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Posts posted by shinros

  1. Who she is, whoever she is, is going to be revealed soon. I just found that image on facebook, some people think it might be her, I thought it was interesting so I posted it. I personally think it might be isabella in ghost form but my preference would be a whole new character. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. As if there wasn’t enough good news for the Legions of Nagash – we’ve got some exciting announcements about the new Nighthaunt units. While the Nighthaunt will be getting fully realised as a faction in their own right, many of their units will also be accessible for Legions of Nagash armies – so if you’ve been eyeing up the new models, now you’ve got an excuse to pick them up…

    It's this piece of news that pleases me. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, Still-young said:

    I’m pretty sure the Fulgrim cover is the cover of Slaves to Darkness, the next Horus Heresy book after Wolfsbane about the traitor Primarchs.

    Yeah I was just thinking the artwork looked like horus heresy the more I stared at it. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    It was a pain to find, but it's still up there; go to the coming soon section on BL and then scroll down to July releases, and then click on view all. He should be there in the top banner. 

    Thanks! I wonder what's the right most image?

    Edit:The Art looks AOS. Perhaps it's the grand Theogonist? Since in spear of shadows we find out that the one who holds the role is female 


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  5. 57 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    Not exactly AoS, but the "coming soon" section of BL had daemon Fulgrim on it. Could be nothing, or could signify the start of a Slaanesh release in 40k (which would probably mean one in AoS). 




    Where did you find the image? It was on the coming soon section? If it was removed it means it went up too early. 


    • Haha 2
  6. 8 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    In fairness though, when the vast majority of Order's armies follow Sigmar, a god who has thus far been nothing but benevolent and the rest of the Alliances have malevolent aims (corrupt everything, kill everything, kill-then-undeath everything) it's not difficult at all to see why people call Order the good guys. Groups like the Daughters of Khaine are more like the Token Evil Teammate. With the exception of them and the Darkling Covens, by and large Order is a pretty stellar bunch.

    It's part of the reason I detest Nagash being written as having ran around getting rid of every other Underworld/Death God. It just turned Death into yet another "we kill because our leader(s) a ******" when there could have been a lot of potential for a much more nuanced alternative to Order, where Death isn't necessarily something to be feared, gods who give a damn about protecting the souls of their charges, etc. We see hints of this in the fiction, but it all falls flat when Nagash is just such an unrepentant arsehole backed up by his harem of arsehole lieutenants. I really hope we see more Death Gods appear that he can't just nom... somebody akin to what Morr was, albeit not on Sigmar's payroll (or dead-dead).

    See here is the thing though, through nagash is the end of chaos. Why do you think they are freaking out in the malign portent supplment? They are not worried about sigmar, they are worried about what nagash is doing/planning.  Nick the writer of LON confirmed this. Sigmar will never defeat chaos with how he is handling things now. The grey aspect to death is being introduced that Nagash is more than happy to leave well enough alone if people worship him and in turn get protection from the plagues being spread by Nurgle while sigmar is sitting on his throne doing nothing. Right now the problem sigmar is facing is Detachment, he is detached from his followers which is giving chaos and death easy access. 

    People turn to Nagash because with all the nonsense going on in the realms and with sigmar doing nothing they start to believe an iron-fist rule is needed. Especially if said god let's you know he is there all the time and stops you from becoming a maggot filled corpse due to nurgle.

    There is nuance there.  There is no right answer, follow a god that gives you some freedoms but is detached, with this chaos is going to always mess with you and if you get corrupted even by accident you are most likely going to get purged. 

    While on the other side of the coin if you prefer a god who rules with an iron fist and ensures people don't mess with you because you are his property and in turn receive partial immunity to the deprivations of chaos. 

    You live in such a chaotic realm and when it comes down to it which one will you pick? I personally like these kinds of stories. 

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  7. 1 minute ago, Swooper said:

    So, is there going to be a third Stormcast warband for Shadespire, before even popular factions like Tzeentch, Nurgle, Kharadron etc. get their representation? Ugh... thought they had taken the "we don't need more stormcast" hint from the community by now...

    Well malignents are getting representation and it makes sense that Sigmar would open a new chamber to react to whatever nagash does at the end of malign portents. 

    • Thanks 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, Turgol said:

    After the snipets we have gotten in the last couple of months, Iam wondering if the Deepkin are a more or less trolling faction. I know there is an epic story behind their creation, but I refer not to that but rather the concept. So we kinda know:

    -They are elusive (like fish)

    -They lack emotions and are therefore cold (like fish)

    Those aspects seem to me like the trolly factors accompanying a fishmen faction. Sure they made it elvish, soul-stealing and more bad-ass. But still fishy-trolly.

    Well going by the facebook post and what we know they seem like the skaven/wood elf faction of the setting. 

  9. On the DOK lore this is my favourite bit. I can't wait to read it when it comes out!



    She refused to talk about her past or how she escaped her bondage. She tried to seduce Nagash and the Great Necromancer struck her down - revealing her true medusa-like form and forcing her to flee in shame.



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  10. 34 minutes ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:



    >The living, too, populate Shyish, coexisting with the dead. The greatest concentration of mortals can be found in the so-called Prime Innerlands, the center mass of Shyish, far from the deadly edge of the realmsphere, where amethyst magic gathers in such quantity that to venture there would spell the death of any living thing. Here, they forge an existence from the harsh wilderness of Shyish. In these realms, tradition is sacred above all, and the honoured dead walk among the living. A princess might seek counsel from the spirit of her long-deceased mother, or a band of deathless warrior might keep an eternal watch upon the city wall, having sworn an oath to protect the living.

    >Sometimes, the relationship between living and dead is one of mutual codependency. Other times it is fraught with strife and horror. The tomb-city of Gharnost is a gloom-shrouded metropolis ruled over by skeletal lords, where the living are enslaved, forced to build ever more elaborate and grander mausoleums for their pitiless overlords. The mortal populace – weary, ragged creatures bereft of hope – dread the grinding rattle that heralds the approach of the Corpse Carts. These reeking wagons halt outside the hovels of the living, and the unfortunate residents are dragged out by skeletal watchmen and butchered, their corpses hurled into the grim conveyance to later as mindless warriors of the lords of Gharnost.

    >It's countless underworlds are astonishing in their splendour and variety. Athansia is a land of peace and enlightenment, where souls fade and are reborn in a endless cycle. Hallout, the Land of Dead Heroes, echos to the laughter and chanting of warrior tribes, battling side by side against hordes of monstrous fiends. These heroes die and are cremated each night, only to rise from the ashes the next morning to join their brothers and sisters in battle once more. The Latchkey Isle, by contrast, is a labyrinthine paradise filled with gleaming treasures locked behind impassable doors, watched over by solemn guard beasts and wicked traps. Here, the spirits of the foremost thieves in all the realms gather to challenge themselves with the greatest heists they have ever known, each more taxing and thrilling then the last.

    We've got budhists, vallhalla and d&d heaven.

    Man Nagash has got something for everyone. xD

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