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Posts posted by shinros

  1. 1 minute ago, Mutton said:

    You know instead of wallowing and focusing on what wasn't in the release, people should embrace the joy of what they did get. Leads to a much healthier life and outlook.

    Pff, I am still holding out for mortals since they might not be able to reveal everything but when the other three gods have their own unique followers and one doesn't? That argument falls flat especially when said god has been quite neglected compared to the others. 

    • Like 3
  2. Just now, Overread said:

    Considering the first two look very Khorne then it bodes well for some really neat mortal followers if there's some Slaanesh in there :) Warcry indeed could change this around come summer! And its not that far off either - plus if Slaves get a big udpate there's loads of mortals in there. Heck things ilke chaos Cavalry is even really affordable as most of those sets have 10 models to a box not 5 (barring the elite which are very expensive for 3, but at least they are elites not core). 

    So yeah no new mortals but with a Slaves update you can easily draft in a load of chaos warriors and the like. 

    Yeah sorry, I am not biting that argument. This release is a huge dud. 

  3. Just now, Future said:

    Getting everyone new playable rules definitely seems to be the theme and that’s really cool!

    Sorry, man my excitement got shot. Why does ever other god get their own unique mortal followers/factions and were stuck with slaves to darkness?

  4. It's been confirmed, no new mortals. RIIIIIIP this release. 

    Right update on the mortal front. No new mortals. 

    User: Warhammer Age of Sigmar will there be mortal followers to go along with the daemons ? 

    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: User there won't be any new mortal followers this week, but a whole game that follows the fortunes of six new tribes of chaos followers is on the way: https://ageofsigmar.com/warcry/

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 3
  5. 10 minutes ago, xking said:

    I hope so, because at the moment I am not impressed. Out of all the chaos gods, I believe slaanesh should have gotten an AoS Mortals release.


    And Fyreslayers should have gotten some new non-hero  units. 

    On facebook they said there is more to come, relax. If the tome comes out with no mortal units then we get out the pitchforks. (joke)

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, xking said:

    I'm also very disappointed that Slaanesh did not get any Mortals. Why is it that only Khorne can have a decent range of mortal units. The new Keeper Of Secrets is cool, but I think The Mortals units are the more interesting of the god exclusive units.


    They are not going to reveal everything at once. Look at the previous releases. 

    • Like 3
  7. 2 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Personally I wonder if the Old World issue wasn't so much its restrictive nature but the way it was constructed over so many years by so many writers that it became hard to navigate without breaking something else. Ergo likely there wasn't a "master" guide written for the backbone of the setting that linked things together in a living map structure so that they could find spots or gaps or add to the lore and keep up with things.


    That's sort of the biggest worry for AoS in that its SO big that its actually possible to do whatever you want which in turn means you can step on a lot of toes. We've already sort of had a slow sort of ret-con on the size of Realms. Originally they were VAST and took years to traverse even a small portion of them (even with realmgates) In fact vast to the point of infinite nearly. The Maps we have now are a big step forward and I hope they get fleshed out and that behind the secnes there's some master-plan writing structure and living map and history going on 

    Yeah but you have to remember the map we have is pretty much a small spec of the realm. It's essentially like 40k now, you can make your own continents, make your own cities and countries. The writers can write about the established places and considering the size of the realmsphere they can knock them down without worry. 




    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    It wasn't so much restrictive as it was established. Indeed because it had a lot of structure it was much easier for different people to swap stories and make their own and they'd line up rather nicely. It also made it more impressive - if Skaven in a story by BL took over and destroyed Nuln or another major city it would have a dramatic effect.

    Right now in AoS cities can rise and fall and it doesn't really have the same impact. Of course I fully expect that with time we'll have more than just Shadspire and the odd capital city like Skavenblight or such to talk about .

    Problem is that the writers have said the issue with the old world was it's constraints. I actually think the reason why they changed AOS to be more like 40k because it would allow GW to make said cities rise or fall without damaging the setting too much. You also have far more room for "your dudes." Just like 40k.


    5 hours ago, xking said:

    Also topics like that are normal there, I try not to think too much about it. The smartest person in the thread was the guy who said the one who holds the pen will win. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    I suspect it's a Chamber of all the Stormcast who have reforged so many times that they are mad. Probably been locked away for generations.

    Yup I think those sort of people are the perfect warriors to face off against slaanesh. Oh yeah and our bondage dude is from the warcry trailer he looks to be darkoath actually. 


    • Like 4
  10. I think slaanesh will be mixed up in the new AOS expansion, if we look in the top 5 thing to look out for this year GW notes new endless spells, slaanesh and the expansion. I suspect we will get a tease of slaanesh around valentine's day, GW won't miss that. They even used it to reveal Morathi. 


  11. 8 minutes ago, eciu said:

    Isn't that the whole point of this thread ?:P (hint: rumors)

    Oh yes but so far during the few pages people are taking it as some gospel truth. When it should be discussed with a huge mountain of salt in light of facts and the fact it's from 4chan as well. I find the rumour that dispossessed  is being worked upon more reliable because they are in GW stores and models from the range have been repackaged. So if the rumour is true we should see some dwarfs in about 2-5 years depending how far they are along. 

    edit:It's also quite clear that if your models are in a GW store(repackaged) or if they are in the general handbook they will get an update at some point. 


  12. 33 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    Well a lot of people use Phoenix on mixed order army abd it osnt on round bases yet.

    Well yes but if they were selling well, they would be in a GW store. It's fact that only GW's top lines are held in their stores, the rest is online only. Since as I said shelf space costs money. So Wanderers are selling well but the rumour makes no mention of them. 

    Edit:So when certain models are bought out in a store, they don't get anymore of them until another release or if they are repackaged. 

    • Like 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    We've gone days without rumours, we'll take anything at this point :P

    Oh I know, but I don't place much stock in such things. The one bit that made me raise my eyebrow was the devoted of sigmar because if they were selling so well they would of repackaged them already like the dispossessed and wanderers. Shelf space costs money and not using it for something that sells really well is well...silly.  

    I mean in my GW I bought out all the devoted sigmar, they haven't seen any new ones. Plus they still haven't been repackaged as I said, this is just anecdotal but this is what causes me to question the rumour. 

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