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Posts posted by shinros

  1. 6 minutes ago, Nico said:

    Good move!

    Some good points there.

    Thanks, people in the topic made some good points in there as well, I made the topic because in the rumor thread it was turning into a similar discussion we had with slaanesh so I made the thread a few weeks back. I think it was relevant to bring up again since we went into that discussion. 

  2. I don't think they will turn Death into a death knights faction that would more likely alinate death players considering they have been waiting so long for a release and gameplay wise in my eyes is redundant if I wanted that I would play stormcast or chaos. As alec said the overhaul already happened.

    "The design of nagash's staff alkanash, harks back to his past as a high priest of khemri, with motifs from both the tomb kings and vampire counts used in the final design"

    "Nagash is a landmark minature for several reasons. He enabled us, as a design team, to re-imagine the undead range and create a new aesthetic for undead characters such as Arkhan and neferata." 

    Another part 

    "Being able to create nagash enabled us to redefine the undead range, to establish a new ruling class with a grim aesthetic.

     Considering they released Flesh eater courts and their lore is no where near PG 13 if you actually read the battletome I think we have nothing to worry about.  I do think the new undead zombies, skeletons etc will match how nagash and the mortarch's look on facebook people have been constantly begging GW to release new zombies they said they passed our feedback on. 

    The new warhammer underworlds has been giving hints on the direction they are going with Death. 

    As been said the reason why they kept the VC stuff I do agree because they don't look "historically" accurate like the tomb kings I could easily see the undead wearing the mask for the warhammer underworlds poster to be a new "liche priest" they look more gothic and grim and clearly does not just only look like an undead Egyptian skeleton. 

    Anyway... before we go off topic again I made a thread about this. 









    Gonna spoiler tag it just in case people haven't read the book. 

    Of course I could be totally wrong but the last two rumor images I think fit the theme of scourge privateers also there must be some secret to their success a pact with Malerion or something like that. 


    "Something" muttered Toll. "Something I'd hoped avoid using." 

    He withdrew a small oval object. It looked almost viscous in his hands, glimmering dully in the soft light of the glow-oil lamps. As callis watched, the witch hunter gently caressed the edge of the object, and it quivered organically." 

    What in sigmar's name is that thing? Said Callis, his stomach squirming in disgust. 

    "This," replied toll, "is a kraken's eye. It's also a method of direct communication to the one of the most dangerous people in the city. And if I use it, I'll be in that person's debt. Which, historically, has never been a good place to be."

    "Worse that being tortured to death by a mad cult leader in his underground dungeon?" 

    "Potentially. Now quiet. And stand back." 

    Toll muttered a word. At least, Callis assumed it was a world, a glottal mumur that sounded like the death rattle of some aquatic monster. Instantly, the organ in the witch hunter's hand contracted and pulsed. Black ink poured from the eye, coalescing into a vaguely oval shape, the size of a full length mirror. Shapes writhed and moved in the depths of the darkness.

    "Zenth," the witch hunter repeated. I'm calling in my favour. Now answer me, damn you."

    The ink swirled and reshaped, and now a humanoid outline was visible within the mass. Slowly the rippling surface calmed, and the outline came into a sharper focus.


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  4. 29 minutes ago, Sadysaneto said:

    yeah, the video conference is exactly what im talking, lol

    Yeah I am going to look through my book and type up the passage so people understand what we are talking about. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Sadysaneto said:

    Privateers. It fits with what they show on city of secrets

    Yeah I have a feeling it's them out of all the dark elves factions they have appeared the most in fluff the new warhammer quest does indeed show that Malerion is their patron. Also they have a clear aquatic cthulu theme going on especially how the witch hunter in city of secrets contacted the fleetmaster for a "favor". 

    Also the image looks quite aquatic in detail with the small circles and edges. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Killax said:

    Wait and see, I can't spoil it all for the Slaaneshi fans ;)


    Spoil what? In all instances of the lore that I have actually read dealing with slaanesh in AOS they haven't toned it down in the slightest. In my opinion as Marius said beforehand the toning down has already happened ages ago. Since when they do appear they are obsessed with spreading pain and killing people slowly over sex and drugs just like 40k, which somehow people think slaanesh focuses on sex and drugs when that's not the case. 

    edit:Most likely when they DO update it GW will now just beat us over the head about it and be blunt than subtle. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Killax said:

    @shinros well, there is a lore reason as to why Slaanesh isn't that much present at war involvement. Then we also have this small sliver of lore that confirms that Slaanesh inspires decadence and wallows in the cacophony of it's own decadence. In addition to all of this, Slaanesh got curb stomped in a fatter non-warlike form ;).

    My moral remains that Slaanesh is most certainly up for a large change, to the point where I certainly think he will return but much more in the form also seen in 40K, which most certainly differs a lot to what was Slaaneshi in WFB (in the later editions of WFB). 

    Erm in AOS lore slaanesh IS present in various war stories and in Archaon's army in equal form like the other gods(Having their own battalion) and have their own short story and they have not changed in the slightest. A slaaneshi was the main antagonist in the last realm gate novel sacking neferata's city. Also a slaaneshi is the main antagonist in the new warhammer quest. Also slaanesh in 40k and fantasy act pretty much the same. Slaanesh has had more plot relevance in AOS than in the 30 years of whfb. 

    I personally don't understand where you are getting the idea they are different or the fact that slaaneshi's have not been present in AOS lore when it's the opposite. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Killax said:

    Khorne is always angry, I think part of his devine trial to become a Dark God included that every day for Khorne is like a monday. He never gets his skulls in time and meanwhile a lot of his warriors are more concerned in wearing Khorne's symbol on their heads instead of waging war.As if that wasn't enough, he also has to deal with Bloodthirsters wanting their own new sets of equipment because Axes and Whips where out of fasion...

    Because of all that wasted time Slaanesh will certainly return, but as menionted different. The upcomming Emperor's Children will more or less ensure that Slaanesh remains to have a place but I do think that the term Dark Prince will now lead to a different kind of Slaanesh representation, less lust, sexual and drug concepts overall. Very likely more noise and sound based like Emperor's Children, by large because for WFB Slaanesh always also had 'too much' overlap with Dark Elves. To the point where they started out together, split, sometimes went back for Storm of Chaos and likely to the point where GW saw their common design as more of a boon as an advantage.

    A lot of this re-design comming from GW also aims to make even the sub-factions within a great alliance more unique. If Dark Aelfs go their sky pirate ways with some knive machines and torture design I think it wouldn't be impossible to have Slaanesh go a fast, big and noisey. 

    Slaanesh is not getting toned down considering in most novels they still act the same as always also as Marius said GW have already done the toning down. Also slaanesh does not really represent sexual aspects that is only a small part of the pie and as a slaanesh fan it's more the fact that the fan base has memed slaanesh into that corner. Since if you read most publications dealing with slaanesh they talk about people falling through pride, envy, gluttony, sloth and greed.

    Yes lust is there but you are not going to become a prince by just having relations and doing drugs all day. Slaanesh will just grow bored and spawn you. Why do you think slaaneshi's involve themselves in war? Their senses majority of the time are so blasted they call only feel joy in the cruelty and pain of war.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Double Misfire said:

    There's your point. ;)

    Ha! True he is now angry that his main rival went missing. xD Honestly I do think Mortahi is involved reading the first campaign book again Morathi was in ulgu before even Malekith/Malerion respawned. Maybe she was "placed" there I mean GW does things in advance also I recall bob on atia's blog said this. Also predicated the book as well. A black library editor said that slaanesh is a huge plot point. 


    This was 11 months ago. 

    future models

    -in the general's handbook, there looks to be new sylvaneth models shown. i would take this with a grain of salt, as they could be very well done conversions, but from what i heard, there are models of aelfs whose limbs are turning into branches and plants, and new updated treemen (not treelords, the treemen who are bigger than branchwraiths but smaller than treelords) 
    -concept art shown of allariel riding what looks to be a giant rhino beetle? sounds interesting, possible future model? only time will tell 

    -Slaanesh is not dead. Models are supposedly finished and they're waiting to get things ready (box art, artwork for future books, production, finding a time to include in the story, etc.) studios rarely release models the second they are done, there's a lot of prep work behind the scenes.



  10. From bell of lost souls, should I say this is more slaanesh hints? Heh :D GW can't seem to not help themselves mentioning slaanesh in recent publications involving chaos. DOT, Warhammer quest hammerhal and now this snippet. Think in context if you read my lore posts slaanesh is out of the lime light and it's highly likely he/she is still playing the great game. Now slaanesh is most like currently surrounded by a lot of aelves and chaos being a thing of pure corruption I am quite sure keeping a chaos god in the mortal realms is not going to be healthy for one's mind. Just my theory I suspect corrupted aelves joining the humans. 

    From end times khaine

    Morathi opens up the vortex to let the hand of slaanesh through I mean his/her literal hand

    "Morathi saw the eye too, but in hermadness did not care. Indeed, she invited its gaze, casting ever wilder magics to tempt it nearer. She no longer feared oblivion in slaanesh's gullet. not if it would exhort the thirsting god to lay waste to all of Ulthuan. This would be her vegenace, perhaps even her apotheosis, for could not slaanesh's favour could be courted?

    As the vortext shrank in on itself, so too did the rift at its heart, and a great ululating howl split the air as slaanesh realised he had been cheated on his feast. The vast, taloned hand groped frantically as the rift contracted, desperate to seize some vibrant morsel, Morathi at last realising her folly, backed away. She did not see Caledor approach. The mage held Morathi fast as the giant hand drew near. The sorceress shrieked, and tore at Caledor with nails and teeth. Blood ran as rivers down the mage's face, but still he held on, drawing her into the last embrace that either would ever know. Your race is run, child he said. Meet your end with the dignity of your heritage. Something in those words at last pierced Mortahi's madness, and she fell limp in caledor's arms. As the claws closed around them both, she screamed one last time and then there was silence.

    Then in AOS she was not liberated from slaanesh's gullet, Malerion/Malekith actually found her again in ulgu. Yes he found her and all they noted that he noticed she was "changed" somehow. I personally think this is slaanesh's gambit or him playing the game. Also the picture who's crown does that look like? Also how would tyrion and malerion along with teclis imprison a god? I personally believe Morathi is the prison and might explain why slaaneshi followers still get marked and gain mutations even though slaanesh is "missing."




    More lore. 



    Why would khorne still get angry about a missing god? He should be happy his enemy is finally gone plus according to the tzeentch tome how slaanesh vanished and how he/she was captured seems to be a closely guarded secret. Only one cult out of all of tzeentch's cults knows the details. (Most likely to prepare just in case slaanesh does come back and to prevent slaanesh from entering the great game again. I think slaanesh is still playing due to a slaaneshi lord noting that slaanesh might of allowed himself to be captured.) Also the seraphon have a vested interest in preventing the followers of slaanesh getting to him/her. 

    Also do you find it strange that somehow all the followers somehow decided that it's highly likely that slaanesh is in ulgu? I mean it was tyrion who made the plan to capture slaanesh and approached Malekith/malerion why not go to the realm of light?




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  11. Yeah I don't think TK are coming back they got rid of em for a reason. TK does not fit the aesthetic GW are going for in AOS in my opinion I made a separate topic about this.

    No matter how much GW improved they don't kill a whole line for no reason considering how bright in style TK were they don't fit they seems to be aiming for a more "grim" look.

    I could see the newer plastics coming back and that's about it.

  12. 25 minutes ago, KHHaunts said:

    Very Tomb King esk.

    The plot thickens.

    Im still gonna say that the new death faction will be deathlord crossed with tomb kings. considering how GW likes to frustrate us to no end and when weve all but lost hope, blow our mind-holes it wouldnt surprise me if TK aesthetic was the core of the new design.

    Remember black pyramids from lord of undeath novel.

    edit:Going to make a separate topic on this discussion. 


  13. 7 minutes ago, Lavy said:

    @Vasshpit where did that pic come from? I'm excited to see some tomb king influence on those skellies. 

    Been saying this whole time that Death in AOS is going to be heavily gothic(vc) with some TK influence here and there. The music they use in the trailer is extremely gothic IMO. 

    The art is sorta hinting why they squatted TK. 

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  14. In my opinion death works better as a grand alliance than single dedicated factions, the issue if we go that route you run into problems where you can't take the mortarch's since it would break the army allegiance. Imagine nagash, neferata or manny decided to take some skeleton's or zombies suddenly they have forgotten all their spells. 

    The necromancer cannot take skeletons in the army anymore without breaking the book and you will miss out on his nice synergistic spell hence why dedicated faction tomes won't work in my opinion. 

    Just like chaos or even dedicated they work well by picking things from the various forces, hence why I believe the new style of tome would work for them best. Since it would make all death players happy. As Haunts said I would prefer a "hordes of nagash" style of book as he said. 

    Since fluff wise death has a somewhat clear hierarchy and leadership compared to the other factions, being death and all that. 

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  15. It's just a book they are getting, relax as a death player our time will come same thing with the aelves I highly suspect we will see them at adepticon. Also releases are following a general narrative. 

    I like that GW are going certain factions out of the way by just releasing a book instead of consuming a whole month. 

  16. 9 minutes ago, Turragor said:

    I'd say this is likely the case for most of these factions. Eventually. There is no rush though whilst the concept of "all descendants of the old world peoples united in the large cities" still exists. There just won't be any updates for them.

    I just don't see GW doing new factions that aesthetically match these guys (enabling their reabsorption into a new faction with new rules) going forward.

    Not when they can do cooler, more distinct new stuff.

    Hence why I feel devoted of sigmar might become the "new" human faction perhaps along with free guild/wizards in a tzeentch style book. They would not give the faction a new model for no reason if they weren't planning to do something with them at most I feel many of those factions at most may get a "bonesplitterz/beastclaw raiders" type of tome. 

    It's a case of normalish soldiers riding fantasy animals vs crazy zealots, paladins and priests wielding powers of a god similar to odin/zeus. 

    Of course I could be wrong but those are just my thoughts. 

  17. 1 minute ago, Karlbonner said:

    Any speculation as to what the new specialty game is? They teased that it would have new miniatures!!! Also, thoughts on the new starter set? Personally I think the coloured plastic is an excellent idea. I love the box doubling as a building.

    I think it the new mordheim that's going to include new death *coughihopeithasaplasticvampirecough* just like the new 40k game is based off necromunda. 

  18. 4 minutes ago, Hyperion said:

    Im pretty blown away. Love it. It's a tiny bit far future for what I thought AOS was.  But now thinking about warcraft it seems to have a pretty similar vibe. 

    Think dwemer from the elder scrolls and they fit right in. I have been saying AOS reminds me a lot of elder scrolls than anything else. 

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