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Posts posted by shinros

  1. 39 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Utterly amazing! Completely bonkers! love them all. and a new game too.


    Calling it now it's going to be death related in some form if it is I will buy it and it's most likely going to be a new mordheim of sorts.

  2. 1 hour ago, Turgol said:

    I'am quite surprised by Hastings attitude of late. I do not know if you guys remember, but after ET and for quite a long time, Hastings was extremely bitter with AoS and generally GW. Although I remember he was quite excited with WhQST, the level of entusiasm he has shown this week (check the comments sections on Atia's blog; lots of info on 40k) is simply astonishing. In short: he is defending very strongly GW and both the 40k AND AoS system/setting. He has also declared to be really excited and interested in both systems. 


    I know GW has changed radically as of late in its attitude and everything. But such a huge change must have one of two sources: either future products are awesome or they also bribed Hastings :) 

    Oh yeah I know my mouth dropped when I saw him defending AOS in such a fashion, I think city of secrets and the new warhammer quest games and atia's posts on them got him on board somewhat also the future releases he heard about or seen.

    • Like 3
  3. 16 minutes ago, Lavy said:

    When I scroll through this thread I always wonder to myself; what happened to hastings and Harry and all the 'mongers from back in the day, they certainly spiced things up even if what they were peddling wasn't always a sure thing.

    GW I think are bribing rumor mongers with early viewings and free stuff to keep things hush hush until near pre orders or release day. I am actually kinda surprised the new Duardin stuff has not leaked yet myself. 

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Jamister1 said:

    Could be nagash-corrupted stormcasts?? wasn't there something about him trying to suck all the sigmastuff outta them?


    Er he just wants their souls same with marked chaos followers. Sigmar disrupting the life cycle is weakening him hence him being so gung ho on grabbing their souls also don't forget nagash is most likely losing out on those being taken by chaos. 

    I don't know why people want to see nagash corrupted stormcast I think that's the last thing GW would do for a new release for death. Nagash is still into his undead and mortarch's. The whole of the last realm gate book was nagash getting them back under his thumb again. 

    Let sigmar and chaos keep the big burly warriors. 

    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, daedalus81 said:

    Could be the beginning of the corruption of Stormcast, which brings a surge in the Devoted to purge the taint of Chaos. #rampantspeculation

    Josh also said this book will feature female stormcast as well. I do think devoted will come around the time of slaanesh and death considering those two forces like to corrupt people the most. 

  6. 28 minutes ago, Jaqques said:

    The only real info that we have on the elves are the bits from the original Age of Sigmar Rulebook, a few mentions in certain campaign books, Pantheon, and what they got up to in the End Times. 

    In Pantheon it is mentioned that: 

      Reveal hidden contents

    they have 3 thrones - White Marble for Tyrion, Silver for Teclis and Dark Stone for Malerion. Later on - the mage uses a silver cup to summon Teclis, after climbing a marble tower.  They mention that the mage walks in a 'world with five suns' and 'golden clouds' The only description of Teclis is that he is 'made from purest light' and his garb was 'outlandish'. The mage mentions that he is the god of 'wisdom' and 'arcane secrets'. 

    From this - there are a few assumptions that can be made. Teclis will take the place of Lileath as god of the 'moon'. Tyrion will be a 'sun' god, while Malerion will be 'shadow' or 'darkness'. 

    What I think would be cool - and this is pure wish-listing - is if the 'Light Elves' had a Norse/Werewolf theme. Since Teclis used the Flame of Ulric to help resurrect Tyrion - *and* Teclis could be the god of the moon it would fit brilliantly.  Parts of the realm of light could be extremely cold, yet extremely bright. 

    Hmm that makes a lot of sense on the god comparison. 

    • Like 1
  7. All the aelf organizations were not made in ayzr they are just from different realms that fled to ayzr after chaos went gung ho. I imagine since order is pushing back some went home or some stood and held their ground and never fled in the first place.

    The thing is with AOS we have to remember all the races live together in a sense they have branches of their organizations or cults in the cities hidden or in plain view. Which I feel is more organic but they also have their own communities, bases or towns as seen with spire of dawn. Think elder scrolls on how the races live. 

    Fyreslayers don't live in the cities but GW made it clear they come and go considering I suspect it would be easier to find new oaths in the city. 

    Considering scourge privateers and darkling covens the deep one/cthulu theme fits them pretty well. I also highly suspect that daughters of khaine will relate to tyrion in some form. 

    It would not surprise me if wanderer's fold into the new slyvaneth tome in a DOT fashion. I personally feel the DOT format works quite well with AOS considering how many factions we have and I don't expect GW to do like 40+ books one of each faction, it's just unfeasible in my opinion. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Darth Alec said:

    It's worth mentioning that neither 40k nor AoS are mentioned as getting any new releases in that little blurb. And going all of April without either is absurd, so there's something they're keeping from us...


    Stealth Duardin.

    Yeah it's pretty clear they are hiding something they are keeping the Duardin under tight wraps. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Mortarch said:

    Definitely someones chest.

    Someone wearing beating up and damaged armour, that looks like a combo of plate and chain-mail. AOS for sure. Too damaged for Duardin...

    Possible the Death-Sigmarines... or the Shadow Aelves?

    I think it might be duardin I dunno it seems more "stocky".

    Death stormcast? By Sigmar no! I hope that never happens. 

  10. New post on warhammer community the villains of this box. Guess who the main antagonist is?


    Finally, we have Lord Redomir, a Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Slaanesh.

    Long has he, and sorcerers like him, attempted to draw the attention of their lost Chaos God, but to no avail. Now he thinks he may have found a way to locate and awaken his gorged and sleeping deity. Gathering to him followers of Chaos and binding them with promises of bloodshed, mayhem and desolation, he has forged an alliance and seeks to fulfil his destiny…

    • Like 1
  11. 51 minutes ago, Bjarni St. said:

    Just wait until they re-release the Freeguild as a purely ratcatcher-themed faction. Rat pelts all-round, Rat-Gryph cavalry, Aetherrat flyers and Wererat monstrous infantry.

    A skaven's worst nightmare made manifest. That would be a pretty cool conversion army a free guild regiment experts at rat slaying. 

  12. 1 minute ago, Soulsmith said:

    My favourite thing about this is it is so reminiscent of WHFRP. The character drawings especially are near identical to the type found in Denizens of the Empire.

    It's the same person who did the artwork for mordheim, what I am really liking is that the fluff like city of secrets is like a awesome blend of high and low fantasy. 

    • Like 4
  13. 5 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    exactly! But I don't expect the whole faction to be heavily affected. Just some elites/heroes that kind of stuff. 

    Could very well be! But the tatters still stand out. Nowhere in the corsair faction are the cloaks tatters, neither with the fleetmasters. So maybe it's just that the printing is improved and GW could finally add those details :D Or it's a different style choice. Which I personally think fits very well with 'uses every action movie ever voice over voice':  the realm of shadows, the realm that nobody dares enter, and none leave alive. A realm full of hidden dangers and deadly creatures. A realm you enter at you own risk' ;) 

    those aren't tentacles! They are some kind of spiked fauna. (at least that is what it looks like to me) 

    I dunno they don't seem like spiked fauna and if it was why paint it purple of all colours? They seem more tentacle like to me and the whiteish highlight near the end of it. Well that's speculation for you. 

    Also I just want to add those bits coming out of the mistweaver arms? Look kinda creepy honestly. 

  14. 28 minutes ago, Rogue Explorator said:

     think it will be akin to that, but also tied in with the old Lore of Shadow and Wind of Uglu, which was not described as dark, but misty grey and infused with illusion. The same way other AoS releases reference the old Winds, such as the prominent use of keys on Fyreslayers, keys having been an old Symbol of the Lore of Aqshy.


    P.s.: I just noticed that the Tenebrael Shard carries a birds skull, just as the Mistweaver Sai does. I thought it was a fighting Tzeentch reference on the Sai, but both Shadowkin have the element and none of the other ST heroes do. I am very curious now, with no idea what to make of it, but I am quite certain the release will be quite the blast of new Lore.

    In the sliver tower novel they are working together for sure because another mistweaver and shard work together to murder their group mates in another group when the gaunt summoner goes over to look at others. Also I can't believe I overlooked the tentacle on shard's base. xD That was a good spot Rogue also the bird skulls as well you have to look quite closely at shard but he has a similar bird skull just like the mistweaver has one on her buckle. 

    When the main group of the novel ask her why she is in the tower she told them they would not understand the gravity of her mission for being there.

    So I think it's a given they are a part of the same faction. As I said before the mistweavers powers pretty much can drive people insane to the point they rip out their eye balls. Also her warscrolls describes her as sowing discord and confusion with her magic as well. 

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, DynamicCalories said:

    I think they'll lean away from proper Lovecraftian tentacle stuff (except for maybe the priates) and go closer to Dark Eldar/Harlequins as previously stated. I don't know much about Malekith and Warhammer Lore, but if he's some half demon/half aelve figure now, and with the Seraphon essentially being 'daemons' I would wager that AoS is expanding the terminology of daemon, making it less of a chaos thing, and more of a "this is a great power, and it can corrupt, but also maybe controlled". I think you can see it with the Sylvaneth too, they're essentially tree daemons, I think it adds a lot to the world given that it's obviously far more over the top that WHFB. 

    Yeah the rumor said eqsue so it's not going to go full blown love craft but just have some influences at best I think the sliver tower aelf's fit that theme if they are shadowkin. Well the mistweaver is a shadowkin for sure going by the magic she uses in the sliver tower novels. 

  16. 2 hours ago, DantePQ said:

    I think Shadow Elves are great concept to make them working against Chaos but not really good but mysterious and horror alike. Reminds me a little about Harlequin. And could make them more interesting. What I didn't like about Dark Elves was how cartoonish they were - ultra evil straight in your face. Even High Elves in later fluff were more nuanced then DE. Shadowkin combining horror stuff with wh40k eldar mentality and being mysterious hiding in the shadows working agains Chaos but in general only for their gain would be epic concept. Also would make Aelves who follow Tyrion and Teclis not their enemies but other side of the same coin which could lead to awesome dynamics. 

    I agree that was one of my chief problems with dark elf fluff in whfb I do recall one of the main complaints leveled is that realistically they would not function as a society with how over the top evil they are. Well that's IF the rumor is true. 

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