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Posts posted by shinros

  1. The new snake warband kinda annoys me slightly (going to proxy them for my slaanesh army), anyway I won't bring up that old argument. I could voice the double standards at people being disappointed with the AOS announcements in light of people being quite upset at the fact that there are no slaanesh mortals. 


    • Like 1
  2. 27 minutes ago, svnvaldez said:

    My understanding are all warscrolls are matched play legal as long only as you are using the most current warscroll of that name and it has a pitched battle profile (most commonly found in the GH but are available in other locations as well) As of now chaos lord on foot will remain legal forever at its current points.

    This is why you can still use compendium and such since their warscroll names have not been reprinted and a pitched battle profile can be found in that PDF.

    It would be nice if the next GH clears up wording and makes only units in the current GH and future releases matched play legal.

    That's good to know, the problem was access to the warscroll because they removed them from the app and the website. 

    Edit:Read the post again, I disagree with you on the last point. I like my chaos slaanesh lords. :X

    • Haha 1
  3. The warscrolls for the chaos lord on foot and daemonic mount is STILL UP. Found them through google, it's the first two links GRAB THEM NOW. 


    If you are playing with friends, I think they would be more than happy to let you use the warscrolls/old points or perhaps people can convert their own lords. I already downloaded them. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, xking said:

    Whoa, You so disappointed that you changed your face. 

    Yup. That disappointed. Going to spend my slaanesh money on Daughters of Khaine instead. What really put the nail in the coffin was what they did to our unique chaos lords that tipped me over. Now I am just trying to move on and do another army that had my interest. 

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  5. 24 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

    The Lord on Daemonic mount was shown in new art work, so I'd have hard time believing it's gone. It probably is just repackaging with bases. Hopefully they at least go as far as they did with the skaven and ship everything with round bases and keep doing that going forward. I don't think we've had an army that still had square bases come out since skaven, so it's hard to say if that's going to be something that always happens.

    The artwork is not new, it's from the realmgate wars so it's quite old. Watching the stream again they said if you are interested in mortals "just buy the book."  They reduced the foot and mount lord to generic slaves to darkness. They said on stream they are not in the battletome, so it's likely they are getting the axe. 

    Honestly I am just going to spend my hard earned overtime money from Easter on another army. I'm not buying chaos warriors anymore, been doing it for 10+ years. The battletome seems more like a daemon/slaves to darkness battletome. 

    This is  from the slaanesh thread.
    - MORTAL LORDS OF SLAANESH ARE NOT in battletome. Neither foot nor mounted. 
    - Still thinking over what to do with mortals - distinct possibility Slaanesh will be the first Chaos god with a separate book for their mortals.

    So on the mortal side, don't expect anything. It will be awhile before we see human slaanesh worshippers. Also as Overread said if you want those two lords buy them now, since on stream when asked about them they said "are they still on sale?" So they are most likely getting the axe. 

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  6. Just now, Greasygeek said:

    Well Maggotkin never had any dice released either. Sure their was a set meant for Deathguards that fitted perfectly with Moggotkin, but they were never intended for AOS. 

    The one thing that I really find odd about the Slaanesh release is the missed opportunity of a huge campaign about Slaanesh dashing escape. 

    This could have been a huge worldwide event and while that option remains alive such a campaign is now robbed of any momentum since all things Slaanesh is released in a week. The build up for this plot that has been going on for a few years now with DOK and deepkin slowly showing us Slaanesh’s whereabouts is such a cool story unraveling that it seem weird not releasing Slaanesh Faction during such an event.

    Ah, you're right I stand corrected. 

    On the campaign I would've of liked that but it seems GW wants to draw that story out for a little longer. 

  7. 1 minute ago, King Taloren said:

    Wishing but not really holding breath for anything else Slaanesh wise now. The stuff is great but for a Lord Of Chaos this is really mediocre to almost insulting to Slaanesh fans. Khorne, and nurgle had multiple new boxes and units and Tzeentch was tzangors and other models.Unless this is just o tide over for when the big guy/gal escapes then I’d be slightly more ok with it.

    Yeah this is pretty much my view at the moment. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Elazar The Glorified said:

    I think the entitlement thing is a bit harsh. This is the first time there has ever been a standalone Slaanesh army book so I don't think it was that unreasonable to expect at least a unit as part of that same release. This isn't a re-release for 2.0 or even a rejoining of an army that had been broken for other books like Skaven and Legions ot Nagash so the lack of dice, units, reboxes of existing units like Hellstriders (battleline with no AoS box and rectangular bases still) does seem a little odd and doesn't fit the blueprint of any other recent NEW army releases that I can think of. They've gone very character heavy and filled gaps in the range that I'm very happy with but I can totally understand people who assumed we were seeing week 1 of a 2 week release feeling a little let down.

    Yup I didn't want to mention the clear lack of dice unlike the other chaos gods because that might have appeared...petty. ; / Hellstriders are likely going to be reboxed, but overall if mortals don't get anything we only have three mortal models. Still holding out that GW has got the mortals hidden away for week 2 or something. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    I think this is obviously part of the brand new DEATH faction GW are releasing later this year made up of the skeletal remains of Slaanesh mortal followers.

    How can he do that when we most likely don't have any? 😜 You need actual corpses to make undead.  

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, pseudonyme said:

    Yes, this screams Nagash and Mortarchs' mount.

    But is this LoN terrain, endless spells or Deathrattle related (which would be more or less odd as LON replaced Deathrattle in my mind)?

    Excited because Death, but very puzzled


    Hey do you remember when krell was mentioned in the grand alliance death tome? Perhaps we will finally get to see him? 

  11. 1 minute ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Surely there’s nothing wrong to argue about something, just be ready to get feedback that might not be your taste.

    ANYWAYS, back to the (possible) tomb king tail(??)

    Well one thing is obvious it's death. I think it's deathrattle, not tomb kings. Looks like GW are getting around to it. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, AaronWilson said:

    It must be a tough tough world where you don't get  the plastic soldiers your heart truly desires. We won't agree on this matter, have a good day my friend. 

    You have a good day as well, as a consumer I have the right to be disappointed with a company. 

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  13. Just now, AaronWilson said:

    If you had a massive range of armoured warriors, unarmoured warriors, armoured knights and skirmish horsemen at your disposal to use :)  All who are mortals 

    Yeah unfornately they dont match the slaanesh aesthetic.  The other three gods have their own unique mortal factions. I repeat again the other three got new mortals AND daemons.

    GW set the precedent.

    • Thanks 3
  14. Just now, Qayin said:

    Entitlement basically. Even if we do get mortal units they're going to complain about something else. I keep seeing this issue posted at least twice a day on Slannesh FB. Gets really tiring

    Er no, GW set the precedent. The other chaos gods got new Daemons AND mortals.

    • Thanks 2
  15. 22 minutes ago, AaronWilson said:

    Really don't understand the whining at all. Slaanesh has got the fiends and harpist from WaR box, now a new deamon prince, a new mirror unit, a new greater deamon, a new book, 3 new endless spells, new terrain.... I mean jesus christ what more do you want?

    When Sylvaneth get a re-release I expect 3 endless spells, 1 terrain feature, a new model and I'll be very happy. 

    I would trade out the mirror for some mortals.

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    • Confused 1
  16. Just now, Ravinsild said:

    Oh well jokes on me. I honestly don't know what Slaanesh looks like, he looked human enough to me. 

    That's the weird thing about him, I think it fits that the slaanesh daemon prince appears "human". It's my favourite model of the bunch, anyway I've calmed down I will just play with my collection until war cry. I suspect one of the warbands are mortal slaanesh worshippers and they will bolt them onto our battletome. It looks like the models from warcry will be similar to necromunda in terms of weapon options going by the current revealed warband. *still hoping for new mortals this release.* 

  17. 4 minutes ago, novakai said:

    looks like they are releasing everything in one go so to make room for whatever is reveal on Warhammer fest

    Edit: the Daemon prince character seems a bit pricy for a standard foot hero unless they bigger then the picture suggest they are

    Seems they making them pricey because this release is most likely essentially heroes and most people will only buy one. 
    For Euros and pounds. 




    If you zoom in you can see the second part. 

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