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Posts posted by shinros

  1. Right, an Audio drama, warhammer horror. I bought it at the recommendation of a poster. I don't regret it. Issue is though, it's quite difficult to write a review without spoiling it. So, what I will say is that if you are interested in a horror tale surrounding the nobility of the mortal realms and you have ten pounds lying around I say, give it a listen. The only downside I can note is my first audio drama was the hunt of nagash which had a third person narrator to help with description. I think it's generally needed for an audio drama because this one lacks it and this causes certain events to be muddled somewhat if you are not listening carefully. 

    Overall though at the end of it, I became sad at the fact Josh Reynolds is no longer writing for Black Library. A loss I would say.  



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  2. I just finished Sigvald and I wanted to write this post while the book is fresh in my mind. To start with, I was always aware of the character but back during my WHFB days I was more or less a vampire count fan since Slaanesh seemed to be a god half-forgotten about. So in light of our magnificent lord getting an update I decided to go back and read his warhammer fantasy book. Considering the link between both worlds and it's part of warhammer chronicles I decided to make this post since I suspect some themes would carry over, and after reading the book in it's entirety? I would say if you want an introduction of this character? Read the book.

    Overall the novel is a good length, great cast of characters. What this book does compared to his whfb entry is show that Sigvald is a character of layers despite the certain memery behind him and that causes certain parts of this novel to be quite sad in my opinion. Also I think for those Slaanesh players out there who want to write backgrounds for their armies and leaders this would also be a good book to read. The novel goes into the pitfalls of Slaanesh worship and all it entails and how one would rise.

    In the end I give the book a thumbs up.  After this novel Sigvald has definitely catapulted to be one of my favourite warhammer characters. 

    Also my favourite part of this novel? Spoilers 

    Sigvald had to go a crazy quest, because guess what? Slaanesh doesn't like basic followers. Something to think about, despite all the depravity going on in his castle, he got bored of him.





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  3. 18 hours ago, Enoby said:

    As for novels, I would recommend the Sigvald book (now in a compendium with a few other champions of chaos) - highly entertaining and oftentimes very funny, while giving you a good look at the character and Slaanesh. It's set in the Old World, but the character and themes translate very well. 

    In AoS, I've enjoyed Darkly Dreaming and the Red Hours - especially the latter if you can find it. It's a twist on the normal chaos plot, but I won't say much more. 

    I'm currently reading Sigvald and I would have to give my thumbs up as well, I'm half way through it. Also I just finished Darkly Dreaming by your recommendation, kinda makes me sad that Josh Reynolds isn't working for Black Library anymore. 

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  4. 50 minutes ago, Feii said:

    Well that’s my point you seeing something naked as sexual does not need to be sexual. 


    Also sigvald being fully immersed in his chastise belt pecs armour is not sexual. 

    I can't believe I'm having this discussion. Right, I think I understand what you're trying to say. Ok, but my question is if GW simply makes models that are naked like Diaz daemonettes, with rows of ****** and the like, it is sexual. You can't really get around stripping something down to barely wearing any clothes and state it's not sexual in any manner.  Especially with the themes surrounding Slaanesh. The 3rd party casters, like creature caster who make slaanesh daemon models know what they're doing by designing them that way despite their horrific aspects.

    The Lord of pain, the way he's designed with the flesh and hooks pulling on his flesh is meant to be grotesque, which is what I find appeal in, since that's meant to be an aspect of slaanesh, but I'm not going to delude myself into thinking he does not have the raw sex appeal for someone out there. Considering how he's designed. 

    As was said Enoby, I find the 3rd party stuff to be dreadfully dull. 

    What I find fascinating especially with the two models on the left (below), along with many of the newer models for the slaanesh range is that GW went in a somewhat different direction where they made them attractive without stripping all their clothes off. In the case of Sigvald, when he was revealed all people really talked about is how handsome he was, and he's not stripped down naked to do so to provoke that reaction. On the other side of the coin we have the painbringers, who look like glorious heroes, but as I said in my last post upon closer inspection you see all the daemonic stuff across their armour. While with the twin souls, you enter the uncanny valley side of slaanesh. 


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  5. 14 minutes ago, Lernaean said:

    We finally have proper Slaanesh mortals.

    I am now content.

    (Seriously I would love some with more skin showing, for example if those are warriors, to see the marauder equivalent, but seriously, I am content).

    Edit. By more skin showing I don't mean old boring Slaanesh is sexy, I mean more fur and less plate on Slaanesh barbarians.

    The mortals we saw in the trailer are our elite troops, our marauder equivalent has been shown via direchasm. The two Arabian nights characters, archers can also be seen in the background of the main trailer. 

    What I personally like about our elite troops is that they look like heroes(painbringers), a normal joe would think that if they were staring at them from a distance, but upon closer inspection you can see that's not the case. Especially when they start raiding you and acting out on their vices. They were clearly inspired by Sigvald. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them looked like him underneath their helm.  But then, you have the twinsouls that explore the uncanny valley side of Slaanesh. 

    As someone who has been waiting since whfb for proper slaanesh mortals, I'm happy. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Feii said:

    Ya all have stopped using your beauty standards to evaluate the chosen disciples of slaanesh yet?  

    It is really sad that GW cannot publish more slaaneshi stuff with less clothing because people would immediately consider it sexualized  because that's how we are conditioned to think about it. 

    I don't understand this post considering the design of our mortal foot troops for direchasm, Sigvald himself and the Lord of Pain. Also there is more to slaanesh than sexual appeal. That's still there in some of the new models in my opinion but I'm glad GW are exploring the uncanny valley mutations within the minature line as well.  

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  7. 1 hour ago, Yokai said:

    The twinsouls faces are just deep enough into the uncanny valley where we usually find celebrities that has gone too far with their plastic surgery and whatnot. Perfectly Slaanesh, I will be getting a lot of them when they come around.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way about the twin souls, my avatar is artwork of a slaaneshi warrior from the warhammer fantasy age of reckoning mmo. Slaanesh has champions that fits our human standards in terms of what is attractive, but slaanesh still does warp followers into his idea of what "perfection" and "beauty" is. Considering what his daemons look like? Get ready for some uncanny valley/grotesque mutations as you said. 

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  8. 23 minutes ago, Silphid said:

    Am I the only one to think this will NOT be an addition to Hedonites and instead a stand alone faction?

    Based on the amount of new kits hinted at by the background of the video, this would bloat the range of hedonites to Stormcast level. I don’t recall, SC aside, such a large upgrade to the range of was rolls on an existing faction. Also, the video showcases the new army, like they did lumineth, DoK, etc. Later we will see the full display. The fact that there does not appear to be a single hedonite of slaneesh model there tells me it ma not be Hedonites.

    Hellstrider no longer being battleline in Hedonites may be because they want to further split daemons and mortals of slaanesh. Hellstrider may become a battleline choice in this new army...

    Of course, just speculating here; I’m interested in arguments for both scenarios.

    No, because of the shadow and pain box. All other tomes has daemons and mortals, I see no evidence of GW changing that now. The video is advertising new models, that's it's purpose. It's the same reason why you don't see old cron and space marine models in their reveal videos. 

  9. 36 minutes ago, GenericEdgyName said:

    Just that artwork makes me wonder why I hesitated if I should buy the tzeentch battleforce. It's so awesome

    The sad fact for me is that the tzeentch art has been removed from the 2nd battletome, it was in the first. But the 2nd tome still has some REALLY good art pieces in there. 

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  10. 9 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Wonderfully insightful post, but all I care about is derpy chibi Khorne!

    I love that the other gods fit my vision of the them and then there is silly puppy faced Khorne trying so hard to intimidate.

    Indeed! These pictures are pretty accurate considering we got an updated version of tzeentch for AOS. As you can see GW seem to be sticking to their classical designs from realm of chaos. The reason why I personally like Sigvald's horns? Because now he looks somewhat close to slaanesh, I think that was the intention, since he is the adopted son of dark prince according to his background. 


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  11. The horns are meant to represent Slaanesh, The dark prince has the same type of horn-style, it's actually blessing he gives out narrative wise and it's an actual mutation in black crusade (40k) table top. 

    Realm of Chaos 2nd edition




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  12. 20 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    They also spilled the tea that Sigvald is, in fact, Slaanesh‘s offspring (Newborn). At some point Eddy Eccles called him a Demi-God. :)

    But in the book the newborn is described to have glittering wings. Even though Sigvald is a demi-god, doesn't mean he is the newborn.

  13. 12 minutes ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    To think I was getting a bit miffed about my purchase of Shadow and Pain. Super nice mortal sculpts. Prefer the helmeted ones I think. The box hero will look ace with them. 

    I had a feeling more mortals were coming, also shadow and pain will be the only source for the lord of pain until its released. Such heroes take more than half a year to come out sometimes.

  14. Hey guys, you remember that underworld and malign portent plotline about the mirror and the soul within it? That was a pretty old plot thread. But it seems Sigvald is coming back. Couldn't find the extract where a slaaneshi chaos lord found it after the Kharadron, but here is the first part of the story. 


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  15. On 11/18/2020 at 2:24 PM, Enoby said:

    Maybe I'm being too pessimistic, but despite the name, I fear we won't be getting any mortals this preview. At first I was optimistic, but none of the teasers in the lead up really look like ours. 

    I'm fairly confident that we are at least getting a teaser, the colour of the word decadence? The handwriting? The hedonite coin? The events surrounding broken realms? The facebook posts surrounding the newborn? I think Slaanesh mortals is the big shebang of the preview. Hence the colour text use, they used purple instead of the green decay, decay seems like a smaller part of the preview.  

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  16. Finished my book, I do think the ones who helped our Lord Veritant are vampires. The carnage? The description? Plus the book makes special note that his family-line have embraced the Soulblight curse to survive the age of chaos. Overall, can't wait to see how the newborn turns out, the warhammer article is also somewhat confusing, the book makes no indication that the newborn is slaanesh. I think I will just chalk it up to bad editing. 

    On Anvilgard? The way the betrayal happened I really hope Ven Brecht, Slaanesh or perhaps even the new vampire faction gives Morathi a bloody nose. I mean, the plan was great with how she annexed the city. Still, I can sense a loss coming in her direction sooner or later.

    Also I'm excited at the new narrative possibilities since it looks like Morathi wants to expand her empire, It doesn't look like she will stop with Anvilgard. Despite not being an order player I felt a tinge of salt at the betrayal. It was more the case of the arrogance on display since she now had godhood. I'm not upset, but it's rare that a warhammer supplement invokes such a emotion. That's a good thing in my opinion. The bad kind is the narrative ending of the ritual of the damned psychic awakening book.  

    In the end Broken Realms Morathi is leagues better than Psychic awakening. Broken Realms Morathi, in terms of lore should be the golden standard when it comes to supplements, for both 40k and AOS.  

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  17. 10 minutes ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

    I guess the slaanesh release could either be massive (if this is the whole release) or quite small if this is the starter before summers main course.

    either in jan or summer we are likely to get

    1. the new born

    2. slaangor

    3. harem Pants archers

    4. harem pants swords/spears

    some new heroes ?

    maybe slaaneshi chaos ogors 


    This sounds about right to me in terms of units. When it comes to lords all we need is a mounted hero and a wizard, that would be it. The Lord of Pain is our foot-melee lord. We already have out mounted units via hellstriders. 

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