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Everything posted by novakai

  1. no ,your right it wasn't there at the beginning, they fixed it and added to the store page later on.
  2. yeah I feel like they are purposely doing it at this point, I find it strange that an army with a SC box, and decent (maybe showing it age a bit) plastic range get neglected so much. like no faction focus, their SC box is not in the general Starting box tab , and now they don't have a webpage
  3. Also it looks like Greenskinz drew the short end of the stick again, since they didn't get merge or have a tab for themselves.
  4. This is speculation but I think GW's plans with the Aelves release is relating to them slowly building their old world pantheon back up but with their resurrected counterparts like Morathi trying to be the new Khaine, Mathlann being slowly remembered into reality by Deepkin, and Teclis, Tyrion, and Allarielle being the new Hoeth, Asuryan, and Isha. Also I think if they ever expand Sylvaneth, they may actually add Kurnoth (probably Orion new form) since they mention him a couple of time as existing in lore.
  5. Unrelated, but I believe GW did mention that they where planning to allow Idoneath deepkin to be able to take the Merwyrm monster from Forgeworld into their army before AoS 2 came out but that never came to fruition in the end.
  6. I probably would guess 16th of December over the 23rd but I agree that it seems odd to release the box so late around Christmas, I guess it got push back because of all the 40k stuff lately. if the Preorder ends up on the 23rd, it be really odd because of the holidays.
  7. From the Dakka forums, there an assumption that the Skirmish thing on WD maybe related to the guy who wrote the Hinderland skirmish rule that GW recently hired.
  8. I have a gut feeling GW are going to pull an Orktober and release it on the last week of December
  9. Slaangors would be cool but since BoC release and only has special consideration and rule for only Tzaangors I doubt they develop and design them given the timeline
  10. I guess that mean that preorder comes out either Dec 1st or Dec 8
  11. I think it referring to Karnak since it a red three headed hound
  12. the next one is Vigilus weekender at the end of November. after that it LVO in February, I believe.
  13. Well there always the chance of another StormCast chamber opening in 2019 JK, I hope they tone SC release down for at least one year. If Darkoath is not a totally new army and just a expansion of STD and Everchosen, it quite possible they release a brand new AoS army like they have done previous years (Deepkin and KO) and hopefully give it to another GA for once.
  14. they probably won't straight-out re-sculpt Chaos warrior. what probably going to happen is they do the Primaris marine route where they make an entirely new unit (Aspiring varanguard on foot ) that are larger chaos warriors with different warscrolls
  15. I feel like they can release AoS killteam straight out without having to jump through that hoop though, because your using existing Warscroll stats and most of the army (warband) rules would be in the starter book (example: you want to play Freeguild or dispossessed, the launch book will have their special rules to play them in Skirmish) . plus your using only a portion of an army infantry models which every range has for the most part except BCR .
  16. regardless I think 2019 is going to be 40k heavy, judging by the fact that there going to be a Campaign set in Vigilus, that the models from the Chaos side of Blackstone fortress may signify a CSM release, plus the fact both Genestealer Cult and Sister of battle are releasing next year. and doesn't count out the possibility of Primaris or Ynnari release. Still AoS probably will have at least 3-4 big releases like previous years probably Moonclan, Darkoath, Slaanesh, and maybe a totally brand new army (since every year so far their has been a new release army like KO and Deepkin) and AoS may get a few smaller release like new Seraphon/ Fyreslayer rework battletome and Shadespire season 3. Of course it probably not as much as people are hoping for
  17. that be cool, also give GW a reason to update the Ork boy models for 40k
  18. yeah they are here to stay for now, but five years from now is a different story. also Moonclan doesn't have start collecting box
  19. but you can tell by GW's treatment of them that they have no intension of doing anything with them not to mention that Greenskinz is the only army out of the SC army that didn't get any GHB addition at all
  20. Spiderfang where originally Forrest goblins (with some Native American aesthetics) though, they are more akin to Bonesplitterz version of Grot than cave dwelling Moonclan. honestly I thing Gitmobs and Greenskinz are just probably going to lavish forever until they subtle phase them out, like how people predict whats going to happen to Minimarines
  21. usually the bigger sign is when models actually disappear from the store page like when the ogors where reboxed
  22. From the rumor pic, It looks like they amputate their hands off (or leg) to put that blade gauntlet on.
  23. I think there a possibility that the Harp herald is a named character like Sloppity Bilepiper, so it might be two different heralds release per say and the one release later could be another named character like Spoilpox Scrivener. Also obviously N'kari would be the alternative build for new KoS model much like Rotigus and Kairos
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