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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. Simply Brilliant! Though I’m currently in the Death/Destruction side of things, I love the look of theses aelves!
  2. I see him(her?) looks like they have a roman gladiator type helm on, as well as round shields.
  3. I meant you doing anything involving Order. I honestly thought that these dudes were destruction aelves, then I saw the Warscroll
  4. I like these guys so far, a bit more unusual when looking at your previous work, but still.
  5. I’m not kidding, with summer school and an inflamed appendix his made my day! Also despite being relatively stock, there are ways to make them even more unique, as you have proven.
  6. Wasn’t their a rumour couple months back about a grand prophet of Gorkamorka? Maybe we’ll see him.
  7. No words can describe the awesomeness that is this picture. Also what paints do you use for th glowing orange?
  8. Pretty good, though you might want to dial back the whole "burning eyes" bit, because thats only supposed to go to true suneater tribesmen(tirbesogor?), as according to lore.
  9. Smart move, I had planned on using the ogryn models when my store didn’t have any regular ogors, but an older player heard my plight and offered to sell me his army for 60$(it’s how I got a hold of Greasus Goldtooth).
  10. These are simply amazing, though now I realize I’ll have to make some name changes to the Furnace Kings Furnace Stokers to avoid confusion?. What base are you using? is that shattered dominion?
  11. Man o man you sure know how to build up the hype! I can’t wait to see the berserker and the Aldin Draken!
  12. Man, these photos make me want to see the bal kasta and berskr’s even more! I know they’ll be epic!
  13. eh depends on the mage. On that note, why is this the case? I understand these units haven't had the near constant FAQ some factions have had but still.
  14. Gotta say sir, without stuff like this I would have given up on destruction a long time ago.
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