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Posts posted by shinros

  1. 3 minutes ago, Volund said:

    Didnt they say a while ago that there were three major chambers? I feel like that is a thing i remember. Assuming that i am remembering correcty, this could be the last big Stormcast drop for a while. And as much as i hate to admit it, this really does make SCE seem pretty complete. Eternanals are the "nornal" troops, Extrmis are the "elite" troops, and Vanguard are the "scout" types. It really fills out rather nicely (again, assuming this is everything)

    Pretty much as I said this is the last we will see of them for awhile. I mean from a narrative stand point it seems strange to me they are going on and on about cults and this phase of the fluff is focusing on cities then they drop this kind of release on us. This just seems like a "gap" filler than anything narrative focused. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Darth Alec said:

    Poster boys get more toys. Nothing new here. IIRC, the main reason Space Marines isn't just that they sell the most, it's also the favorite faction of a lot of the designers. So they get more toys because a lot of people at GW like making toys for them. Similar with SCE, I expect. With the exception that the rules/background guys more or less know what's in the pipeline, hence the various chambers being known to use, but not their content.


    Besides, it's not like another wave of SCE stops other stuff from coming. If Tzeench and SCE drop within a month of each other, how much stuff might be on the way for later months?

    Indeed after this I suspect stormcast won't get another update in awhile since they are getting a new tome with everything in there, command traits, prayers etc. Also according to the facebook page it seems going by GW's comments they understand that people want to see other armies I just see this as them getting the stormcast out of the way now. 

    Since a lot of people are tired of order and chaos. 

    Also they said this at the end of the page. Still as a Death player still waiting for those plastic vampires and new zombies. :D Still the gryph hounds might make me expand my devoted of sigmar force into free guild so I can use them. 

    PS: We have another reveal from next month’s releases tomorrow. Check back then to find out what…

  3. I just want to add one thing after reading the disciples of tzeentch tome I think tzeentch is trying to find/free slaanesh. Possibly, going by this eldar release slaanesh should be "soon". 

    Also rumors pointed to a new N'kari. 

  4. Just now, Double Misfire said:

    You're going senile Nagash. ;) They've been doing D3 wounds to wizards and daemons since the compendiums.

    Perhaps I am going senile I mean I am recovering from sigmar stealing souls and disrupting the death cycle and Archaon stabbing me in the past. D: 

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  5. 2 hours ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

    The Dwarves have what looks like shells in their cannons, but again that pistol is too similar to a bolt pistol to fit the AoS aesthetic. All the AoS guns are vaguely-Renaissance at best, still black powder with flintlocks. Even Thunderers don't seem to be using bullets, and definitely don't have a repeating action that would warrant a belt of rounds.

    Pretty much that piece is from 40k I am betting cypher as I said before. The one before it? Was definitely AOS. 

  6. 54 minutes ago, BlooDeck said:

    True, I guess I was just presuming Devoted of Sigmar was going to become the new name for flagellants. I guess my concern is that Devoted just limits the army to Sigmarite zealots, whilst I kind of hope for a wider human faction.

    There are two human factions free guild and devoted of sigmar, free guild is the more open option. 



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  7. 55 minutes ago, BlooDeck said:

    If they expanded the Devoted of Sigmar, I could see them being renamed as the Order of Azyr so it could encompass a broader range of units.

    Problem is that the order of ayzr is a separate organisation made up of witch hunters only according to nick that's the name of the witch hunter order created by sigmar. The name devoted of sigmar encompasses a broader range you can easily tell hey here is an army of sigmarite zealots. The devoted of sigmar I guess is made up of difference organizations working together.  

  8. 46 minutes ago, Netrixx said:

    Hmm, I suppose you might be right there. But I'm still curious about the "Order of Azyr" as mentioned on the Weather Report teaser they produced last, week other then the Devoted of Sigmar, who have a more religious angle, I'd see such an Order as men who uphold the laws, sheriffs, marshals, bruisers, witch hunters etc. They'd fit right in.

    The order of ayzr is affiliated with the devoted of sigmar according to Nick I also recall the witch hunter in the novel has his own flagellant warband. It's why the witch hunter is a part of the devoted of sigmar army they are not separate. The order of ayzr are witch hunters that's just the more "official" name of their group. 

    Check your grand alliance order tome the devoted of sigmar army is made up of warrior priests, witch hunters (order of ayzr), war alter of sigmar and flagellants. In my opinion they are in a similar position to sylvaneth and the rumor image is most likely free guild, stormcast or devoted of sigmar that's what I know for sure. 

    There is a reason why the witch hunter in the novel has such huge pull with the church militant because they work together a lot that was the first group he recommend for the issue in the city but for reasons I won't say they are not available right at that moment. 

    • Like 1
  9. 45 minutes ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    I have been thinking, as awesome as the new Tzeentch stuff is, I am glad I have made a heavy investment in Slaves to Darkness beforehand and will mostly stick to a Chaos Warrior and Beastman army. That this is still possible is great.



    I almost ordered it and still might next week when I put in my Tzaangor preorder if more positive testimonials come in.

    Anyway, I wanted to thank you for updating non readers on the Lore developements. It is appreciated.

    No problem that's why I do it to help people get an idea of a faction or piece of lore since they may not be able to put down the cash or they want to get an understanding of a potential army before they do it. 

    Honestly I am not sure if I will get my hands on the disciple of tzeentch tome considering how fast they were blasted out of stock. 

  10. Yeah just finished reading the city of secrets novel you can get the ebook version now and lemme say I loved the warhammer world but I think AOS with time and books like these will surpass it. To me the city feels more "real" in a sense even though there is some high fantasy blended in with the grittiness of the city and novel. 

    Oh and I will be updated the lore thread with the general story at some point tomorrow. 

    • Like 7
  11. 15 minutes ago, KHHaunts said:

    To me the presence of the witch hunter would definatly support the theory that the rumor mill model is a mounted witch hunter.

    Well we do know for sure that the model is a sigmarite for sure and a normal human. 

  12. 51 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    This realm is heavy with Orruks, yeah?

    Yes and chaos and plant life is also dangerous most things will try to kill you in the realm of ghur so the people who live there are tough as nails to survive through the age of chaos. 

    It being ghur it's filled with beasts and monsters. 

    • Like 1
  13. 12 minutes ago, Paul G said:

    Sounds amazing apart from how does one deal in raw prophecy?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Using fragments from the core of the world that was aka the warhammer world. There is a huge shard of it in the sea next to the city they use the magic from that to glimpse into the future. 

    Of course knowing tzeentch he would exploit the hell out of that and as they said tzeentch thrives in civilization compared to khorne and nurgle. Same with slaanesh hence why I suspect the narrative will be looking at these two. Tzeentch is first and I suspect slaanesh is next.  

  14. Yeah so they just finished the interview with Nick Horth on warhammer tv who is writing this book. He goes into some of the finer details of the book. Also Darth Alec was in the stream so he/she might correct me if I get any details mixed up.

    Excelsis is the city of secrets, a grand and imposing bastion of civilisation in the savage Realm of Beasts. Within its winding streets and shadowy back alleys, merchants deal in raw prophecy mined from an ancient fragment of the World That Was, and even the poorest man may earn a glimpse of the future. Yet not all such prophecies can be trusted. When Corporal Armand Callis of the city guard stumbles upon a dark secret, he finds himself on the run from his former comrades, framed for a crime he did not commit. Only the Witch Hunter Hanniver Toll knows the truth of his innocence. Together the pair must race against time to save Excelsis from a cataclysm that would drown the city in madness and fear. 


    Yeah so he explains further that a free guild captain see's something he should not have seen and only the witch hunter and his companion who is a duardin is helping him. He goes on to explain this book will see how normal people view all the craziness but on the ground level things are still similar yet not. Like there is a shard of the world that was in the sea next to the city that is mined as currency to be used to glimpse in the future. 

    Nick also describes the protagonists as quite gritty as well. 

    Also the scourge privateers(corsairs) control the docks and they are not nice people going by Nick's description of them twitch chat called them pretty much Aelven mafia well they sound like it. xD

    The witch hunter is from the order of ayzr created by sigmar to destroy corruption in the new cities but they are stretched to the absolute limit with all the new people coming into the cities. 

    They also look at the divide between those who came from ayzr who are taking all the important jobs and the tribes nomands and people who survived the age of chaos coming into the cities it seems they live in the more slum like area. Also many of the people of ayzr view these people coming in corrupted by chaos because they wonder how they survived with the age of chaos hanging over them. 

    Also we get to see how a normal human views a stormcast of course some are heroic and mingle with the populace but the ones in the city are the knight excelsior who hate everything to do with chaos and of course if they get a hint they will carry out a purge and purges happened in the past. Hence why the witch hunter's job is so important. 

    One last thing sigmar's hope was to have all three main races living in the cities together of course certain armies are seperate and doing their own thing even if they are allies but largely the cities are a mixed population perhaps with one main group. Like the city in the novel is mainly a free guild city while let's say the one in the realm of life has a larger aelf population since it was mainly built by the phoenix temple. I quite like this since it makes it dynamic. 

    Yeah so the city in the book is one of the main cities of the realm of ghur.

    Now people want a new mordheim or AOS RPG the book sounds pretty awesome.


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