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Posts posted by shinros

  1. 1 hour ago, Karchev23 said:

    So i just had a crazy thought. With all this obviously duardin stuff, now this. Do you maaabye reckon we could get a combined prder book for the free peoples who live in the cities? So im talking steamhead duardin alongside devoted of sigmar etc. Somewhat in the same way that DoT combines 3 subfactions?

    This might be the case I could see it happening. Perhaps it might be free people, Collegiate Arcane and then devoted of sigmar. Someone also did this image on facebook. 


  2. 30 minutes ago, Soulsmith said:

    Exactly what I was about to say. Hopefully without ridiculous benefits to fighting keyword chaos, or otherwise comes with a price tag to match said rules. Don't need to neuter Disciples immediately.

    They already have rules like that witch hunters do d3 damage to wizards and the war altar is a nightmare for chaos. Soon as disciples of tzeentch was announced Nico pretty much said the direct counter to the force would be devoted of sigmar.

    Their weakness is that the core infantry they have suck somewhat.

  3. 38 minutes ago, EvDJ said:

    Also if you're thinking, in terms of the fluff, if you're trying to uncover a Tzeentch plot in a city stormcast don't really fit as the investigative type, it would also by hard for them to go undercover..for that you need witch hunters etc.

    Pretty much a witch hunter is one of the main characters in a upcoming novel and they are a part of the devoted of sigmar army. Also they have anti wizard and chaos rules. Compared to the guilds they are lacking in units similar to the sylvaneth.


    Also CJ noted they are mentioned in the white dwarf I really need to get my hands on the Jan issue. Plus it's telling in the novel the only person that believes the captain is the witch hunter.

  4. Yeah I think it's going to be devoted of sigmar also free people and devoted of sigmar are separate. Army wise since I run them they are in a similar position to sylvaneth. 

    They need some form of cav and elite unit along with a plastic hero and they would be good to go.

    also in context of the narrative it would make sense for devoted to step up and sigmar to turn them for this problem. Since they have the correct mindset to deal with tzeentch cults and the intrigue.

    Also out of all the factions they gave them a new model in the sliver tower.

    I could be wrong of course.

  5. Just now, Siegfried VII said:

    They also have Hammers and swords but that does not stop them to have multiple units with these weapons. Also I get the feeling that this weapon will not be the main weapon of the rider but rather an extra thing. If it was the main weapon I think the rider would hold it in his arm...

    Why would they create a similar unit again riding most likely a demigryph? GW don't do that, Also GW said with the sliver tower warrior priest it will not be the last we will see of him or his faction. 

    I still believe this leak is related to free people or devoted of sigmar. 

    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, Siegfried VII said:

    In my opinion it is most likely a new Stormcast model. Free people already have a Griffon and I don't see them getting another one.

    The colour of the cloth/cape seems very Hammers of Sigmarish to me. Also as much as people compalin that we get Stormcast all the time, apart from the Lord Veritant it's been about a year since Extremis Chamber got released, so I feel they will pour some more love on the poster boys again... :)

    Stormcast already have a mounted crossbow option that rides a dragon and in the grand alliance tome devoted of sigmar's main colour is also blue like the hammers of sigmar. 

  7. I think it might be free people or devoted of sigmar the runes look to be sigmarish and the mount clearly looks like a giant gryph hound or demigryph. 

    I think it's devoted of sigmar since they are the ones who are meant to actually stop tzeentch's nonsense or keep it from happening in the first place. 

    If it's a cross bow it seems very witch huntery in my opinion. 

  8. 2 hours ago, mhsellwood said:


    Mate, I have read people on internet forums say in all honesty that Games Workshop has been circling the drain since they raised prices to 1GBP per model, or moved from lead to pewter / white metal.

    For the people who want to see GW fail, all the evidence in the world will not change their view in the slightest.

    Indeed, many people still feel that AOS is going to get canceled and it's not selling at all still people are also starting admit that in the end people are voting with their wallets. 

    You should of seen the total war forums with the beastman DLC release oh boy. 

    5 minutes ago, Riavan said:

    As someone who is new to warhammer and aos. I would like a 40k army too, but it seems too confusing with too many rules and things which is what is putting me off. 

    Trust me mate I am the same way I am not bothered to go through all of it and I personally don't want to deal with all the rule arguments that go on in my GW store either on not being clear on something. Or a rule that cancels another rule etc. 

  9. I want to bring everyone's attention to this picture from dwarfs and art from 8th edition. AOS was pretty much developed since 8th edition and dwarf lore also stated they had golems in the likeness of their gods (that were never released). Suddenly we have rumors of a dwarf golem and the first rumor image most likely is a type of duardin golem/steam robot.



    Along with the harpoon image and grungi vanishing suddenly in all-gates I also recall sparks are seen in the skies of Chamon AND all the duardin holds in chamon are empty when the stormcast explored them. 

    Also I recall rumors said they have seen dwarfs with some form of jetpacks, steam jetpacks and flying blips? Yes please, along with the tzeentch ironbreaker image. I think it's a given in a sense. 


    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, CoffeeGrunt said:


    Looks like Devoted of Sigmar get a nod. Here's hoping they get a little something in response to it, would be nice to see Humies get a faction book.

    I actually do think we may see something from them in the future overall I think the devoted of sigmar fit as the new main "human" faction for AOS. The stuff they bring out is pretty high fantasy and along with the excelsior war priest from sliver tower I do think they are in the pipe somewhere. 

    Also the stuff tzeentch is doing? Part of their job is to keep it from happening. 


    Also new novel is coming out, the link is not working on dakka but I shall put up the information. Finally a novel on a witch hunter character that's been like my wish it seems though we are at the fleshing out stage of the fluff. 


    City of Secrets 

    A Legends of the Age of Sigmar novel 

    In the city of Excelsis, in the heart of the Realm of Beasts, Corporal Armand Callis of the city watch stumbles upon a dark secret and finds himself hunted, with just a witch hunter for companionship. 


    It's an in depth look at life in a city of the Mortal Realms coupled with a rip-roaring tale of action and adventure, not to mention a most intriguing mystery, as you might expect of the City of Secrets… 

    Excelsis is the city of secrets, a grand and imposing bastion of civilisation in the savage Realm of Beasts. Within its winding streets and shadowy back alleys, merchants deal in raw prophecy mined from an ancient fragment of the World That Was, and even the poorest man may earn a glimpse of the future. Yet not all such prophecies can be trusted. When Corporal Armand Callis of the city guard stumbles upon a dark secret, he finds himself on the run from his former comrades, framed for a crime he did not commit. Only the Witch Hunter Hanniver Toll knows the truth of his innocence. Together the pair must race against time to save Excelsis from a cataclysm that would drown the city in madness and fear. 

    Written by Nick Horth 


    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, KHHaunts said:

    I remember them saying that. They seemed to be speculating more than anything. I agree with them. But I don't think they were certain.

    He looks human to me personally I don't know why people think it's a duardin there is clearly fire on his beard and sword and red robes. Considering the magic theme makes sense it would be a human fire battle mage also have you ever seen a dwarf/duardin using a sword?

  12. 1 hour ago, Shadowheart said:

    I've wondering the same, makes me think the Lord Veritant was somehow going to be tied into this release.

    If Tzeench has random sleeper cultists planted in various places, would make sense for Sigmar to send out his Witch Hunters to find and deal with them.

    Still hoping for a devoted of sigmar tome, devoted of sigmar pretty much laugh at chaos with the war altar. I mean fluff wise it would make sense for sigmar to properly set them up again considering the type of warfare tzeentch seems to be employing. 

    In the grand alliance order tome it's the devoted job after the stormcast leave(after taking a realm gate) to spread the faith of sigmar to new cities etc and cleanse corruption. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

    I do think Death operating as a GA could be a cool move for the faction as a whole. :)

    Yeah I mean the tzeentch book is over 130 pages and that is Death's strong point majority of the generals of Death are necromancers after all what I like that different generals have different command traits.  If you have a arcanite general you have your own table same with mortal and daemon. So it still has a unique take depending on who the general is and you can still mix. 

    Just from the small glimpse Death can easily have a similar book case example the necromancer. The necromancer vanhel's danse marcarb can buff things across multiple factions skeleton's, zombies and mordants. I feel the disciples of tzeentch is what battletomes should be imagine if wanderer's and sylvaneth shared such a tome? 

    Hell who know's in the next general handbook wanderer's might get easier access to sylvaneth stuff. 

    • Like 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, Shane said:

    As a Slaanesh fan, we all can.

    Yup when they eventually get to slaanesh? Oh boy I like this new format I think all the factions should get it. Devoted of sigmar together with stormcast in their own tome wielding divine lore and a mixed army? Wanderer's and Sylvaneth?

    Honestly I am quite curious how the second edition of the handbook is going to look like in context of the disciples of tzeentch changes. 

    17 minutes ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

    Fingers crossed...

    Yeah but considering bonesplitterz and beastclaw raiders had the same format as the sylvaneth book. I am hopeful, I did ask them in chat that Death could use a similar tome and that Death suffers similar problems to tzeentch. (Which they do magic, summoning, lack of synergy have to pull from various factions to work) 

    They noted my "feedback" will be passed on to the right people. I hope *fingers crossed* I do also recall someone on this forum said they should in fact that death works well as a grand alliance of sorts and I feel this tome is playing off that. Anything tzeentch can use the tome and mix stuff together without losing the benefits of the tome. 

    This way Death can keep it's similar style as been displayed in the fluff. 

  15. 1 minute ago, daedalus81 said:

    No - there was a 360 of him on twitch.  That piece is nowhere to be found.  The cloak and the beak soul portal are also absent.

    Daedalus what happened? xD

    Still I am quite excited for this release, since tzeentch and his lore was my introduction to warhammer table top. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    They have been very unpredictable with faction sizes. Going in, Stormcast, Bloodbound and Seraphon where very big factions, with Stormcast further expanding through Extremis Chamber, and Bloodbound with Slaves to Darkness being so easy to bring in.

    But then there came the small to tiny Fyreslayers, Everchosen and Ironjaws. Meanwhile Sylvaneth where midling.

    And then, to top it of, came the no new model Battletomes, widening small to tiny factions into slightly bigger factions.

    Meanwhile there has been a lot of hopping around between making moves that make Grand Alliance armies a real proposition and those that pretty much shut them down.

    It will be really interesting to see where this Battletome shifts things, but I wouldn't expect it to be a set-in-stone precedent for further developements any more than previous battletomes have been.

    I do think the second edition of the general handbook will be the direction the game will go down towards. I can easily see them folding in the wanderer's with the sylvaneth(example) if the theories are true that it's going to be a "tzeentch" allegiance book. Since it's called "Disciplines of tzeentch" it's a very open term instead of "Tzeentch Arcanites" I feel. 

    You have humans, beastmen and possibly(high likely) daemons together in one book. 

    We will just have to wait and see. 

  17. 13 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Am I crazy or does it seem like they are going to be making larger factions going forward? More traditional WHFB armies like Seraphon and less small factions like Stormcast Extremis.

    That's what it looks like to me since the battletome is called disciples of tzeentch. I bet in the second edition handbook the god dedicated armies are going to be one big happy family. Since it seems a lot of people have problems with how battleline is handled in terms of factions. 

    Also if this is the case I can rest easy with Death. 

  18. 2 minutes ago, Nico said:

    I'm buying certain models instantly if it's Tzeentch Allegiance.

    Considering beastmen are in there and possibly daemons I hope this is the case let us all pray to the god of change that this is the case in tomorrows stream. 

    If this is true I suspect the other gods will get the same treatment in the next edition of the handbook. 

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