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Posts posted by shinros

  1. 4 minutes ago, novakai said:

    yeah they probably pull an Engine War and put the warscrolls and rules  in the supplements like what they did with the Admech model they released

    Yup, considering the Lord of pain command ability buffs hedonite mortals and the coin, I'm expecting the release to be around early january. GW could surprise us though. 

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Overread said:

    I'd expect to see that as well; but I really hope it comes with a battletome update document because Slaanesh would seriously need it. Otherwise they'd release all those shiny new mortals- and no one would take them over keepers 😜

    I think our broken realm book will contain all the new rules and hosts to update our current tome. GW did say they are using broken realms to rewrite warscrolls after all. There is a reason why Hellstriders aren't battleline anymore, unless it's an error. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:



    I think you should take the time to read the hedonite battletome and stories. Also why trust articles from people outside the hobby over the actual designers, writers and people who handle the setting itself? The Hedonite battletome, in my opinion is quite an adult one considering the contents of it and the artwork. You can even see the clear hints of opulence and jewelry in the lower two artworks, along with the sadomasicism, even on the daemons. So here's my opinion. Don't worry about it, those people you're talking about are not being listened to by the design team or anyone else. Actions prove that in the art, the model design and so on. 




    Also from the designers.


    Ben: I started off by making a list of words for the Slaanesh models that would go on to help the designers when they made them.


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  4. 54 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    I'll just voice my baseless speculation, but I wonder whether Har Kuron exists as a way to entice Total War Warhammer players - after all, Morathi is essentially forming Naggaroth 2.0 (with blackjack and Medusae!). Or if I am allowed to go full tin-foil mode: Har Kuron exists as a way to keep the old Dark Elf models around so they (along some DoK units) can be ported wholesale to The Old World whenever that game launches, without having to redesign Dark Elves again.

    On same note, I wonder if Slaanesh's baby is a way for GW to re-introduce Slaanesh without some of the...baggage...that their character may have to the corporate eyes of geedubs. We all remember the rumours that Slaanesh was risking squatting and I wonder if the rumours may have at least partially been based on truth - as now GW gets to keep the cake and eat it too - continue having Slaanesh chained in lore so GW can release as many elf factions as they please while also having a 'New Slaanesh' running around in the Mortal Realms/Realm of Chaos.

    Oh, what I would give for the knowledge of what GW has planned for the future of the Realms...

    Baggage you say? I disagree. It's quite an old argument I have heard many times and continually been disproven. I bet you the newborn is the "mortal" special character. Each faction has one. Also it wasn't a rumour, that argument appeared from the players who were upset that warhammer fantasy was gone and was merely using the "rumour" to remain angry and to prove that AOS was made mainly for kids. No matter how many times actual rumour mongers, writers and designers told us otherwise. 


    • Like 8
  5. 9 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Damn they're going all out with this book. Wild. 

    It's very small fry compared to the big implications but the idea of a free city that's like an auxiliary force for the DoK is cool, both in the background and for anyone who has an old WHFB dark elves army.

    Yeah, the old dark elf army has essentially been rebuilt in a sense. Also the lore implications in this book, both big and small has made really excited to see the future of the setting.  

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, michu said:

    I think that 40k writers have this problem that (reading 40klore subreddit), no matter what they do there will be riot so they play a bit too safe.

    I agree with you in a sense, but normally I find it's how they do it. A 40k supplement has never made me go holy *beep*, instead it makes me groan in annoyance with how they treat the characters and use them. I took a peek at the link above, the one you posted. (Spoilers don't bother me) Just reading the summary has made me excited for the future and I'm eager to get my hands on Broken realms Morathi. 

    Overall, what I've noticed is that when this topic comes up many people on the 40klore reddit are coming around to the idea that they wished 40k lore was handled in a similar way to AOS. Each faction gets their time in the sun, cool narrative hooks are made, factions get wins and losses and in turn it makes a more believable world.  

    • Like 2
  7. 17 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I'm impressed the AoS writing team is actually willing to have things occur in Broken Realms. If this was 40k's Psychic Awakening, Anvilgard would be saved (at great military losses) by the Stormcast at the last second, with Morathi scowling that she'd take vengeance, but it turns out she secretly planned to lose all along as part of her master plan (which is never brought up again).

    This is actually a huge problem in 40k in my opinion, largely the lore in the psychic awakening books kinda sucked. Normally I have no interest in supplements due to this very reason, but the AOS ones always seem to capture my interest because things actually happen. 

    • Like 9
  8. Just watched the trailer, the music, the story hints has made me excited. Considering it appears slaanesh is not in this book, I think we are getting a broken realms titled as slaanesh, as was mentioned before in the thread. I think when Slaanesh breaks out we are getting the mortal release, perhaps with his broken realm book. 

  9. 26 minutes ago, stratigo said:

    Yeah, they're probably not. But you never know about the future.


    This isn't true. A handful misuse welfare. Statistically VERY FEW misuse welfare. The idea that welfare is regularly misused is a racist one perpetuated as a justification to NOT give black people any money at all. It distresses me that this is a trap you've fallen in to. 

    You are literally parroting back talking points invented by racists right here. That black people simply couldn't handle being handed prosperity, they will misuse it. Black people must first change themselves somehow, in some way. But of course, no, there's nothing a black community can do, no action they can preform that would prove to the people who want to withhold welfare that black people are suddenly deserving of benefits.

    Man so the fact I saw my mom scrambling to keep hers when her sons are paying the bills is a lie? Until we found out and told her to stop. So all the elder black people I talked too are liers as well?

    Also I'm sure the family of my adoptive brother on my dad's side is having a wonderful time where his own girlfriend has to deal with her own twin brother who has done prison and drugs, who is willing to punch her in the face.

    Man black people are recieving this wonderful welfare yet crime rates amoung us is so high. I'm sure that instead changing the culture and ethical surroundings of our young, won't reduce either. No sir, getting serious and working hard doesn't reduce those rates. Since according to you its impossible.

    Man, I can't wait until we get to the argument where I am not black and I have no idea what I am talking about. 

    I think some of you people should go to such areas and live there. Let's hope you don't get shot or stabbed.

  10. 27 minutes ago, Warlordounnet said:

    Because do you think that there isn't any existing racial or genre discrimination in hiring? And that is a way to counter it?

    Of course there is, but if you didn't know people use this as an excuse not to TRY. How about you watch any interview of Denzel Washington, a man who won awards and was nominated during a time when the oscars were apparently more racist? Have you heard anything he has said about the black community and the means of acquiring success? I know, I lived it. I talk to people who outright don't attempt to try and succeed because what you said right here. 

    But I'll tell you what, soon as my elder brother became a network engineer people around me went "Oh, maybe I should try and work hard, put down the money and do xyz to get a better job?" 

    Edit:The system is ****** for anyone caught in it, but why make it easy for the system? I've been on the job centre, talked to actual criminals both black and white who are stuck on welfare because they can't be hired due to their criminal past. Because their choices, the environment and the bad actors within it, guess what happens? You can't succeed, because then the judge becomes your mother and prison is your father. When you get out unless you start your own business you're ******. Then you have to contend with what you said here AND your criminal past. 

    Second Edit:And guess what happens when these people have children? It goes on and on! So when someone said asking people in such situations to pull up the boots is cruel? Well you bloody have to, because life is not going to make it easy, the system is not going to make it easy. Also when the oscars does lists like that it creates ACTUAL RACISTS. Because when a white person feels discriminated enough what do you think they are going to do? What do you think is going to happen to them? 

    Third Edit:Also as I said, if GW actually lowered the prices, so people stuck in this situations can join the hobby? Trust me they will be in a much more positive environment, positive environments and positive role-models is important in achieving success. 

    Fourth edit: Another point, my Elder Brother encountered racism in the work place when he tried to work up the ladder in another company, but then he decided to shoot for the moon beyond his current job and he did. Now, he gets paid more than the racist manager in his old work place. So what you said is not an excuse. 

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  11. 20 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    @shinros no personally I don't for a few reasons.

    firstly it's for an award, the people who give that award are entitled to create whatever criteria they want for films to be eligible for that award. every award show has rules to decide what can be included or not, they always have and always will.

    secondly it's for just one category within that awards show, best picture. every single other catergory remains the same. Also this doesn't come into affect until 2024.

    thirdly to be included in this one category you have to meet 2 out of the 4, what they're calling standards. 

    the one you've posted is just 1 of the 4, that relates to on-screen activity (funny that's the one that gets posted around 🤔)

    the other 3 categories include representation amongst the crew (such onerous limitations such as must include 6 crew members from under represented groups),  representation amongst people working at the studio (and again a fairly small %) and finally representation amongst. unpaid interns.

    If they can't meet these terrifyingly Orwellian requirements then yes they just have to be content with be up for every other award but the best picture category. 

    I'm sure Fox or whomever will keep this in mind when they start up production of their next Transformers movie or whatever.

    Right, so we have to put authoritarian measures on talent and flimmaking? 

    considering the staggering amount of movies that attend the awards you think it won't affect the movies? Also it doesn't matter when it comes into affect, the issue is that it will. 

    Next point, they shouldn't have to make any standard in that list for if a filmmaker makes an amazing historical film they can't get an award. Because the checkbox territory of it. 

    You call these standards Orwellian, I call them tyranny on the creative process. Hence why I have my opinion, there is nothing wrong with representation, but it shouldn't come into play when a writer or designer wants to do something. They should be able to hire the best people for the job to get the best result, if that means most of their crew is white? So be it, if that means most of their crew is asian or anything else? That's fine as well.

    Overall your view why there aren't many black people in career fields is fundamentally different to mine and I think we will never agree. And I hope GW never listens to you or the people who agree with you. 

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  12. 8 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    but how do you judge what is "forced" and why do you get to be the judge?

    it's just that over the years I've heard this line from thousands of people, whether it's about actors/characters in tv shows, computer games, RPGs, models, music, you name it, even ****** Countryfile, Springwatch or Gardener's World presenters. It's always the same people clogging up comments section and social media with their same  complaints that whilst they've nothing against x, y or z but this particular instance is obviously being forced and so is bad.

    they'll always point to something small minor thing from the past that they're so generously ok with and think is valid, but oh no not this new instance, this is definitely pandering and which ever group is it should go away until such time as they've decided that the inclusion of x, y and z (maybe in a minor background, non-speaking role, for a few years just to bed them and make it feel natural) is acceptable and not forced.

    I can see we are going to veer off topic again. But I'll post this, the new Oscar rules. (I don't even like hollywood.) 



    Do you see anything wrong with this? I do, because when this rule goes into affect, expect low effort movies where they shove minorities into the film for the sake of it because that director really wants that award. This has now divided hollywood, because if we follow these guidelines some of the best films out there wouldn't have won that award. 

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  13. 8 hours ago, stratigo said:


    In my opinion it's always going to exist, how are you going to truly stop it other than policing other people's thoughts? I already gave my opinion on how you can see more Black People in hobby. I would also have you know in my sphere, the elder black people who have seen the worst of racism tell me not talk to white people about our "issues" because they wouldn't "understand". I disagreed, since I feel how would we come to an understanding if we don't talk to one another? Others also tell me I have huge opportunities that exist now since western countries have made such great progress compared to other countries, which I agree with considering the number of successful black people, even in my own family. 

    Anyway, painting a model a different colour is a skin deep gesture instead of making actual programs and giving said people means to actually do the hobby. Of course, GW aren't going to do that, they're a business after all. The same business who said warhammer is for everyone and fired a writer because he rocked the boat because he harmed their bottom line, proving GW is still an amoral business. 

    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, Nos said:

    I'm sorry to hear of your experiences, they sound awful.

    I would simply offer by way of reply though that I have had white people do terrible things to me and as a care worker I know dozens of people who have been abused, beaten, stabbed and had lives likewise ruined by the actions of white people.

    I would suggest that in all of these respective instances including your own that the nature of the persons race was merely a representation of the wider population demographic in the areas in which it occured.

    If working in social care has told me nothing else it is that the world is populated both by wonderful people and awful people and that both can and do come from any background, culture, race, gender etc and therefore that one should be wary of generalisations or Blanket statements about the same. People are complicated. Another reason why AOS would be richer for a greater representation of all of us.


    Sorry, I don't think representation would fix these issues. I'm too cynical and jaded at this point I'm afraid. As I said in my last post what would be far more tangible would be making the hobby more affordable to get more young people off the streets and doing something productive.

    When most black people grow up in such situations they are more likely to drift to gangs to find structure. Like what my brother almost did before almost being killed. Like my friends who have ruined their lives and now have criminal records.

     Most of my current black friends don't even know what warhammer is and when I show it to them, they say it looks cool but turn off upon seeing the prices. Doesn't matter what models are there or what is represented.

    Hence my opinion.

    Anyway this hobby bought me 10+ years of joy. In my anecdote, to be frank I'm not worried about the racists all that much considering what happened in my life. They exist, always will but why let them stop you from enjoying something or succeeding in a craft or field? That was the advice I got from my parents and was repeated by the successful black actor Denzel Washington. Saw two of my brothers to better careers.


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  15. 6 hours ago, Nos said:

    Speaking as someone married to a black wife and into a black family, its weird to see a black person asserting a trope that most black literature and culture identifies as problematic and racist. Or to see a black person referring to 'black people" in explicit racial discussion as a monolithic other. 

    Be clear, what are you trying to say here? Because I can tell you I have been around people both black and white people stating they can't do x because of xyz. They've also tried to put me down as well.

    Anyway, lets hope you never have the courtesy to be threatened at knifepoint by two fellow black people. They wanted me to steal a woman's purse in order to be let go. Yes that happened to me thankfully another black person saved me, who is also a community worker in said community who wants to combat these issues.

    Unfortunately met them again they punched me in the face and ran off.

    Also be thankful, that it seems you are part of a wonderful family instead of growing up with a single mother who had to raise three children by herself and had to deal with a brain tumour.

    Also count yourself lucky that you don't have a family member beaten half to death with a pipe and hammer by other black people.

    Hell I got lucky in hindsight, the rest of my old friends have done prison and shot their lives into the ground.

    Edit:In my eyes painting a model black won't change this. But if they had an affordable hobby to get young people off the streets? That would do wonders.

  16. 8 minutes ago, michu said:

    In the legendary words of TTS Deathwatch Calato: "Thanks for remindind me about that. Now I'm going to book in another session with  the mind cleanser."

    Yeah, while Savage Orcs are "only" problematic (in the WFB), pygmies are just....

    We may disagree, but something like pygmies is what I personally consider racist. To get back to the point of the thread, overall I think GW are currently handling cultures and representation well. 

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