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Everything posted by ThalmorRepresentative

  1. It's been awhile since I was on in this ancient thread of mine. Here's what I've been working on in the meantime.
  2. Working on my Shroudrunners! Got some more progress to do on the bikes, but nearly good enough to return to at a later date.
  3. Progressing through stage one - armor plates will be white with violet shading. Still getting base colors established.
  4. Making some progress on the lumineth! Bannerblade's banner still needs work, but overall progress is being made.
  5. Getting some work done on the bannerblade - still have some base colors to lay down and clean up. Washes come next.
  6. I believe it is from frontline gaming - they have a number of battle mats.
  7. WIP on the bladelords - still some basecoats to be made.
  8. I think the main thing for me to is organize and coordinate my efforts toward dividing each army project into small 'leapfrog' projects. I try to complete one small project and then cycle to the next small one, and kind of just roll from one to the other so that things don't bog down for me too much.
  9. Getting a little burned out on Aeldari - switching back to a long time project lol
  10. Made some more progress with color blocking - no highlights yet.
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