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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. I just looked through all of the slaanesh models that are plastic, none of them matched the one from eBay
  2. Real question is, can your wallet handle it? Also fiend of slaanesh auction got pulled down, so we know someone got caught.
  3. I wasn’t tempted with season one of underworlds, but dat nighhaunt warband though! It will help complete my army
  4. I see your point, I am personally fortunate to have found two sphinxes(war and necro), an ushabti, stalkers, and tomb guard, via ebay. But do not be disheartened that GW has stopped making models, it just means we get to exercise our conversion skills.
  5. If your looking for a necrosphinx, I have a pretty decent idea for a conversion. Dread abyssal body(morghast mount) and the torso of a morghast archai, for the synching blades you take the spears, separate them from the hands, glue them back together, and attach to morghast arms.
  6. Sadly no, I have been busy with school. Plus most of my army is with my mom in demver(next chance I’ll get to post images will be around Labour day). Though I do have some ideas on how to create some of the old units from the newer kits.
  7. interesting, but are they Order or Death? also what models do you plan to use for conversion fodder?
  8. I've only recently come into the hobby(3 years), when I heard about the tomb kings, I was all like "why did they get rid of these badasses?!". Now I know it was to stop people like you from creating such amazing conversions! You have inspired me to do my own blog about my own Tomb King army.
  9. my thanks for adding the furnace kings into your battle tome, I've been tinkering with some ideas for them and am going to post them later.
  10. These are looking nice! Maybe you can create some faction specific Endless Spells, like the new stormiest and night haunt ones?
  11. Wow, that creeping death ability is brutal in my opinion. No one is safe!
  12. Amazing! though I'm a bit sad your not using the Khornate Daemon Prince model, the troll model from The Hobbit is a perfect fit!
  13. I agree with the last part, but this begs a question, are the Exalted Volsungr on their way to this or are they more like Daemon Princes?
  14. the picture in my head of Surt'ar, can be labeled either badass, metal, or f@#$in awesome! Also how are the Nomads coming along? while im not a huge aelf fan, they sound pretty interesting.
  15. also are you going to use the Rogue Idol again or a different model?
  16. A daemon of destruction sounds like a horrifying foe to face( Seraphon are cold and logical, chaos a reflection of their gods will) as their would be nothing to stop it from going berserk. What Im saying is simply Go For It!
  17. Fascinating, I wish I could write as well as you. Could you look over a piece I did for the Dreadfleet faction I'm working on? I find it interesting that the Volsungr have more sway than the Exalted Prophet, one would think that the former would listen to the latter because he is blessed by the Suneater.
  18. thats pretty good, I like his beer/fyre powder barrel in the back. As for the bits box, it's always good to reuse bits in custom projects, I built myself a Bone Gian model for my(small) Tomb Kings army; The Furnace Kings project of mine also refuses a lot of my older(and sadly) broken models for spare parts.
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