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Posts posted by shinros

  1. 1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Might be, haven't gotten to reading it yet.

    Can you clarify this, Shinros? You're the expert Nagashite that noticed him in the first place. :D


    Er been awhile since I last read the book but the extract from GA:Death pretty much hints to Krell if GW decides to get around to it. They call the lord of the helspoint the lord of despair and krell was the mortarch of despair. 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Carnelian said:

    This is not a leak. My friend took it - it's from the promotional display stand by the door in darksphere, which is a shop in london. It had empty places for these two warbands and these pics are at the back when they are empty 

    There was a third panel for the scenery


    Even so due to this picture who bets that tomorrow or the day after GW are going to post an article about this? 

  3. 2 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Wait is realm of chaos: wraith and rupture a Box set or a video game, I am confuse?

    It's a box vince has said it contains new models. 


    edit:The box is coming out SOON. I am doing a daemon army. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Envyus said:

    I don't his brother sucked as King and it was more that was Nagash's justification for wanting to usurp him and take what he viewed as rightfully his.

    No he did suck as king, he was a essentially a joke to everyone else because he did not actually act like a Nehekaran king and vied for peace etc. Nagash also used it as an excuse as well. 

  5. 42 minutes ago, xking said:

    I did not know Nagash was into that.

    Yup Nagash was a mad cackling necromancer. When he made her undead she sort of just sat there. Then he killed her to break the covenant. He was bitter that he was forced to become a priest and the fact his brother sucked as king. He only developed naunce in times of legend sigmar when he has killed off most of his humanity and emotions. Honestly his origin book series was not all that good the author seemed like he prefered writing other characters. (After the first book he focused more on skaven.)

    One common compliant that there are not enough chapters dealing with the actual character and he made some lore mistakes.

  6. Erm Tomb kings weren't popular.  Next to bretonnia they were the worst selling fantasy army, even after the update. 

    I personally think their rules were partly to blame. From my personal observation people only started to care about TK from a narrative standpoint after Settra said that one line that has now become a meme.

    Plus GW essentially gave the reason why they got the axe in the white dwarf.

    • Like 5
  7. 1 hour ago, amysrevenge said:

    Yeah but this sort of arguing is easy.

    You could flip it around, frame Nothingness/Stagnation/the Void as the ultimate evil to be avoided rather than Chaos, and call Sigmar and Nurgle the same in their staunch opposition to Nagash's nothingness.  Their only difference is how they go about defining and promoting Life/procreation/abundance.

    Everybody is the same as everybody else, when the proper characteristics are held up in isolation.  Alarielle and Nurgle are the same.  Khorne and Sigmar are the same.  Malerion and Nagash are the same.  If you compare just one or two things and ignore the rest.

    I think ultimately the similarities between Nagash and the Chaos gods are more significant than the differences.  A realm in which Nagash wins the ultimate victgory and a realm in which Khorne wins the ultimate victory will look different superficially, but where it matters they are the same - a realm utterly and universally under the unswaying dominion of one mind, never changing for eternity.  A realm in which Sigmar wins the ultimate victory does not look like this.

    The point is Sigmar will never gain ultimate victory. He will never achieve his dream for the realms. For his dream will forever keep chaos thriving until the end of the mortal realms.

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Kirjava13 said:

    Again, Nagash is a giant skeleton in a big hat who turns healing women into frenzied murderers for the crime of keeping souls from him for a little longer. There is no conceivable universe where he is a good guy.

    Never said he was a good guy. What of all the criminals he actually punishes? The battletome shows his cruelty and warped sense of justice.

  9. 8 minutes ago, xking said:

    The Betrayal of Nagash was the great work. He was planning it since the  age of myth.  Nagash being militarized or not does not make him any less of a hypocrite or a tyrant. And sigmar does not fight alone. I am nearing the end of the book. I might respond to you later on the subject. 

    Well the aelf gods are bloody useless they left the battle/went into seclusion soon as it suited them. They are not reliable allies.  Even the Everqueen now throws a fit at sigmar for daring to offer his hand in aid to a local problem. The pantheon is fragmented and concerned with their own problems. This is how chaos wins all the time. Nagash may be a hypocrite and a tyrant but he is the only person in the warhammer fantasy mythos that made all the chaos gods move at once due to his plans. Just like the vaunted 40k emperor, who is also a hypocrite and a tyrant.

    And it's for one reason only, his grim fatalism all of that is on display in the book, Pharus did not fall to the desire of power, or Nagash displaying his godly might. It was just a Elder bones telling him how it is. 

    It goes back all the way to times of legends sigmar. He shows sigmar his vision of the world if everyone was undead, or shackled to his will there will be peace. It's not a case of him wanting ultimate power. In his warped mind that is what will  be the end of chaos.  Nick the writer of LON confirmed that to be true.

    It's quite simple, what feeds chaos and keeps it thriving? Mortal weakness, so the only answer is to remove it. But removing such a thing basically crushes free will, because to be mortal is to be flawed. Sigmar's goal is the end of chaos, he wants to beat the chaos gods not contain them. The writers have said that several times on stream and across books, battletomes etc. Then they went on to say Sigmar will never beat chaos as and I think this book clearly shows why. 

     And it's one simple reason because his belief in mortal potential. Mortals are their own monsters. He believed in the potential of Archaon, that he does not need his help in his most vulnerable moment. Look at him now, Grand Marshall of the apocalypse who has destroyed and conquered multiple worlds and almost bought the realms to it's knees.

     Grungi's words from spear of shadows epitomes that moment, Sigmar expects people to understand, he expects people to rise to meet him, he expects mortals to be up to the challenge when they are clearly not. Nagash has no faith in mortals what's so ever so it's his duty to rule and guide them, to show he is powerful. It's the reason why shyish endured and why the other realms fell.  

     Many of the daemons and chaos gods across battletomes and novels don't even view sigmar as a threat.  Don't you remember when they talked about Tzeentch's battletome on stream? Tzeentch doesn't give a flying toss about sigmar, to him he is small in the grand scheme of things. All he felt at most is mild annoyance at being surprised with stormcast. In Malign portent's Tzeentch bent his whole mind due Nagash's plan.

    Another example look at Morathi, she is not a full goddess but due to her own weakness and desire for power slaanesh's prison is basically weakening putting Ulgu in peril. 

    Mortal potential has it's place but there must be balance, Sigmar and Nagash are that balance, light and shadow. Sword and shield. They are opposed yet not. Those two gods working together is the best chance at ending chaos and retaining some semblance of the realm as is. It's why they broke the both of them apart in the first place.

    What Nagash wants is the extreme outcome and the death of free will but chaos will no longer be a problem. 

    What Sigmar wants will just lead to never ending war and suffering.  Chaos will hammer at the walls of reality until they finally decide to get serious and end them. Mallus is a clear reminder displaying when chaos wants to end something. 

    As you said before, it's agree to disagree but overall I see this conflict in the context of warhammer in general to be a lot more complex than simple black and white. 

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, xking said:

    Nagash is single-handedly responsible for the deaths of countless trillions and is no better then the dark gods. I am not wrong, There is nothing complicated about it.  Nagash's solution to chaos is too murder everything, that is not gray. It's just another form of black.  And Nagash  was planing on betraying Sigmar and the other gods from the moment Sigmar freed him. That is not a broad stroke, It a very specific thing called out in the LoN battletome. Black Library books are from the  personally created lore and opinions of the  author, It does not always mach up with the main lore and opinions of the creative director and lore team, Like phil kelly(who said Nagash is irredeemably evil in a twitch stream)

    I don't need the book to tell me who is right or wrong, I can do that myself.   I think Nagash is wrong because he is a cruel, tyrannical, lying, genocidal egomaniac cosmic horror, Who is just as bad as the Chaos gods.  

    But let's agree to disagree.




    So have you read the book then? Josh Reynolds laid most of the ground work and gave details for most of AOS and yes it is broad strokes because in the book we see the betrayal is a lot more complicated since it's actually developed. And Nagash and Sigmar's feelings are actually developed and despite your opinions on Nagash he needed to stop chaos. Sigmar will not and will never win his crusade. All the stormcast he is throwing and destroying on the anvil is utterly pointless because he will never win by himself. That is something both GW and Josh pretty much said. And also the book is approved by editors and GW and going by his tweets they actually want to make sure it's lore accurate. You should read ADB's posts on writing they have for more consultants and information at their hands than we do.

    as been said on the community article what we see in LON is Nagash's militarised aspect, maybe what we see is his current hard stance mind? Maybe things where different in the age of myth?

    so let's agree to disagree. 

  11. 23 minutes ago, xking said:

       Perhaps, but nothing I said was wrong.

    Well in the book just for a moment Nagash did regard sigmar as possibly a brother, he has a flashback where Sigmar freed him and he remembers his hand reaching out towards him, but he quashes that memory. As GW said in a recent community article the Nagash we see now is the highly militarised aspect. The point of the book is that neither side is right or wrong. Sigmar can believe in human potential but in warhammer humans suck hence why chaos exists, Nagash is the other side of the coin where he does not believe in mortal potential. 

    As long as mortal weakness exists so does chaos which is also true. But at the same time there will be a huge damper on free will if nagash gets his way.

     Hence why GW have said if Nagash wins it's the end of chaos but at what cost? I don't want to spoil the ending of the book but a certain character sums it up. Chaos was on the back foot when Sigmar and Nagash was working together, hence why Archaon moved to separate them. Sigmar is the shield, Nagash is the sword per the book. Neither god is "right." 

    So yeah I think you are wrong. The battletomes are broad strokes, the Black Library books fill out the details. The whole situation surrounding Sigmar and Nagash is a lot more complicated than good or evil. Josh writes a whole introduction explaining this at the very start of the book. 

    It's not black and white as you want to believe. 

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, xking said:

    It's character flaw of Sigmar, He is too trusting of those who he should not be.  Like Malerion(https://malignportents.com/story/a-rescued-soul/).

    Nagash never regarded  Sigmar as his brother, He was planing on betraying Sigmar and the other gods from the moment Sigmar freed him, it was just a matter of when and how.  Sigmar should just take the L, and accept that  freeing Nagash was ultimately a terrible mistake.  


    You're missing the point of the story. 

  13. 2 hours ago, hellalugosi said:

    any more on tarsus? great write up!


    edit:To add the ending just sorts of brings it all together in such a nice way. I stopped writing my undead fan-fiction because I felt I did not get the sense of how Nagash truly interacted with his followers. Now with this novel? I understand, I am ready to start it again. 


    We see his wife/fiancee.

    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, Caladancid said:

    Yeah I’m not a fan of that at all. 


    Unless there is language in the battletome about switching all chamber keywords if you pick a different chamber.  That’s the only way it makes sense to me. 

    There are generic versions going by the handbook. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Arkiham said:

    everything is corruptible by chaos.

    by adding this risk to the stormcast it forces them to be just and honourable rather than untouchable tyrants willing to slay a towns populace at the hint of chaos. 

    it forces stormcast to have a soul.  

    Stormcast can't be corrupted by chaos they detail that in novels. A GUO outright says he can't. The whole point of being a stormcast is that they rose above that and chosen to be a holy warrior.  While becoming a follower of chaos is giving into mortal weakness. 

    What we are going to see is the after effects of too many reforgings imagine the knight's excelsior after several reforgings? People think the white reaper is bad? Oh boy.  The whole point is that stormcasts have souls but they are losing it to the conflict and becoming machines of war dedicated to sigmar due to the reforging issue. 

    • Like 6
  16. 1 hour ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    The pace GW is releasing things is completely blowing me away. Both new Battletomes, for factions that get a large sized release each, one week after the new edition, with miniatures for both, including One of the centerpieces? Yeah, that I would not have believed it if told beforehand.

    I will add that it took centuries from the beginning of the Realmgates Wars to the start of Malign Portents in setting. And if I read the Soulwars sample chapter correctly, it might be quite a long time between MP and the actual start of Soulwars as well.

    Yes, it was only a short time for us, but the Stormcast have been hundreds of years nonestop at War and most have been subjected to reforging over and over by now.

    Yeah, I recall going by city of secrets it's been pretty much a whole generation since the realm gate wars. So over a century of fighting from the looks of it. 

  17. 16 minutes ago, Necroshadow said:

    Well. It only took the stormcast a single edition to go from pristine condition to “I’ve seen some shenanigans” condition. 

    I think it makes sense, because before they were fighting a crusade the enemy is clear and straightforward. But now? Death and Chaos are attacking from all angles, inside the cities via corruption and on the open field. The start of the crusade was the easy part, maintaining the cities and pushing back said forces is the hard part. Let's not also forget you have destruction rampaging around at the same time. 

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