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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. Thanks for your input, model wise I’m waiting for the soulblight vampire lord model to drop, then I’m gonna swap the head for one of the Escher death maidens and give her the myrmidesh leader’s shield. I’m also toying with the idea of putting her on that one DoK endless spell and making her a daemon princess.
  2. I believe that after near six years of teasing GW is gonna bring back the Chaos Dwarfs as The Furnace Kings, and that they're whole thing is gonna be the guys who make all sorts of daemonic abominations(like the Gilt Menagerie mentioned in the Hedonites battle tome). No, no we do not know yet.
  3. Hello, long time lurker and recent convert looking for some advice. I’m working on a fluff based army, the basic lore is that Slaanesh is making a move against Nagash in order to break one of their chains that’s based around ending undying perfection(something Slaanesh would naturally be against). Realizing that it can refer to vampires and/or the bonereapers, Slaanesh searched the void for a soul who would not rest until all of Nagash’s minions where slain and found Khalida. Slaanesh then warped Khalida’s mind and through subtle influences bound a contorted epitome to keep her in check and let her loose in Ghur. Khalida believes she is serving Asaph, and that the army of depraved mortals are brave warriors from her long dead city of Lybaras. Currently Khalida is looking for signs of Hrunspuul, a god beast said to be linked to the soulblight curse and raiding the bone tithe nexuses of The Ivory Host legion. Picture of the list below. Any suggestions?
  4. I know, I just really want them to bring it back.
  5. Wrong, they’ll just bring back the necrosphinx with an upgrade kit.
  6. Except unlike both it isn't going to be squatted anytime soon.
  7. Aye!!! Especially since the blasted elgi now outnumber everyone but the stormcast.
  8. speaking of which, anybody know how they're gonna do Adepticon this year? I cannot go through the multiple small previews again.
  9. Order: expanded Idoneth, in particular let’s see some more deep sea monsters and a namarti hero. I would also like to see a different type of calvary unit that uses tridents and nets cause why not? All of the duardin factions getting the elgi release treatment. Death: general gripes about returning tomb kings(I know they still have the necrosphinx mold somewhere). Perhaps with Khalida brought back with a new model to keep Neferata in check(or ironically be made into a vampire). Destruction: exspansion of Firebelly unit into a whole si faction of ogre. New yhetees, and just more beastclaw raiders stuff in general. Grotbag Scuttlers. Chaos: Chaos Dwarfs in full plastic glory. “House of xxxx” style exspansions for Warcry cultists so that they’re useable.
  10. As I've stated on here multiple times, I love the new zombies, their tomb stones and clothes remind me of Hollywood Voodoo and I'm a huge fan of Hollywood voodoo. I did, I was trying to convert a Tomb Kings army using the mummies as Tomb Princes and some of the skeletons as chariot drivers. The Zombies were a bonus.
  11. But if everyone dies, who will we rule over? this post was made by The Settra Committee and The Eight Realms of Blood Alliance.
  12. Look, I’m not saying The Usurper should invade Hysh...... but aren’t we all sick of the knife ears being arrogant pricks? The only good elf at the moment is either dead, or lives in the ocean(they’re just trying to survive).
  13. I find that you can fit most of the blood bowl champions of death zombies on 25mm, and the skeletons can be used as wights(same for the mummies).
  14. Personally I want them to play into the “Furnace Kings” idea GW l’s been pushing, give me soul powered steam engines and bull masked engineers raining down fire and ash. But most importantly they need to have guns/ranged weaponry, Chaos is lacking in that department.
  15. Since you brought it up let’s get some freaking PLASTIC CHAOS DWARFS!!! They’ve been teased more than every form of elf and unlike the knife ears don’t have back to back releases so there’s less of a chance of grudges being sworn.
  16. Now I’m unsure whether I want a haunted house or corpse gardens to be our obligatory terrain piece, both sound too awesome!!!
  17. I’d like Spider Riders to get a new multi kit like the squig riders, as well as the ability to just run a horde of spiders honestly. We got ghosts and skeletons, now let’s get some spiders and we’re one step closer to Halloween themed armies being super easy and customizable! for ogors I want an expansion of Beastclaw Raiders first and foremost, they got shafted in 2.0 and it ain’t fair. I would also like the firebelly to be expanded upon, the idea of volcano worshippers just sounds awesome, and despite being finecast the model is excellent.
  18. This is why I stick with Nagash and the Dawi(all of them), when they don't like you they tell you to ****** off or just turn you into a doting skeleton for all eternity.
  19. Sorry man, despite looking like undead rat-men they're just a bunch of dudes who had too much fun hunting the most dangerous prey: Humans.
  20. Just go look at the space wolves page on GW, we'll wait.
  21. Looks like vamps are going to be wearing their bloodline animal as clothing this time around.
  22. Five pints of blood says he is secretly a worshipper of The Great Horned Rat.
  23. Alright, this month's gonna be a big one: AOS: Tomb Kings themed Slaanesh army(one unit of twin souls for now) Tomb Kings models and a bunch of LoN skeletons. FEC ghouls + courtiers + Ghoul King Cursed City(inshallah) death half 40K: Chaos Space Marines Death Guard Necromunda: House Orlock or Corpse Grinders
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