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Posts posted by shinros

  1. From dakka going to highlight the aos stuff. 


    Dan Abnett 
    -The Magos is set 5-10 years prior to Pariah and will explore why Eisenhorn has ended up the way he has. It is NOT an optional novel, there will be an event in it that is pivotal to the Bequin trilogy. A big part of The Magos will be turning Cherubael into an actual character rather than the malevolent deus ex machina that he was in the original trilogy. 
    -The Magos actually was an accidental creation. Dan originally was asked to write a new short story about Eisenhorn and a new short about Ravenor for an anthology collection. He started work on the Eisenhorn one and found that he'd written a novella, so the Ravenor story was cut, and he kept writing without looking at the word count. By the end he'd written 97,000 words! So it is actually possible to accidentally write a book. 
    -One story confirmed to be in the anthology is the Strange Demise of Titus Endor, Dan also said he'd love to write more stories about the retinues of both Inquisitors like Harlon Nayl, etc. His favourite however is Kara Swole. 
    -Thinks Mark Strong would be a good Eisenhorn, definitely has the presence. 
    -Dan is working on Penitent as his first priority. The third Bequin novel also has a title, Pandemonium. 
    -Penitent will explore the new members of both Inquisitors retinues like Deathrow, but also ones we haven't seen yet. Both are working with people they'd rather not. 
    -By the end Dan wants us, maybe, to feel sorry for Cherubael who he described as "irrevocably bound to Eisenhorn in more ways than one". 
    -Dan did not rule out a Sabbat Crusade type anthology for Eisenhorn, Ravenor and Bequin in the future, i.e an anthology where the other authors contribute all the stories. 

    Andy Clark 
    -Is currently working on a Neave Blacktalon novel that will be the first female led Age of Sigmar novel. He told me that Neave, and the Vanguards as a whole, while not being completely anomalous are not the best representation of their Stormhosts, in the same way that a Space Marine Scout isn't necessarily a typical example of his Chapter. 
    -Confirmed that Alicia Kar Manticos would return in Knightsblade and says he wants to introduce more female characters into 40k, plans to include them in as many novels as he can. 
    -Said he would like to do more with Kassar and the Unsung from Shroud of Night. 
    Chris Dows 
    -Is currently working on an audio sequel to The Red Path about the Angels Eradicant to show what happened to them as the Salandraxis Slaughter went on, and how it ended for them. 
    -Specifically wrote Lozepath to be as nasty as possible, wanted readers to hate him and make him out as worse than Kharn, who while on the side of evil has a martial code of honour that Lozepath does not. 
    -Said he would love to do more Kharn in the future. 
    -Apparently has a few more audios in the pipeline. 

    CL Werner 
    -Would like to get back to the Skaven in AoS and see them fleshed out more in the new setting beyond Clan Pestilens. 
    -Says that the Kharadron Overlords are primarily financially driven, and enough so that they would work with Chaos if the profit potential was good enough. But also they are much more forward thinking than traditional Dwarves, for example if it had been Kharadron at the end of his novel Thanquol's Doom they would not have locked away the newly invented machine-gun turrets, but instead mass produced them. An inventor ****** up doesn't mean his inventions are worthless. 
    -Agreed that the original Dwarves were doomed from the start because they refused to innovate. Their Ancestors were great because they themselves had no Ancestors to venerate, so they had to innovate. The succeeding generations forgot that. 
    -Is currently working on an Order of Azyr novel, the new Witch Hunters. Said they are very different from Thulmann. 

    Phil Kelly 
    -Working on the sequel to Farsight that will cover Arthas Moloch and the Tau meeting Chaos for the first time. 
    -Says he sees the Ethereals as ultimately having good intentions, but aren't necessarily nice guys about it. Agreed that despite that, Aun'va is a ******, albeit one whose on the side of good, just authoritarian. Aun'shi is a nice guy though. The Ethereals ultimately don't think the Tau could handle the truth of the universe, but agreed that Farsight and Shadowsun at least would have been able to had the Ethereals trusted them with that knowledge, it might even have meant Farsight wouldn't have left. 
    -Confirmed Farsight doesn't know exactly what the Dawn Blade does to him, he has suspicions as does Shadowsun, but if he learned exactly how it keeps him alive he would kill himself. But he would do it ritually with the blade which would then keep him alive, so supreme irony. Also since he's killed Daemons with the blade, he's functionally immortal. Age can never kill him. 
    -Talked a bit about Kais, the third part of the triad of Tau heroes. He will be the antagonist of his upcoming Space Marine Conquests novel War of Secrets, and told me that when he and Shadowsun were cryogenically frozen his pod malfunctioned and he was awake in stasis for three-hundred years, and did nothing but run battle simulations and calculations in his head. As a result is he "scary" and very capable. Monat means Army of One and Kelly described him as an extremely dangerous warrior. I compared Farsight and Shadowsun to commanders and Kais to a commando and he agreed that the analogy worked. Also wanted to infer that Kais is indeed O'Kais from Dawn of War; Dark Crusade, but not outright state it. 

    Gav Thorpe 
    -Currently working on the sequel to Ghost Warrior, titled Wild Rider. The novel will feature Saim-Hann and the Ynnari teaming up to fight Necrons. 
    -Talked a bit about Saim-Hann, it was one of the last Craftworlds that Asurmen and the PLs visited, so it had already built a culture for itself, i.e the clans and riders, etc. They also don't trust seers as a rule and their own often have to go behind everyones backs to get stuff done. 
    -Aradryan will be returning as a member of the Ynnari and will serve as the "noob" POV. 
    -Also working on Imperator, the sequel to Warlord: Fury of the God-Machine. 
    -Says that a Necron series is definitely possible given both the increased freedom the authors have now and the fact that the Necrons actually have a personality now as opposed to their previous lore. 
    -Lesser Xenos like Hrud and Rak'gol would need fan support, but he sees no reason why they couldn't appear as supporting villains in novels with more recognisable big bads (like the Lotaxl working for Chaos in Gaunt's Ghosts), and that could be the gateway to getting them top billing in future novels. 
    -Also says that he doesn't know if he will be writing the next Phoenix Lords novel, or that it is definitely about Maugan Ra. The series may jump around a bit. 
    Robbie MacNiven 
    -Working on Outer Dark, sequel to Red Tithe. Where the sequel featured a Red Tithe, a Carcharodons recruiting drive, the sequel will feature a Great Tithe, a good example of one being when the Carcharodons stripped the Mantis Warrior worlds of every resource they could. Tyberos will also appear and fight a bit, Hunger and Slake confirmed to be appearing! 
    -We will also learn a bit about the Carcharodons connections with the Mechanicus. 
    -Says there IS an actual answer on who the Carcharodons came from, unlike the Missing Primarchs, and that some have guessed it correctly, but wouldn't confirm. Also wasn't sure if it would ever be confirmed. (Also Aaron DB said he and Alan Bligh actually wrote that part so he knows the answer.) 
    -Would like to pitch an AoS series based around Archaon and the Varanguard, explore the Varanspire and what goes on there. He and I agreed that Archaon is one of the few, if not the only one, who would remember Warhammer, it's not a myth to him but rather his childhood and early years. 
    -The fourth Space Marine Conquests book is one of Robbie's and is titled Blood of Iax, it will be about two Ultramarines who are blood brothers and feature lots of Primaris (as will the entire series). 

    David Annandale 
    -Has just finished the first draft of Vulkan: Lord of Drakes, and says part of it is about the Nocturnean and Terran Salamanders meeting for the first time. 
    -Has also finished a short novel about Neferata in AoS. Says that while it is shorter than the average novel, think around City of Secrets sized, if it sells well there is a plan for a full trilogy that would be closer to the average BL page count. 
    -I asked him if he thinks Josh's theory that the Mortarchs are just pieces of Nagash given form and will based on the Death God's memories is true, said that it wouldn't inform the book since he never wrote Warhammer fantasy in the first place and just wants to focus on AoS. 

    -Will be starting the third Crowe novel soon. Castellan will be out early 2018 and will be about Crowe and the GKs adapting to the new galactic situation. With Daemon invasions happening everywhere the secret about Chaos is out and the GK's modus operandi is going to have to change. He also said that he was writing this book as the Dark Millennium was being written and only learned about it halfway through, fortunately the novel needed a big background event to drive it and thus Annandale didn't have to rewrite any of the book. 
    -Canoness Setheno will return in Castellan. 

    Chris Wraight 
    -Currently working on a 40k Death Guard series, the first novel is called The Lords of Silence. He couldn't tell me anything about it though except it might, emphasis on might, be out in 2018. 
    -Talked a lot about Terra and said that despite it's decrepit state, if many of the characters in the books learned what it was really like they wouldn't care in the long run because Terra's symbolism is more important than its actual reality. 
    Aaron Dembski-Bowden 
    -Hard at work on The Emperor's Spears, which he went into very nice detail on. They are an Ultramarines successor that he compared to the British Celts after the romanisation of them failed. They don't give a damn about the Ultramarines or Guilliman (they don't believe he's back and apparently their reaction to learning that it's true is to ask if he's coming to help them, otherwise they don't care). They've been in Imperium Nihilus for one-hundred years without reinforcements, their Primaris Marines all died trying to cross the Great Rift and the Custodes escort was only able to give them the formula to create more, which didn't go smoothly at first. 
    -They aren't great fans of the Imperium at the minute, and they don't like the Mentor Legion having the colours of their dead brother-chapter the Star Scorpions. They frequently worked with the fallen Scorpions and the rebuilding Celestial Lions, and have a custom that if a brother serves a long period of time with one of those Chapters he adds their iconography onto part of his armour. 
    -The Lions are still rebuilding but the Rift has made it much harder. They however aren't pissed at the Imperium like the Spears are because of the reinforcement issues. 
    -Has no plans for Age of Sigmar and though he loves the Stormcast figures, admitted he doesn't know much about their background. 

    John French 
    -The next HH novel is one of John's and is titled Slaves to Darkness (he was very happy with getting such an iconic title) and will be a primarily Traitors novel. It will be set just after Horus has taken Beta-Garmon and will revolve around him marshalling his forces and bringing the wayward Primarchs back into the fold and readying his forces for Terra. The other Traitor Primarchs are all off doing their own thing and Horus needs to put a stop to it as things are beginning to unravel. 
    -Also working on the second Covenant novel, Horusian Wars: Incarnation, and says part of the novel will be about other Radicals opposing the Horusians. Also said that the trilogy, despite having his name, is not really about Covenant but rather the people who follow him. 
    -Also says that Horusianism has been eradicated in the past but as an idea it is impossible to actually destroy. A 40k Horusian could be unrecognisable to a 30k Horusian though as the idea will have changed down the millennia. Agreed that Abaddon could be a good example of the Horusian ideal achieved, but in-universe not all would agree. Also some of them may have known about Bile and his Clone Horus. 
    -Posited the idea that Covenant's Thorianism is not actually different from Horusianism, both revolve around a powerful being with command of the Warp. Said that if the Emperor were resurrected as Covenant wants, what is brought back may be vastly different to what they expect given that the Emperor wasn't a nice guy when he was alive, and after 10,000 years of pain and misery, what remains of him may not be to anyone's liking. 

    James Swallow 
    -Working on more Rogue Trader audios and agreed with me that they deserve more stories written about them, they are such a big part of the wider 40k universe (the first to get an RPG) and yet they've only ever had three novels written about them. 
    -Would like to return to Rafen as he feels the Blood Angel's story isn't done yet. Also said he would have done more with the Flesh Tearers but then Andy Smillie started doing stories with them and he wanted to give Andy freer reign to write what he wanted without also writing about them. So Sergeant Noxx returning is unlikely. 
    Guy Haley 
    -Next project is Wolfsbane, a HH novel that will be about Leman Russ returning to Fenris (against the advice of Dorn and the other loyalists at Terra) to plot an attack against Horus. Will explain why the Wolves were not at Terra. 
    -Guy read the prologue in a seminar though I was not there for that and it was about the Emperor and Horus finding Russ together. He was the second Primarch found and the prologue sets up Horus having to deal with the fact that he isn't an only child. Wolfsbane is not far off and will be released in 2018. 
    -Said that Dante would be pissed at what the Blood Drinkers are doing to stave off the Flaw, but that it would be tough to determine whether the Drinkers (Who only kill one guy per campaign or so) or the Angels Vermillion (who harvest Imperial citizens and kill thousands every half century) he would think is worse. But if Dante knew the whole truth behind the Blood Drinkers he would definitely wipe them out. 

    David Guymer 
    -Is currently working on a Stormcast series about Hamilcar Bear-Eater, the Lord-Castellant from his Hunt for Mannfred audios who has now become a Knight-Questor. He is apparently an incredible figure worthy of song and legend, or as Guymer described him "The Ciaphas Cain of AoS". He is popular among the editors as well, and there will be t-shirts available in the future. 
    -Is also working on a four-part audio drama that will feature the return of Gotrek Gurnisson but in Age of Sigmar. Felix was confirmed to not be returning (given that he was mortal by this point he's probably long dead regardless of his actual fate). Gotrek will apparently have a special voice actor that the editors are very excited about getting, they hinted it was someone involved with The Archers, but they were mum about who. 

    Josh Reynolds 
    --Josh's Blackshields audio drama is the first part of a series and the sequel is titled Blackshields: Red Fief, and will be about Endryd Haar meeting an old friend from the World Eaters. 
    -His previously LE novel Nagash: The Undying King that was only available at Warhammer World or events will be coming to paperback next year. 
    -Also working on a new AoS series called Silver Shards (I think), but no information on what it's about. 

    -All of the authors and editors agree that the Battle of Terra will be a colossal event and will require multiple books, a trilogy at the absolute least but it's much more likely to be more than that, to tell. Anthologies are also a possibility. 
    -Sandy Mitchell is returning to Black Library and is already working on the 10th Ciaphas Cain novel, Choose Your Enemies. No further information on it. I also asked Kyme if Sandy's return meant that the third Dark Heresy novel may one day be written, he didn't rule it out but said that only time would tell. 
    -Mike Lee is also returning with a new series about the Crimson Fists, the first book is titled Legacy of Dorn, set after Rynn's World. It is set before the Dark Millennium so it will not feature Primaris, but will feature the characters from his Traitor's Gorge novella. 
    -The sequel to Darius Hinks' Mephiston: Blood of Sanguinius is coming and is titled Mephiston: Revenant Crusade. 
    -Sons of the Hydra by Rob Sanders is a standalone novel about the Alphas, not the start of a series. This comes from Nick Kyme. 
    -There is a new AoS trilogy being worked on featuring the lead characters from City of Secrets. I think that it is being penned by Nick Horth but I didn't get confirmation on that. 
    -Andy Smillie is working on more Flesh Tearers stuff and there is an audio titled Hunger already confirmed. It will feature Gabriel Seth and other characters from his previous works. 
    -George Mann is working on more Raven Guard stuff as well, an audio called Soulbound was confirmed. 
    -Ian St. Martin is also working on an audio-drama titled Taker of Heads that will be about the Mortifactors Chapter from Warriors of Ultramar. Kyme was quite excited about this one.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, chord said:

    Dark Times? I hope it's not a return to the grim dark.  That would be dumb

    Well considering they have said Death is rearing it's head(Malign Portents) I can see why  they would say that. GW said they wanted death be more "grim" compared to WHFB(in an interview talking about the designs of the mortarch's and nagash for AOS) I mean take a look at Neferata, Arkhan and Mannfred in a campaign book. I would not want to mess with any of them. When they describe what nagash does to people that break his orders it's pretty horrific to say the least. 


  3. Honestly stormcast don't bother me anymore they act far more human than space marines because they actually have a history to relate to. Just like the female stormcast who said Volker reminds her of her grandson. When she said that I wanted to know what happened to him and what made sigmar choose her. 

  4. Someone on the total war AOS lore thread just posted this. This has also been posted on twitter. 




    Now there is a new AOS novel coming June 2018. I need this book like right now. Still I dig the proto art it was used in the first campaign book. Now we got a bigger image? I really like it. It's also pretty clear this novel is likely linked to the malign portents event. 



    Soul Wars by Josh Reynolds
    June 2018 – hardback. Cover not final.

    Nagash revives an ancient grudge with the God-King Sigmar as a ferocious new war between the living and the dead shakes the Mortal Realms.

    The Mortal Realms tremble with unending war. In Shyish, the Realm of Death, an ancient evil stirs, sensing opportunity. Nagash, the Undying King and God of Death, sets his gaze upon the citadels of the living and the servants of Sigmar, the God-King of Azyr. Allies once, joined together against the machinations of the Ruinous Powers, the two gods now find themselves enemies. Nagash, burning with the need to avenge an ancient slight, calls forth his soulless legions to sweep across the realm he claims as his own and reassert death’s dominion over all things, as the War of Heaven and Death begins anew.



    • Like 8
  5. 1 minute ago, Sheriff said:

    You've piqued my interest...

    I need to read some sigmar books it seems. I want one that includes spiderfang and/or moonclan, that doesn't shove stormcast in my eyes every chapter. I hear the monster one might fit this bill. 

    Guess what? They are in the book, they are kinda creepy to be honest. After reading that section they need their own tome I thought to myself. 

  6. Just now, Sheriff said:

    I wouldn't take it that far. Needs to be a reward in it for me. I guess this is why I prefer Destruction :D

    Well all are one in nagash Sheriff! Does not matter which alliance you prefer. xD  To further the pont they view the body as a meer host for the spirit after the act was done the nagashite's threw his body off the city. (The city is on a giant worm. They were handing out pamphlets before hand.)

  7. 16 minutes ago, Sheriff said:

    There'll be all sorts of death stuff coming out of Shadespire, surely. Boney minions, heroes, bosses. They will of course make it a gateway drug to AOS by making the new models available for use in both games. 

    Personally I'll leave it for now as GW has supplied plenty of other stuff for now to keep me busy. (Firestorm appeals more as its refreshingly free of Stormcast, and gives goodies for goblins.) 

    These 'Death Cults' must be mortal humans wishing to become immortal by letting the wraiths have their way with them. For the wraiths I guess its just recruitment policy to raid the willing mortals. Why don't the cultists just leave the city and setup in caves etc, like in Diablo? Maybe they do, and help the wraiths with intelligence, e.g. ways into the mortal cities...


    Well according to Josh Reynolds he has said those who worship nagash get a cool spot in the underworld. Most likely chaos can't get anywhere near your soul and you also become undead. 

  8. 1 hour ago, GammaMage said:

    She was hanging out with shadow daemons, which makes me think it's likely she will be Chaos aligned. Of course, you can get non-Chaos daemons (see the Seraphon) so she might not be.

    Yup she was having a er party with them. 

    He discovered many creatures, yet could find none of his kind. Only when Malerion came upon a glade of shadow daemons did he feel a spark of recognition at the center of that bacchanal was his mother. Morathi was still flesh and blood, but changed. Theirs was a reunion full of recriminations and anger. Neither trusted the other, but an uneasy truce was reached. Together they united under sigmar, joining the great alliance. 


    a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity

    a wild and drunken celebration.

    I do think she was involved with the capture of slaanesh. Still I think it would be interesting if Tyrion and Malerion have a disagreement over the resurgence of slaanesh. Perhaps Tyrion might ally with sigmar and Malerion might look to ally with Nagash? I think that would be interesting. 

  9. 2 hours ago, ShadowSwordmaster said:

    Morathi is definitely getting a faction for AOS.  There was some information about her siding with Chaos during the Age of Myth, right?

    No, the only thing we have on her is Malerion finding her again she was flesh and blood but he noted she was changed this was after she was spirited away by slaanesh in the end times. 

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  10. 4 hours ago, Tiger said:

    Morathi's cabal for Chaos subfaction?

    Either way, I'll believe it when I see it and hope there will be a word of light elves in the future.

    Well her faction in total war is clearly a slaaneshi faction her public order building final rank is called "court of the dark prince." and she has technologies that increase growth and public and chaos corruption with descriptions of those wanting to draw the eye of the dark prince. Story wise she has actually been exiled by malekith in total war and she is kinda doing her own thing/helping her son. The generic lords are her "seduced puppets." according to the quest npc. 

    Ca have said that Morathi and the chaos corruption was approved and intentional by gamesworkshop for their game. Of course some people got upset since they wanted Morathi from 7th and 8th where she is worshipping Arathi and Hekarti(which I think is kinda boring IMO). Now this could be totally separate but I could easily see slaanesh using Morathi to rise to providence or Morathi going for the throne of slaanesh. 

    I pray to the gw gods, If her faction is a mixed aelf and human chaos force I would throw money at GW without thinking and I think Malerion and Tyrion vs Morathi would be a great conflict plot since she has caused problems for both of them in the past. 

    In the end though this is all speculation we just have to wait and see. 

    • Like 4
  11. 1 hour ago, Gecktron said:

    The User Temouloun on War-of-Sigmar:

    "I heard a rumor that not one but two Aelves factions are in the production line. One is the Sea/Cthullu we've heard about for a long time and the other one is a female only Aelf cult/group/thing linked to Morathi and with a strong "black" theme. And by heard I mean read, and by rumor I mean a conversation between an employee who has access to the production line and a selected community contributor. You have no reason to believe me but I'm so freaking excited I had to tell."



    Could be nothing but two aelven factions fits the two aelven heroes from Silver Tower.

    Morathi getting her own faction? Yes please. I hope these rumors are true!

  12. 5 hours ago, Lysandestolpe said:

    Now that we have Soulblight Faction abilities, and Blood Knights are not available, not even existing, in GW range, will we see new models, or re-sculpts of them into plastic? What you guys think?

    Blood Knights are Available still if you search for them. In my mind those who got allegiance abilities in the handbook are not getting an update anytime soon in my opinion. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Sheriff said:

    Where should i start with aos books? 

    I'm still reading end times 5ilogy but will move on after. 

    No spoilers please. 

    You can start the realm gate wars series. City of secrets is a good stand alone novel to introduce you to this phase of the lore if you do read that book first then the realm gate wars series you will then have an understanding of what the stormcast had to do to get to that point. 

    GW even made an image for people getting started. 




    Also mortarch of night is essentially the hunt for nagash series and knights of vengeance audio drama in book form BUT I recommend if you can you get the audio drama versions. 

  14. New short story up, currently reading it. It''s quite a good short read in my opinion. 



    Auction of Blood

    Summer of Reading: Day Five

    Sent to an illicit auction in a city of Order, a servant of the Soulblight Queen Neferata finds his simple mission may be more complicated – and deadly – than he imagined.

    It ties into the novel 'Eight Lamentations: Spear of Shadows', and features hints about everyone's favourite queen of the dead, Neferata.

    Palem Bok is a humble collector of the arcane, a trader of sorts but a resourceful one. He has to be, for Bok is also a spy for the Queen of Mysteries, Neferata herself! Sent to an illicit auction in Greywater Fastness, his mission is the retrieval of an esoteric item for his vampiric mistress. But Bok soon finds that this seemingly simple task is far more dangerous than he bargained for. 

    Written by Josh Reynolds

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  15. I am just going to raise the fact it might be possible for clan pestelins to benefit from this box as well since on the wheel it refers to the nurgle keyword. Clan pestelins also has the nurgle keyword so hey people you can ally up with some rats for your nurgle army.

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