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Everything posted by ThalmorRepresentative

  1. Post Service Announcement: Just so it is known, I plan to continue all of these contrast models with further highlighting in the future. Right now, I am just trying to get all of my models to tabletop standard, which I have a ton😅. Once I've done all of that and completed the bases, I will move onto the highlighting stage. Sorry if it seemed that I wouldn't take it to that level, nothing wrong with tabletop standard, but I feel like I should try to go all the way. Especially since I'm accelerating this whole process, for me at least, at an unsuspected speed. Kurnoth Hunter #3:
  2. Eidolon is still work in progress! I still need to highlight the waves, not sure with what. I was supposed to highlight them before using contrast to create the various shades of blue you see in the wave. Working on the Leviadon too!
  3. Thanks, Kenshin, glad that you like them :D. Here's something else that I painted tonight!
  4. Sorry for the no basing. I'm going to base everything once I've completed the army! Anyhow, thought I'd update you guys! I'm building Daughters of Khaine and Sylvaneth at the moment, so my painting progress has slowed a bit, haha!
  5. Thanks, Tommy, that means a lot. The Rep I received from everyone else means a lot too, so thanks for that😁! I actually didn't think to paint the base rims, but now that you mention it, it is something I think I should be doing! So I'll be doing that once I've finished the army and have everything based. Thanks for the suggestion, Tommy!
  6. Hi guys, Just looking for a place to share some of my stuff! I've painted a little before I decided to choose Idoneth Deepkin for my Age of Sigmar army. This is really my first foray at actually painting an entire army. I watch a lot of tutorials and paint videos in my spare time for fun, so I like to think that I've picked up a decent understanding of the essential techniques. Some of the more advanced stuff like wet blending still elude me, however. Let me know what you think!
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