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Posts posted by shinros

  1. 4 minutes ago, DantePQ said:

    From narrative point of view they don't need new models  as new models doesn't have any conncection to narrative whatsoever. They're getting huge BT with I supposed big amount of lore and it fits perfectly with MP. 

    I like the BT but death needs new models almost all the vampires are finecast save the zombie dragon kit you are barely going to see soulblight armies because they are still finecast and cost an arm and a leg. Plus I doubt GW are shifting any of those 15+ year old zombies. 

  2. 52 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Well ;) Thanks to Sigmar they are now avenged, their killers being destroyed. And thanks to Sigmar there is at least streets to be unemployed in ! Even for the reclaimed the situation is way better now than under the dominion of chaos !

    My point is as long there is a disconnect between sigmar and his people his war against chaos will be never ending. RG in 40k makes a similar point if people live in hell they would start to consider the other hell.

    Plus all the cities do is provide chaos with a different playground as proven by tzeentch arcanites. And death at the door story. Chaos specifically aims for people down on their luck majority of the time.

    What you are saying here is most likely what sigmar is thinkimg. Hence grungi's problem with sigmar. As we can see such thinking is biting him in the butt big time.

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  3. 53 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    I really love how complex the AOS setting has become in 2.5 years !

    And joke aside, I agree with you shinros. (Your quote) is a side of Sigmar's character that IMO is a reference to the Emperor in 40k.

    One thing tho, even if I understand normal people don't have our view and understanding of the story, when you worship an immortal like this you have to keep faith. That's what the Stormhosts like the Hallowed Knight are made up with, people keeping the faith.

    Tell that to the people who died on the talons of chaos and those on the streets who can't find a job due to sigmars own people putting them down. See i can understand his past decision but he is still allowing it to be felt a generation later.

    Hence why the grand theogonist is cracking down and seeking more authority because she fears humans worshipping other gods than sigmar. As we can see in the lore its happening.

  4. 25 minutes ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    I think the point is that the mortal people of the Realms do not have that sort of perspective.

    Alarielle going into isolation, while Tyrion and Malerion went skipping of after Slaaneesh happened in the Age of Myth. All they saw is, after nearly half their gods already having abandoned them, then their prime protector just leaves them to their fate without as much as a word. Meanwhile Nagashs part in the success of Archaon does hardly seem to be public knowledge and he is the only god to go down fighting against Chaos.

    There are good arguments to be made for Sigmars decision, but he never told them to the mortals he abandoned. The way things are heading, I would say that being bad at public relations is looking like Sigmars fatal flaw.

    Which is either highly self aware or ironic considering GWs own history over the past decade.

    Yup grungi makes that exact point in spear of shadows. That decison is also still effecting those who survived outside ayzr only for ayzrites to treat them like rubbish. They even have troubles finding a job.

    While in shyish nagash never shuts up even when Archaon slapped him. Even when broken he passed by helstone he did not aid them because they largely prayed to sigmar not him.

    As grungi said sigmar does not dumb things down for the little people he expects them to understand. He expects people to rise to meet him per grungi's words.

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  5. So I have read path to glory and I have to say I enjoyed it what it shows is how people felt when sigmar shut the gates and trust me you feel for these people. If you read up on the setting such a decision is being felt even in the present with the reclaimed and not even once does sigmar explain himself. I honestly get Grungi's words in spear of shadows I can easily see why people turned to chaos or especially nagash in this case. 

    Also stormcast have no right to have beef with people that went over to chaos because of sigmar closing the gates to ayzr. Plus sigmar is also enabling the situation with reclaimed. I really understood why the characters were upset in this short story.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Jamopower said:

    Has it been discussed already, that in the new WD guide to death, there are little story snippets from most of the existing units and about vampire thralls that are made by the lords as their liking. Sounds like a quite sure new unit.

    Vampire thralls? OMG. Let it be true! Come on GW! Was this in the January issue? Which page?

  7. 45 minutes ago, Ar-Pharazôn said:

    Quick lore question. Didn't Nagash himself state that Vlad was the greatest vampire or at least the best Carstein?

    That's what nagash thought during whfb, Vlad himself and Arkhan disagree with that fact during the end times. Both Arkhan and Vlad agree manny is the best von carstein. 

    Vlad is dead and gone the only other Mortarch that has been hinted so far in AOS is Krell. Even then in the stream Phil Kelly states mannfred is trying to rebuild something similar to sylvania, named carsetinia.(not sure how it's spelt)

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    To be honest. I'm most excited for the part where they mentioned living and undead living together. Hope it will be more than just fluff... :D 

    Yup that's what I am also excited for as well. A whole realm with different cultures living alongside with the dead. Now instead of only having one small area in WHFB we now have a whole realm. 

    • Like 2
  9. 13 minutes ago, Jamopower said:

    My view is that the different sacrament armies might turn out to be essentially deathrattle/nighthaunt armies with different flavours. Which would make sense. The skeletons can operate by themselves, but they are still under the chain of command with Nagash on top. That's why I fear that the special characters will be compulsory.

    What I think happens is depending on what mortarch legion you choose you get a trait for your model. Like let's say you have a wight king leading your army? You can choose a legion for him(or general death) and he gains synergistic effects with those of the same legion. Well, that's how I would do it which makes the most sense to me. 

    Since in almost any battletome you don't have to use the special characters to gain the traits. The special characters have awesome rules to make their legion traits better and that's how far I think it will go.  

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  10. 3 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    I'm pretty excited.

    I'm just afraid there won't be new models (bar the Knight of Shrouds) with this Battletome. 

    I can't wait for January 26th-28th and the "very special preview seminar" we'll got there......


    You know I would like new models at least three a plastic vampire hero, plastic blood knights and new zombies. On my wish list? a plastic liche wizard. Now if we don't get new models yeah I will be down but FINALLY I can break nagash out of it's box. 

    I even have a shoebox ready for the great necromancer so I can take him down to the my store. Never planned to use it since nagash was so bleh and I bought nagash like almost 2 years ago. 

    • Like 2
  11. 12 minutes ago, BrownDog said:

    Funny thing is now the keywords rework fits narratively, Grand alliance death has been pretty fractured throughout the age of Sigmar, and now Nagash has come back full force and brought his forces back in line. 

    Yup they even say that in the campaign book. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, BrownDog said:

    "This year promises to be a huge one for Death players, and we’re getting things started with Legions of Nagash" starting things off might indicate another death release this year, I'm not sure of the legions of Nagash battletome will come with new units

    Inside, you’ll find the warscrolls for every single Death model (so far…)

    I think something more is coming. 

    • Like 3
  13. What I like is that Nagash is so self aware in this video also is it the same voice actor from the audio drama? ANYWAY HYPE HYPE HYPE. 

    Also each Mortarch has a legion, along with Nagash himself having one. You know way back when when I said Death should have rules depending on which Mortarch you use? GW went for it!


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  14. 2 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Yeah ! Also the Warqueen speech in the last MP video really makes me think of an expended Deathrattle (and Darkoath) factions .....

    Erm how are you getting that when the video is just showing off the heralds? 

  15. 22 minutes ago, pseudonyme said:

    With a grain of salt: when my wife went to a GW store to offer me some skellies for Christmas (I was telling her about the Shadespire skeletons over and over and as she did not quite listened to me, now I am the happy owner of the skeleton horde SC \o/ ), so... between attempts to sell her Nagash (to start an army, really?!), he told her that there will be Death related releases in March.

    Well... guess what month the undying king book comes out? March. Quite interesting. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Turragor said:

    This doesn't make sense.

    Imitation of one of the origin themes (only) of the most successful and lasting tabletop game story of the last 30 years should put AoS on good footing. 

    Ofc it won't end up like 40k.

    I mean it's a theme as old as the first narrative tragedies.

    Doesn't mean they have to imitate it death has a very human element that people go that path to defy it creating such a faction waters it down. There is tragedy enough surrounding the reforging which is the stormcast keep fighting despite them becoming robots and losing everything. They want to see the realms free of chaos. Stormcast is a mirror to chaos already where people are chosen because they are the biggest baddest and means dudes. While many leaders in the stormcast come from humble backgrounds chosen for their strength in spirit.

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Baardah said:

    I think there’s been hints throughout The lore that has been released so far that something WILL eventually go wrong with the reforging process of the stormcast. This has always been Nagash’ big beef with Sigmar. The latter denying the former his rightful tithe of souls. Maybe we’ll see the equivalent of the heresy among stormcast???


    No. I hope they don't do that. If I want to collect a stormcast like army I would collect chaos or well stormcast. Death should be different spooky things and all. Also the reforging process is already messed up with their own flaws coming in via stormhost according to guy haley.  The shadespire releases and the new hero model I feel shows they are not going that route. 

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