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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. I made the mistake of looking your swoleness, it was disappointing.....
  2. Agreed, did the name get changed to “Age of Elfmar”?
  4. And maybe the amount of blood grows with every x amount of models slain?
  5. If that’s truly the case then this is one group of elgi I think everyone could get behind. My personal theory is that this Kragnos guy was a demigod/ of Beastgrave(since it looks like he’s staring at the previously named mountain), and has awoken due to all the dueling going on in the mountain’s guts.
  6. Nah, you’re invited. Just don’t bring any Khorne bois, my skeletons need their skulls.
  7. Save one for me Milord, I need someone to fight my legions while I play death metal that aren't covered in spikes!
  8. And Gotrek could beat Goku(he already beat Be’lakor).
  9. Does anyone else think we’ll see an exspansion of the Night Guards from Cursed City into an actual unit?
  10. Hey everyone, I finally started my army and was wondering what paints are you all using for skin color? Much obliged.
  11. Is it wrong to say I'm upset that you posted this right under my comment about how the new vamp looks like Yzma but you got all the laughs?
  12. Nope... all is great - but the face. She looks like someone who has woken up in suburbian Prague after a crazy hen do she remembers nothing about. I mean, it's a new model, so I can't and won't complain. Maybe I'll put that mask on I agree with your idea with the mask, cause I honestly don’t want Gothic Yzma looking at me.
  13. Me too, though I won’t lie the latest one reminds me of Yzma from The Emperor’s New Groove.
  14. Honestly not my favorite of the new vamps, but I’m in a generally great mood cause it’s my birthday so I’ll focus on the positives(the mask and the funny name of her sword).
  15. I will stand beside this Kragnos if that is the case!!! FOR BEHEMAT, THE BAD MOON, AND LONG LOST NEHEKEKHARA!!!
  16. I don’t know who these people are your swoleness, BUT POINT ME AT THEM AND I WILL UNLEASH THE HORDES OF THE ENDLESS DESERT UPON THEM!!!
  17. and now you brought up the glorious mister Josh Reynolds and his masterpieces.... Seriously his Fabius Bile stuff is what got me to like The Emperor's Children over in 40K.
  18. Cawdor fans probably bought at least two: one for their gang, the rest for conversions.
  19. they look like zombies, walk like zombies, but until they thriller dance I can't decide.
  20. Pretty sure that Amazon only sells the paperback copies.
  21. Looks more like a Land Raider than Baneblade mate, either way it's a big ass tank.
  22. All the more reason to bring back Tomb Kings.....
  23. If you like that I'm thinking of converting a custom war stomper mega-gargant by using the sphinx part of a necrosphinx and Morathi.
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