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Posts posted by shinros

  1. 3 hours ago, Nico said:

    Boom- Nagash 800.

    Neferata 400 so Allies!


    Yet mannfred is 420. Yup feel pretty great right now. >_> Fears being proven right again. 

    37 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

    Yeah, this is exactly why I said "I'm going to withhold judgment until I see everything." That said, I think there is legitimate cause for concern. Death currently has the most broadly powerful allegiance ability, and it's also by far the least competitive Grand Alliance. The new alliance system also stands to give the most benefit to allegiances that have strong allegiance packs but limited rosters. I don't think it's a stretch to say that Death doesn't really stand to benefit much from this at all given that there is basically no (competitive) reason to take a narrower allegiance than Death itself, so the ally system is pretty moot. Meanwhile, other factions stand to benefit. Similarly, because the GA Death allegiance pack is so strong now, the new allegiance packs will need to be just as strong in order to not be a de-facto nerf. 

    It's certainly possible that nerfs to other factions, reductions in points costs for death, release of new units etc. will balance things out (hence why I'm withholding judgment). I'd also say that these new allegiance packs and the alliance system are a solid hit flavorwise. But from a competitive standpoint I really do think there is cause for concern. It's why I'm not really excited by what I saw today. What I saw today makes me nervous about Death falling further behind. Is it a guarantee that will happen? Absolutely not! But as far as building hype, for me it fell very flat. I'm still super stoked for GHB2, but that was tempered a bit today.

    Yup I have the same problems hence I am in stance a deathrattle only book would not help death either if the death GA trait is still the same. Plus mannfred and nagash are screwed over by allies as well so if that deathrattle only book has spells it generally screws over the deathlords. It's still largely inefficient as you said. As specticon said in the death section wake me up when Death get's something of actual substance. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, DynamicCalories said:

    The community post says Death will be the focus of tomorrow's update.

    Nice I am also quite hopeful since many factions for death are missing. Deathrattle, deathlords, dead walkers and death mages. Also devoted of sigmar and scourge privateers are not there either.

  3. 7 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    The lack of Devoted is awfully weird, but the factions aren't listed alphabetically like in the GHB's matched play points, so you've got to wonder what goes at the top or bottom of this page:



    Everybody's forgotten about the Excelsior War Priest in their quest for flagellants, and the two plastic aelf heroes from Silver Tower are also notable absentees, when the Eshin Deathrunner and even the Gaunt Summoner's familiars were able to make it in.

    Perhaps those three are going to be a new faction? It's clear that the Aelves are part of the new aelf faction coming soon and it would not surprise me if the devoted of sigmar became the new "main" human faction of the setting. They are a lot more "high" fantasy compared to free guild looking at the Excelsior war priest. 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Barimbino said:

    So if every time a SCE dies they lose a piece of their soul. So does this piece of the soul go back to Nagash? Then Nagash would begin to have more of the SCE souls while the SCE become more and more walking celestial energized automotons. The only thing I hope never happens is SCE get tainted by chaos. That seems so low fantasy and not at all like AoS.

    They can't be tainted by chaos, a GUO in a novel stated as such plus I like the fact they cannot to be tainted hence why chaos aims for normal humans. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Circus of Paint said:

    Revenant Legions would be a great name to cover a number of the smaller Death factions under one Battletome!

    It seems strange to me they have deathrattle on the front of the box and revenant legions on the back. 

  6. 2 hours ago, kaintxu said:

    The most anoying thing about rebasing is the multiple rebases in just a couple of years.

    SCGT is now enforcing 32mm on daemons. When AoS came out I rebased my over 100 basic infantry daemons into 25mm but if I know want to go to SCGT I need to rebase them in 32mm? They should be paying for them then.

    I understand about the rebasing from square to round, but forcing another rebase in less than 2 years is ridiculous.

    I don't understand this when basic daemon troops come with 25 MM in the box even the repackaged ones if I recall correctly anyway I am casual player I just hang out at my store.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Mortarch said:

    Hope so, but why not do all of them at the same time?

    The other Skeleton Warriors (5s), which is of the older sprue, is still available. So possibly they run down their stock of the 10s a bit faster than intended? If it was intentional to remove them now, for reboxing, why now - Deathrattle release? Maybe. Unlikely at this time considering a DORF DAY is dawning. If it was a Deathrattle release, I would have thought they did Graveguard and Black Knights at the same time.. at minimum.

    I don't think it's a deathrattle release considering new dwarfs are coming they did something similar with the necromancer where he was sold out for a time and rebased. Rebasing the skeleton warriors and giving them an increase count will enable people to start up death more easily.

    we already have a lot of elites already on circles we were just missing some infantry. 

    Also what's interesting in my store we only have 1 box of skeletons they haven't been sending new ones.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Mortarch said:

    Sepulcral Guard seems to the name of the "Unit" for the "Deathrattle" Faction... or is that the team?

    Possibly a step over Grave Guard when they are ported to AOS full? or... will these even be released as unit and JUST be Shadespire...?


    Either way. Ill take 15 please.

    Lore wise they lived in the city before nagash cursed the place. With only shards of their personality remaining. According to their page.



    Also this reveals why they kept all the VC stuff for death in my opinion it matches the aesthetic they were aiming for in AOS. They also note they were inhabitants of the city.

    • Like 4
  10. 2 minutes ago, Dez said:

    I miss when there were rumors n this thread.

    Well GW has been pretty good lately in ensuring leaks are not getting out, where is hastings when you need him? The last thing he gave us is that the new dark elves will have some cthulu like influence. 

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, Bowlzee said:

    My mate does historical re-enactment, and is also an Armourer. They are surprisingly agile in full plate.

    It also says in the article she is more agile and able to parry and strike back out of her turn.

    Huh very interesting you learn new things everyday, so she focuses more on parrying and striking back. 

  12. Just now, daedalus81 said:

    You'd be surprised how agile you can be in plate armor.

    Has anyone scoured the DoT book for clues about other things coming our way?

    Really? I see but I think her fighting style would match the other liberator's of grinding down the enemy via phalanx. 

  13. 18 minutes ago, EvDJ said:

    There's just something about the model i love. The current range are great, if a little tank like, this model has an agility the others don't which i really like. She looks like she could easily summersault over her enemies head, scissor kick them in the neck and then swiftly flatten their skull with the hammer without slowing down...which is all i've ever wanted in a woman.

    I don't think she can do that considering she is wearing heavy armor xD

    Now the vanguard guys I do think would be able to do more agility like actions since they have said they are wearing a lighter version of the stormcast heavy armor. 

  14. 1 hour ago, EvDJ said:

    "Brightshield is the first recognisably female Stormcast to be depicted as a Citadel Miniature, but certainly not the only one in Sigmar’s hosts"


    I know not exactly a rumour but i'm hoping they do a range of the female stormcast because I'm loving the look. The paint job on the model is great, I think I prefer the sculpt to the current one, i like the less bulky look...more please GW!


    The nice thing is that people on facebook have said if we can get a box or upgrade sprue to make em many of them will be starting a stormcast army. I think she is having the right effect. 

    • Like 2
  15. 2 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    It would be interesting to have generic unit factions (deathrattle, deadwalkers, reanimants, nighthaunt, etc.) tied together by picking one of three command structures: Deathlords, Mummies, and Soulblights.

    That would give Death a very unique flavour compared to the other grand alliances.

    I honestly think it's going to be Deathrattle, Soul Blight and Flesh eater court. I do think GW is going to do a new liche model hopefully along with new zombies and a plastic vampire hero. Since deathlords so far is only named characters. 

    Also plastic blood knights they have to update those. 

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