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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. I don’t think he’s an ossiarch, mostly cause it looks like he/she has hair, my money is on grave lords. Forgive me as I don’t really see the samurai ascetic(unless he’s a ronin, then totally), but we won’t know for another hour or so.
  2. So in non BR news, I think that they're gonna reveal water guild minis in this week's under hive informant, that emphasis on "Thirst" just adds to my suspicion.
  3. Here’s hoping we get some new form of Dawi(be they chaos, order, or even death at this point), cause this is getting ridiculous.
  4. Well since so many people(especially on here) complained about the bloody high elves being squatted, who the hell knows.
  5. I got money on Underworlds or Cursed City, but I’m in an undeath mood.
  6. That is the true reason Space Marines wear helmets, they all have a perpetual bad hair day(unless your Blood Angels and descendants).
  7. Alright let's play with this, Blood Dragons would boost attacks(obviously), Lahmia could tie into command point and nullifying abilities, Necarch get magic boost, and Von Carstein can revive their heroes on a x+ roll.
  8. Personally, in addition to the Cossack theme going abound I want some Hollywood voodoo themed vampires running about. Call me old fashion but something about those dead walkers in cursed city just screams voodoo to me, and I want to see some necromancers/vampires that reflect that look as well. As for the Chinese vampires, we know Cathay has vamps and that The Old World will be creating a bunch of Cathay models, so you never know.... Edit: this just hit me, how about some Meso-american/Latin American themed undead? we could have some Camazots looking mofos.
  9. Pretty sure that's just a fur hat, but otherwise I agree that him not being an ogre is a good thing(if there were ogre vampires, they'd be unstoppable), though I hope the zombie ogres get expanded on, as it's a nice change of pace. My money is on that we get two centerpieces for Gravelords, one new piece for the new named character, and possibly The Black Coach from Nighthaunt as lore wise it's dragging the corpses of Necromancers and Vampires around.
  10. I’m in the same boat, they sold me on Gorslav and his dead walkers, now I wanna make an army based around Hollywood voodoo.
  11. These are excellent predictions, and if I may I'd like to offer my own twists on it. Gheistgale: I'm think "armored" ghosts cause they mention that it's a gate within the city. Crypt-Halls: Demented Flesh Eater musicians or banshees. My personal hope is a bunch of skeletons playing ragtime jazz/blues, why? cause it's a fun image. The Clot: Flesh Eaters again, this time as undead beasts that are considered "Noble Steeds", maybe some kind of crocodile? Hangman's Copse: death corrupted Sylvaneth that lean into the haunted forests look better than the dreadwood. Skydocks: Undead dwarves and a ghost ship or two would be awesome.
  12. alright, let's begin the speculation, my money is on that Morkan guy coming back to life to hunt down our "friendly" vampire cossack/pirate for robbing his tomb. I'd pay to see that animated as a decent cartoon.
  13. lovely, also out of curiosity what mortal units are worth picking up? I'm thinking of doing a Tomb Kings/Mardi Gras themed army being led by "The Fanged Queen"(who may or may not be a corrupted Khalida).
  14. ......How in the name of the dark gods is that gonna work?!
  15. Meaning he's an ogor while being talked about by different GW writers, or that he's both alive and dead?
  16. That begs the question: are skeletons or zombies on the bottom of the pyramid?
  17. Loyal Son of Khemri, I just added the quotations as a joke that I play GA:Death(hence I work with Nagash).
  18. “Loyal” Son of Khemri if that’s alright.
  19. GW said he's an Ogor, plus its hard to tell just from the pictures.
  20. Does anyone know how to change your account's username? much obliged.
  21. I did plan on picking up that undead blood bowl dwarf, might as well follow through with that idea! Don't worry good sir, when the time comes you'll be well armored(so long as we get our compensation).
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