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Posts posted by shinros

  1. 2 minutes ago, mikethefish said:

    To answer your question - yes it's unrealistic.

    Given the way GW operates, the amount of armies that will get a Gloomspite-level release are few and far between.

    So while you might think that your own beloved army needs the super, extra-effort release treatment, the reality is that tons of other armies (even brand-new armies that we haven't ever seen before) need it just has much.

    From GW army releases, you expect the minimum.  Anything extra is just that - extra.

    Well I disagree, its not unrealistic at all. In light of the other chaos gods. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, mikethefish said:

    Everybody had this big expectation of what the Slaanesh release was going to be, mainly because they were missing from both shelves and the storyline for so long.

    These are folks who haven't learned to manage their expectations, when it comes to GW.  Go easy on them.  It's a harsh lesson to learn. 

    Perhaps Slaanesh and 40k Ork players can form some sort of support group or something.

    Is it unrealistic to expect new mortals when they have given the other three gods new daemons and mortals? GW set the precedent, lets not forget how much slaanesh has been shafted compared to the other three gods. 

    So it doesnt suprise me that people are upset, some are calling it a discount/half release. If there are no mortals to me this release is a dud and I will only get the tome for lore.

    I am tired of the bulky and ugly STD models that dont match the aesthetic of slaanesh.

    • Like 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, michu said:

    I don't think so @shinros. As other (and me) already said, it could be just new name for old unit, maybe it's Chaos Lord of Slaanesh on foot or on the steed.

    It doesnt bode well since I think they removed the post where they have said the mortals of slaanesh have not emerged yet. *sigh*

  4. 25 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

    "This makes larger models with multiple Wounds, like the Keeper of Secrets and Bladebringer"

    So does this mean there's more models to come? Never heard of a Bladebringer before.

    Looks like it, I think the facebook team was given a rubbish gag response to mortal questions

  5. 10 minutes ago, Riavan said:

    Everytime I think we are progressing into more well rounded people as a community, something minor happens like this and people act like babies. Check your outrage and whether it is really warranted - it really doesn't look good to others and may scare newcomers off from playing the game.

    Yeah so slaneesh won't be as big army wise as the other four God's.  But it still has around the same amount of options as the new aos armies and more with the inclusion of slaves (and hopefully darkoath soon).


    GW are the ones who set the expectation due to the other gods, it's not unrealistic to see the reason why people are upset if there aren't any new mortals. What you think people will be smiles all the time? Look, sometimes you have to voice your disappointment. There is a reason why there is a wave of salt/disappointment in slaanesh facebook page, bolter and chainsword (40k), dakka, reddit and here at tga. 

    So GW stuck one of the gods with one of the oldest ranges in the game and gave the other gods brand new and fresh mortals AND daemons to the other chaos god factions. That's IF they aren't releasing new mortals. 

    • Like 2
  6. Just now, firebat said:

    Khorne =  Daemons, Bloodbound, Mortals.

    Tzeentch = Daemons, Arcanites, Mortals

    Nurgle = Daemons, Maggotkin, Mortals, Skaven

    Slaanesh = Daemons, Mortals

    The only way I could see this working for us is if they allow us to use everything from the slaves to darkness update when they get to it while the other gods will have limited access like legions of nagash/nighthaunt. 

  7. Just now, HorticulusTGA said:

    The other FB comments don't have the "this week", and all point out to Warcry, which is not released until this summer...

    So yeah it's dead. 

    Well, I'm mostly a Daemon player anyway, but still sad to NOT have Mortals on foot...

    As Clan said I think when EC roll around they're just going to give us their cultist options. They might add in an extra sprue to make them AOS units. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Still-young said:

    I would probably just assume we definitely aren’t getting them, or the disappointment is just gonna be worse. 

    Yeah, I think they are referring to warcry here. They keep pointing to that in all their responses, if we aren't getting new mortals the book better modify the current STD models in a considerable fashion in my opinion. 

    Just now, Clan's Cynic said:

    I think the lack of Slaanesh mortals is probably to due to the Emperor's Children. It's possible they want 'Pleasure Cultists' or whatever we get to be compatible  with 40k, but also don't want to put out Emperor's Children-only rules when they're still part of Codex: Chaos Space Marines. Thus Hedonites will get their mortal/chaff units, but in a future wave. 


    I think that's what is most likely going to happen, it was similar to the Tzaangors. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Mayple said:

    Perhaps this is all a clever ploy by GW to inflict as much suffering on Slaanesh players in particular to do a properly lore-friendly release? All this suffering must surely be contributing to the inevitable release of the dark prince. 

    On monday, they'll be all "Sorry about that. It was all a ploy by Slaanesh. Here are your mortal followers." 

    I doubt it, but it would have been.. ah, an impressive, if not strange, marketing ploy. 

    Well this response just came in an hour ago. 

    User:So no new mortals, huh?

    GW:Not this week, user, though there is a brand new game focusing on the trials and tribulations of the mortal followers of the Dark Gods on the horizon in the form of Warcry.

    You could read this response as they are referring to warcry mortals that worship slaanesh and not new ones coming with the book. But...Who knows.  

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Sete said:

    I want to believe that the FB team is bluffing, but it seems to be a daemon release only. 

    Yeah the artwork hyped me up a lot.

    Was a bit of a gut punch.

    Heh, at the moment I am bouncing back and forth from the denial stage. XD

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Chikout said:

    I think gw shot themselves in the foot with this one. If they had simply come out at Adepticon and said this was a daemons only release, people would not be so disappointed now. Using a piece of art with mortals in it as a preview is just rubbing salt into the wounds. 

    They blasted their foot off, they set a precedent with the other god releases so far this is looking like Battletome: Grand Alliance Chaos w/ Mark of Slaanesh.

    Psst, GW prove me wrong please. Please...

    • Like 2
  12. 3 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    It absolutely was realistic. Tzeentch got 3 new units along side their characters and greater daemon when DoT was released. Slaanesh have got 0. Slaanesh only has Daemonettes as a basic troop. Tzeentch has Horrors, Tzaangor and Acolytes. Khorne has Bloodletters, Blood Reavers and whatever the more armoured guys are called. Nurgle has Blightkings and Plaguebearers. 

    No ones asking for anything crazy here. 

    See I would be more than happy with one troop, one elite on foot and perhaps 1-2 new mortal heroes. I would find that satisfactory and realistic. 

    Edit: In the end GW said this at the end of the article. 

    All next week, we’ll be running previews of the new rules, lore and more for Slaanesh fans of all stripes – make sure to check back tomorrow for the first.

    So maybe we are being upset for no reason but their facebook response is very concerning. If I was GW I would make sure the monday article is mortal considering the reaction to their response that they're might not be any. 

  13. Just now, Mutton said:

    You'll notice that with anything in life, the more people get, the less satsified they are with it over time. People will always expect more and more, new standards are set, maybe even ones that can't ever be lived up to. I've also noticed negativity increase with each release since Gloomspite, and I think it's just because they set a new precedent for what could be done for an older army. Now everyone expects that. Everyone wants everything for the army they love, it's not an unfair desire, but it's not realistic.

    So it's not realistic in the case of slaanesh when the other gods have their own dedicated mortal armies? 

    • Like 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Aye in fairness Slaanesh has been very ignored - heck don't forget many were predicting Slaanesh being soft squatted (ended) since it had been so long since the Dark Prince had had any update in 40K or AoS. Heck it might be that there's no mortal followers because that slot is taken by some 40K fun things for Slaanesh (where at present the only unique thing they've got is the Christmas Noise marine and some old noise marine options for Chaos Warriors - which I assume stil fit the new sculpts?)

    A lot of what we've got in this release is what many consider the "top end" ergo leaders and spells so one-off models rather than droops and monsters and the like. A new demonic unit or mortal follower or half and half would have been good to see; though something new for 40K would also be grand (esp considering that of all the gods Slaanesh hasn't really got anything techno nor ranged nor supersized for 40K unique to itself save for the noise marine upgrades - everything else is basically whips and close combat AoS stuff)

    You are right on the money, the core of the army is missing. So far it looks like they've only updated the top end stuff. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Mayple said:

    Yeah. This is far from the usual doomsaying that tends to pop up around a release. 

    Usually it's "Oh my god, this is so broken." 

    Now it's more "Wait, they want us to use marauders as our mortal followers? Uh. But. N...N-urgle, Khorne and Tzeeentch though.." :D

    Pretty much, IF there are no new mortals GW has told us we are still playing slaves to darkness while the other factions have their own unique dedicated forces.  Hence why if we aren't getting any new mortals the sub-group rules better modify the STD models in a reasonable fashion.  

    I will also state I WISH to be wrong. I WANT to be wrong, I will be the happiest man ever if tomorrow GW slapped us with the new mortals. They aren't being convincing at the moment. 

  16. 1 minute ago, Future said:

    Man with every release being overly negative this year on this forum I feel like this community is going to have a really rough time. I am so amazed at what they have done this year and as a player of the game couldn’t be happier that they are supporting all the existing models, quickly. We can ****** all we want, and we do, every single release. But it’s not going to change the priority, making the game fun for every faction.

    Can you give me a good reason why the other three gods get their own dedicated mortals and slaanesh doesn't? Considering slaanesh is the most neglected chaos god overall? People have been anticipating this release for years. Let them vent, as long as people aren't insulting others or lashing out unreasonably I think they have a right to voice their disappointment. 

    • Like 5
  17. 7 minutes ago, Austin said:

    I am just a bit shocked that GW didn’t anticipate this reaction. Maybe they did?

    it is very interesting that all this time GW has insisted they were a miniatures company first. And here lately it seems as though the books are the main focus. That is great and all, but throughout the 2000s when GW was frankly getting their rear end kicked in the rules department, it was their models and lore that saved them for me. 

    Gloomspite made me think they understood the need to do both models and rules (with the new squigs). But this and Skaven have me confused. 

    I suspect if they're aren't any new mortals for slaanesh they will work in their sub-groups rather than if they are mortal or daemon.  So you can mix and match, if let's say you have the pretender keyword both daemons and mortals rules work together. 

  18. 1 minute ago, Aryann said:

    I believe right the opposite. If we keep our points to ourselves GW won't know our expectations and won't do better next time. The more they hear from us now, the bigger the chances we see mortal Slaanesh in the future. Communication is the key, even if it is harsh sometimes. 

    Yeah I have to agree with you, the fact that GW are confirming it on facebook seems that they are now aware people are upset. 


    • Like 1
  19. 3 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    It's such a shame really.

    Warcry will be Undivided mortals.

    The only hope was another week of release with the Enrapturess and the Fiends.... But the reaction of GW guys on FB makes it clear : no Mortals. 

    We are talking about AOS Mortals. Emperor's Children may come this year too (I hope!), but there won't be any mortals before a very very hypothetic campaign release (with Aelves, maybe)..... But I'm left contemplating what could have been, like this guy : https://malignportents.com/story/the-scent/

    Pretty much, they could of worded their response differently but the fact they shilled warcry in the response kinda put the nail in the coffin for me personally. 

    Edit:Here comes another nail.

    User:Any chances to have Slaanesh mortals?

    GW:There's no news of mortal followers of Slaanesh emerging from the realms right now, Jérémy, but we do know that we'll soon be seeing a whole lot more from a number of different tribes in Warcry...

    • Sad 2
  20. 1 minute ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Yes but the release of the Tome seals the release window for Slaanesh for month, even years (the WarCom guys on FB are now trying to redirect people asking for mortals to WarCry....). It's so sad....

    Still holding out that it might happen, my expectations for this release just has been significantly lowered. 

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