fit to Khorne or Nurgle.

    Agreed, I think they designed the warbands where with a bit of work/paint job they can fit into any god aligned warband depending on which warband you choose. Overall these guys won't look out of place alongside with the new Slaanesh daemons. 

    Edit:Also am I the only one who likes the head dresses? 

  21. 18 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Gah I'm torn on this new battelgroup! 

    On the one hand I like their concept, on the other those helms! Just not my kinda thing. But they look good! Very Tzeentch, the style, colour and the "eye" aspect all cry out referring to the God of Change.


    The GW community page also has photos of all the "first 6 warbands" that we've seen for Chaos. 

    Honestly they seem more Slaanesh to me, why would the article then say this? Well at least from the looks of things they will make good conversion fodder since GW don't feel like giving slaanesh mortals. 

    The Cypher Lords are the perfect warband for players that like the seductive, almost civilised side of Chaos – the esoteric cults and shadowy gatherings of nobles within cities all across the realms, as opposed to the unwashed, screaming barbarian masses outside them.

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