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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. Whether its a new gitmob, Mawtribes, or even grotbag scuttles model I'll be happy, as it brings me one step closer to a count as Cities of Sigmar chaos dwarf army(from old fantasy lore).
  2. Just to confirm the current consensus is that the spears are either grotbag scuttlers/ogor megatyrant/frostkings, and the we have Slaanesh/dark Eldar alongside zombie/nurgle news this weekend?
  3. So~ show of hands, who hear is/was planning on picking up a Bugmansson model, whether to keep as is or for a conversion?
  4. 1. Alarielle 2. Olynder 3.Morathi 4. Scinari 5. Untamed Beast Beastmaster(forgot her actual name).
  5. You forget the Chaos Dwarfs hiring their own Gargants and making them into giant metal monsters.
  6. Hashut and The Ancestor Gods approve this message. Truthfully I'm more worried about the fact that SLAANESH HAD A KID!!! will this put chaos in ascendancy again? Will the other aelven factions turn against the idoneth for supporting Morathi? Will Chaos Dwarfs appear to kick Teclis' ass for stealing their icons of worship for his mountain furries? who knows.
  7. He'll be sprouting some horns soon enough as part of Barak Zhar-Ramad(my chaos Kharadron/freecity).
  8. Just about finished my converted Gatebreaker, meet Grog Da Idol Smasha. Created by Nagash from the corpse of a Mancrusher and the remaining worship of The Brine God, Grog targets the idols of rival gods throughout Ghur, often followed by Nighthaunt Processions and the tribes of Destruction alike as he goes about his mission.
  9. I don't know @Melcavuk, I've always been drawn to your work by your skills with the brush(both wood and air).
  10. *Reads post, then goes onto the community page to check how many times he's been featured*
  11. I agree with all of the above(especially the Knight's bit(first model I ever bought as I am a sucker for giant robots) as I tend to ally mine to my chaos space marines).
  12. working on turning an old genie conversion I did from about four years ago into a right and proper mega gargant, lorewise he’s what happens when Nagash takes the remnant worship of a dead god and mixes it with a bisected gargant in order to steal that worship plus the energies responsible for the Sons of Behemat becoming so huge(just deciding between runnin him as a kraken eater or a gate breaker).
  13. working on turning an old genie conversion I did from about four years ago into a right and proper mega gargant, lorewise he’s what happens when Nagashima takes the remnant worship of a dead god and mixes it with a bisected gargant in order to steal that worship plus the energies responsible for the Sons of Behemat becoming so huge(just deciding between runnin him as a kraken eater or a gate breaker).
  14. Love your work as usual(sorry that you had to sell your city army), is it alright to share our own conversions on here?
  15. Who's participating in Armies on Parade this year? and if so what is your idea for you army board? For myself I'm deciding between the following 40K Night Lords vs Death Guard Speed Freeks Drive-in Theatre AOS Death vs Destruction Gloomspite Hold
  16. I don't think it, I know it! in the past two-three years We've gotten Deepkin, DoK, and now "Not Hashut" ِelves(not to mention CoS armies), its time the dawi got some love!
  17. My hope is that new army is either Grotbag Scuttlers or Chaos dwarfs in full plastic.
  18. Hey @Overread, do you still have that Warsphinx that was shown in the first spoiler section?
  19. if we go by the Black Library Previews(and we generally should), @KingBrodd should get his big bois within two weeks(preorder this coming weekend, followed by actual release).
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